How can I change a field value when SharePoint workflow is cancelled? - sharepoint-2010

I am using SharePoint 2010 workflow template to create approval workflow for my organization. One thing I am stuck at is how to update a field when the users cancel the workflow. It does not seems like there is any workflow parameter that capture the workflow status when it is cancelled by user.

Have a look at the Workflow History List:


How can I load contacts and filter it out in Elsa SendEmail Activity by extended with my custom activity

I wanna build a Marketing Tool so the first module is to build up the Bulk Email through Elsa on all my database table contacts.
so Is anyone here who has built that type of workflow with bulk email on all contacts we can also filter contacts and stop the workflow after running.
So I want to upload the contacts here and run the workflow, Also I didn't find a way to run the workflow from Dashboard.
This is a custom activity I have created and extended Elsa SendEmail
I have used "ActivityInput" as JavaScript, Liquid, Json but how can I upload the Contacts CSV file or load from Database all contacts and apply some filter on it.
There is one more question, how can I invoke Workflow via the dashboard?

YouTrack notification about new issue

I want Youtrack to send email notification to all users in certain project when new issue with Critical priority is created. Is it possible?
Notifications in YouTrack are based on subscriptions, which consist of a saved search query and events that trigger the notification. So you need to create a saved search like Project: projectname Priority: Critical and subscribe needed users to this saved search (select the Issue created event).
Please also note that subscriptions are set up on a per-user basis, so it would be necessary to add subscriptions for each user separately (Users > username > Notifications > New subscription).

How to ask user to add one field and then approve in workflow automation

I am creating a workflow using Microsoft workflow automation. One requirement is to send an email for approval where the approver needs to add one field in the email and then should hit the approve button. We then need to capture that field. I don't know how to achieve this.

sharepoint registration change notification

I have a class registration set up in SharePoint 2013. Users are emailed when they register for a class. I want to create email notifications when the Start Date, Start Time or Location [fields] of the Session changes. I only want to email the users that have registered for said Session (between 1 and 400 people).
I should be able to handle this with an Alert or an Event, but can't figure it out. My SharePoint team is telling me that this is too difficult because "the columns are in Sessions [list] and not in Registrations [list view].
I've found a lot of information on general SharePoint alerts, but I can't find anything on sending notifications to a select group of users, based on another field.
You could create event receiver for the list and send email by SPUtility.SendEmail with dynamic users.
You could check sample code from here.
Create event receiver in SharePoint 2013.

How to create an Approval Workflow associated to a List in SharePoint 2010?

I was recently tasked with taking over the SharePoint administration for my company, but I have very limited SharePoint experience. I'm using SharePoint 2010.
I have a List with a few built-in columns (like Status, Assigned To, etc) and I'd like to perform a few actions when a new List item is created: change the Status and Assigned To columns of the List item, send out an email, and then create a task for the user's manager to approve it. However, in SharePoint Designer, I cannot figure out how to create a Reusable Approval Workflow and associate it to a List, or a List Workflow and add an Approval Task to it.
If I create a Reusable Approval Workflow, when I try to use the "Set Field in Current Item" Action, I don't have any of the List Columns available (to set the Status, Assigned To, etc).
And when I create a List Workflow, I can access the columns for the list (Status, Assigned To, etc) but I can't figure out how to make the new List item go through the Approval process.
So my question is: how do I Associate a Workflow to a List, change some of the List column properties, and create an Approval Task for the Manager when a new item is created?
Am I missing something here or am I not approaching this correctly?
The easy way is just opening your site with designer and configure the approval workflow from there. You can select the list and make all the changes. I would give you a step by step guide, but some did this awesome article, so check it out
I discovered the answer to this question on my own. It's due to the way SharePoint handles Tasks during a workflow. I was using the "Assign a Task" or "Assign a To-Do" when I needed to use COLLECT DATA FROM USER. This will return the Id of the task, which can be used later to retrieve the user's Approval or Rejection.
Did you end up creating a custom workflow to do all tasks yourself?
I have also tried a List WorkFlow and a Reusable Workflow and started by copying the "Approval - SharePoint 2010" workflow as a model in both cases. The caveat then is the users are tied to completing both the task and workflow items that are created.
An approver wants to receive the email to Approve or Reject a request on a Calendar from the Approve/Reject View in SharePoint and let that be it. They do not want to track tasks on Approval.
A requestor only wants to receive an email that their request was Approved or Rejected and enter another for a different time if the initial request was rejected.