How to implement custom GIF activityIndicator in Appcelerator Titanium? - titanium

I want to implement custom activity indicator in iOS app. I'm using Appcelerator Titanium in MVC framework.

you can implementer custom activity indicateur on use ImageView.images
You need to generate all images of your GIF in png / jpg and set it to
ImageView.images = ["/images/img1.png", "/images/img2.png" ....."/images/imgN.png"]
you can set the interval of image transition and start / stop the animation


Using custom gif as a loading icon within <ActivityIndicator> using react-native

I am currently attempting to code an app in react native for an android device. I have created a custom loading component and am using the to show a loading icon.
But, I want to use a custom gif loading icon that contains my app's colours. I have looked but I cannot seem to find anything, is it possible to do this?
react native does not support gif feature in its raw form. However, in order to reach what you want and use gifs in the application, you can take a look at the accepted answer on the subject;
How do I display an animated gif in React Native?
Then all you need to do is to use Image component instead of ActivityIndicator. And passing the relevant gif information to the image component.

Is it possible to draw grid lines using AVFoundation Framework in Objective c

I am creating the app like VSCO Cam, so I imported AVFoundation framework to my project and used AVCaptureSession to create the custom camera.I also need to create the custom filters as same as VSCO Cam.
Now I want to add the gridlines on the camera by clicking a button.I searched for more tutorials, but I couldn't sort it out.I tried drawing grid lines using AVCaptureManager by seeing this link how to draw grid lines when camera is open avcapturemanager, But I cannot overlay the view with camera view.I'm a new bee to development.
Thanks in advance.
Yes.Create a tranparent UIView and place it on top of the camera preview. Then you can draw what ever you like in that view or you can append the image.

Convert Photoshop Actions into iOS App Image Filters?

We are working in a iOS camera application and we have a question about Converting photoshop actions filters to iOS image filters .
Example : taking a photoshop action file and turn it into image filters in the iPhone app , is there any way to do it ?
any question or help will be appreciated !
There is no relation between Photoshop action filters and iOS image filters. The only way you can do it is to implement most of photoshop image processing code by yourself using iOS API.

Simple way to create animations on iOS?

I need to create about 100 animations for an iOS app (UIKit). Is there a simple way to do so without hand-code Core Animation or using video files ( -> that way the app would be huuuge!)
I thought about some utility/tool for creating such scripts & then exporting them to ObjC-code..
Something like adobe flex
Any ideas?
You can use a UIImageView and set the animationImages and animationDuration. Then call the method startAnimating.

draw overlay on a map

How to draw an overlay on the mapview?
See a discussion on MacRumors.
Brief version: use iphone-google-maps-component as a way around not being able to overlay on the mapview.
Basically iphone-google-maps-component is:
A component that you can add to your iPhone application to access all basic features of Google Maps (similar to Android's MapView). It uses a UIWebView in the background to load the HTML/Javascript version of Google Maps, and offers a set of Objective-C methods that mimic a subset of the original Javascript methods for controlling the map. It currently supports setting the center location and zooming & panning using the touch interface. You can see it in action