Cannot get video to play in Ionic View iOS App - html5-video

I can't seem to get a vanilla video to play when viewing an ionic web app through Ionic View. The same code works correctly through a browser.
For example, the code below just shows empty space in Ionic View:
<source src="" type="video/mp4" />
I've tried adding the video to the ionic project and trying to source it locally, but the result is the same. Images, however, work fine.


Jitsi meet video call on Android stays on black screen

Implementing video calls using react-native-jitsi-meet on iOS works perfectly fine but on android when loading the screen to start the meeting, it stays on the black screen. I am using react-native 0.69.2 and react-native-jitsi-meet 2.3.1.
I did all installation as described in the documentation and also tried to use jitsi-meet-sdk to customize native code but still, I could get the black screen on android.
I also tried to downgrade the react-native version but it couldn't help.
I was expecting to join the video call but rendering the JitsiMeetView with its full functionality like turning on a video call, muting audio, seeing participants, inviting and so many more features that jitsi-meet-sdk provides as I could see it on iOS.

Force encoding method in expo camera

I am using react native and expo camera to build an app that can upload videos to my website. Everything works fine on Android but on newer iPhones it uploads a blank video that still has audio. I think this is because of the new iOS encoding method HEVC rather than the typical H264. Is there any way to force expo camera to encode in H264?

Images are not showing after installing the .apk of my app on notch android devices

I'm facing this particular problem on my react-native app. Images are not showing on signed apk but its showing on build apk for notch android devices. Everything is working fine on non-notch android devices.
I'm fetching images from REST api and showing them on ImageBackground tag.
I've already tried SafeAreaView tag in my code
You should add your images in drawable folder (Android)
Note : if you add images in js folder debug build images will show for release signed apk it will not work

React-native Webkit - getting WebKitErrorDomain Code 204 on video for iOS

We have a website that needs to be ported to mobile app. We have used react-native and the webkit view.
In the website, there is a play button that will open up a video. On Android, this works very well. However, it is not the same for iOS.
Please see error message
Error Loading Page
Domain: WebKitErrorDomain
Error Code: 204
Description: Plug-in handled load
Otherwise, the website looks good on iOS. On Android, the video opens and runs smoothly.
We have used this code in the app which is extremely simple.
source={{uri: ''}}
Any idea on how to fix this issue?

iOS7 Smart Banner Disappearing

We are having an issue where smart banners appear in Safari on iOS6, but when testing in Safari on iOS7 with non 5s devices the banner briefly appears (sort of a placeholder without content) and then disappears. We have tested other sites other than ours and it seams to be consistent behavior. all have smart banners visible with Safari iOS6, but that are disappearing when reached from Safari iOS7 from iPhone4, iPhone4s, iOS Simulator, iPhone5.
Is anyone else seeing this behavior?
I was having the same behaviour on iOS8.
It turns out that the ID I grabbed from the app store url was prefixed with "id". Once I removed that prefix it started working as expected.
In this example URL, the meta tag should be:
<meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1042361181">
I hope this helps!
I saw this same problem, but only for apps that have not been built with the iOS7 SDK. My older apps that have been compiled with the iOS <= 6 SDK will show an app banner on phones running iOS <= 6, but only apps compiled with iOS SDK == 7 will show on a phone running iOS 7.