How to fix halfly done installation process in Raspberry pi - raspberry-pi2

I tried to install Stellarium by following tutorial. When I run the code
bzr co lp:stellarium stellarium
my internet connection was disconnected after few hours and the procedure was failed. It is difficult to run that code again because it takes more than five hours and 4Gb data. How I fix this? Thank you.


Pestphp fails to run tests

I just installed the version 1.21 of pestphp/pest for a small php library.
Installations works until I try running ./vendor/bin/pest
I keep getting this error: Exclusive locks are not supported for this stream
Research on this error has proven unsuccessful as I could not find a similar case.
Please let me know if you've experienced this before and how you fixed it.
I have figured out the issue.
I was running the application from the htdocs of the vm version of xampp running on my laptop.
Taking the project out of here into another directory solved this issue.
Hope this saves someone else some time.

Expo run from WSL causes my internet to drop out

A react native expo app run within WSL, is the cause of a very annoying bug.
A few minutes after starting the Expo project, the internet on the windows laptop stops working.
I found this command fixes it:
Restart-Service LxssManager - when run from Powershell
However, this happens many times a day and means I have to restart the Expo project every time.
Related to:
Equally crazily, the fingerprint sensor on my laptop stops working and works again after that command is run.
I suspect the issue is somehow related to a very short (2-5 minute) timeout related to the react native app.
If anyone is able to point in any direction, I would love any help.
Maybe it's Expo or maybe I have some kind of local app code error. But I wouldn't know where to even start or test a bug like that.
Here is a basic run-through of what happens.
Start Expo app in WSL
Work, for an indefinite time
If PC activity pauses for longer than 3 min, the error happens. No internet, no fingerprint sensor.
Run the PowerShell command, restart the app. All is good again.
This is a known bug in WSL. Microsoft has solved this bug in build 18890.
It happens when a process in WSL creates and closes a large number of non-blocking TCP sockets, and after that some ephemeral TCP ports are leaked, eventually exhausting all ephemeral ports in both the host and the WSL.
You can try upgrading your system to version 2004 or 20H2 and see if this problem persists.

Nohup seems to be stuck

I have ran a command here at work that my coworkers told me to run:
They told me that this command was supposed to run in background, once it takes hours and hours to run ... but after running the command, the prompt stucked in this "Sending output to nohup.out" and it's like this for more than 1 hour.
Question: can I shutdown my computer? Sorry about my ignorance, I do not understand anything about it. By the way, this is a windows command prompt, connected to an AIX server using Telnet.
You are at a command prompt, the output of the previous command wrote on top of it. Yes, you can disconnect from the remote system and the command will continue (it will ignore the HUP signal sent on disconnect). Yes, you can shut down your Windows client.

Raspberry Pi Raspbian Mono Program Shutoff

I am currently running a VB application through mono on Raspbian. After a bit of troubleshooting the program boots and appears to be running quite well. However if left to itself for a few minutes the VB application just shuts off. This program runs excellently on the windows pc for any duration. Barring this being an issue with the VB code itself is there any major PI related issues that I may have missed in setting up mono? I set up mono the usual way and am launching via "sudo mono app.exe" in terminal.
Thank you for any insight you may provide into this!
UPDATE: mono just FINALLY threw out an errot to me System.OutOfMemoryException : Not enough memory to complete operation [GDI+ status: out of memory]
UPDATE2: Memory leak, its a code related issue.
Hi to anyone else that runs into this issue. For us it was a memory leak.

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout - UART connection issues

I have been experiencing problems setting up the Ultimate GPS Breakout on a Raspberry Pi, running Raspbian. I followed the tutorial found on the Adafruit web page, found here:
For the project I am working on it is required that UART needs to be implemented instead of a USB transmission. Through following the tutorial, I was unable to get the module to work yesterday as it keeps giving me a "NO FIX" status, even after an hour of waiting. It did not matter how many times I typed the following into the terminal, as per the suggestions on other tutorials or forums:
$ sudo killall gpsd
$ sudo gpsd /dev/ttyAMA0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock
$ cgps -s
After two hours, after much frustration, I decided to take a break. After the break, I returned to the Raspberry Pi where I restarted the device and ran the previously mentioned command lines, and miraculously it worked. After another hour of so of playing around with the data via Python 2.7, the GPS dropped connection and has not returned.
Killing the command using Ctrl-C yields the following message:
cgps: caught signal_2
I have no clue what's wrong with it after countless attempts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.