Use EXISTS in SQL for multiple select - sql

I have a table STATUSES which contain columns NAME and ACTIVE_FLAG.The column value of NAME may have new, pending, cancel. I want to generate a new output for the count of each NAME with ACTIVE_FLAG=Y
By thinking to use EXISTS to select records for single NAME,
WHERE EXISTS (select NAME from STATUSES where NAME='Pending' and ACTIVE_FLAG = 'Y')
Anyway if I can join other statuses count in a single SQL?

Seems like count and group by
, count(*)
FROM statuses
WHERE active_flag = 'Y'

You can use something like this as i don't see any need to use EXISTS :
SELECT sum(case when name='Pending' then 1 else 0 end) AS PENDING,
sum(case when name='new' then 1 else 0 end) AS NEW,
sum(case when name='cancel' then 1 else 0 end) AS CANCEL


Is there a way to collect the data and inspect in one pass using groupby function

Sample Data of table_1
Have this Query that returns
SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b')
ELSE 0 END) AS num_activity_a_or_b
from table_1
group by customer
Want to extend this to return one more column if for a given code say X1 if the Activity is "a" and "c" then return num_of_a_and_c_activity.
A bit stuck how to collect and inpect the code and activities in one pass.
can we combine windowing function to achieve this.
Please advise and help
based on the updated results, maybe the below query is what you need
So what i assume is that you need both a and c as well x1 .
So I count distinct activities which are a and c and then do integer division by 2. if only a is present then count distinct =1 but 1/2 =0 in integer division.
It is only 1 when both a and c are present.
SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b')
END) AS num_activity_a_or_b,
COUNT(DISTINCT CASE WHEN code IN ('x1') AND activity IN ( 'a','c')
THEN activity
END)/2 AS num_activity_a_and_c
from table_1
group by customer
Maybe your query can be
SUM(CASE WHEN activity IN ( 'a','b')
END) AS num_activity_a_or_b,
SUM(CASE WHEN code IN ('x1') AND activity IN ( 'a','c')
END) AS num_activity_a_or_c
from table_1
group by customer

How do I check if a certain value exists?

I have a historization table called CUR_VALID. This table looks something like this:
1 N
1 N
1 Y
2 N
2 Y
3 Y
For every ID there needs to be one Y. If there is no Y or multiple Y there is something wrong. The statment for checking if there are multiple Y I already got. Now I only need to check for every ID if there is one Y existing. Im just not sure how to do that. This is what I have so far. So how do I check if the Value 'Y' exists?
SELECT Count(1) [Number of N]
FROM db.dbo.table
Having MAX(CUR_VALID = 'N') > 1
Why are you fiddling with 'N' when you are interested in 'Y'?
Use conditional aggregation to get the count of the value your are interested in.
COUNT(*) AS number_of_all,
COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'Y' THEN 1 END) AS number_of_y,
COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'N' THEN 1 END) AS number_of_n,
FROM db.dbo.table
GROUP BY bill_id, bill_month, bill_src_id;
Add a HAVING clause in order to get only valid
HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'Y' THEN 1 END) = 1
or invalid
HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN cur_valid = 'Y' THEN 1 END) <> 1
The following query will give you the list of id for which your integrity condition is not met: For every ID there needs to be one Y. If there is no Y or multiple Y there is something wrong.
select from table T1 where (select count(*) from table T2 where and T2.CUR_VALID='Y')!=1
This query returns both not having at least one 'Y' value and more than one 'Y' value ID's.
First, sum up the Y values and relate to each id, then select not 1 ones from that table.
select * from (
select ID, SUM(case when CUR_VALID = 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) as CNT
from table
group by ID
) b where b.CNT <> 1
As I understand, you want to get all the id for which your integrity check passes. And integrity check for you means, there is only one row with CUR_VALID value equal to Y in the CUR_VALID table.
This can be achieved by a group by clause:
select id from CUR_VALID
group by id
having count(CUR_VALID.CUR_VALID) = 1;

sql case statement IN with group by

I have a 2 column table with the columns : "user_name" and "characteristic". Each user_name may appear multiple times with a different characteristic.
The values in characteristic are:
I want to write a sql statement that goes like this - but obviously this isn't working:
SELECT user_name,
when characteristic in ("online","instore") then 1
else 0
END as purchase_yn,
when characteristic in ("online","instore") and
characteristic in ("email",'account') then 1
else 0
END as purchaser_with_account
FROM my_table
GROUP BY user_name;
Essentially the first is a flag where I check for the presence of either value for that user_name.
The Second field is that they meet this criteria AND that they meet the criteria for having either 'email' or 'account'
An example the structure of your data would help better understand what you are trying to accomplish. But I think I get what you are trying to do.
You have to use an aggregate function in order to use a group by.
Something like SUM or AVG.
But you need first to build a pivot of your data and then you could use that pivot to check for your criterias:
This would create a table pivot that shows for each record what criterias are met:
case when characteristic = "online" then 1 else 0 end as online_yn,
case when characteristic = "instore" then 1 else 0 end as instore_yn,
case when characteristic = "account" then 1 else 0 end as account_yn,
case when characteristic = "email" then 1 else 0 end as email_yn,
FROM my_table
Now what you might wanted to do is to create an averaged version of these entries grouped by user_name and use those averages to create the fields you wanted. For that you need to use the same statement created earlier as an inline table :
case when avg(online_yn + instore_yn) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end as purchase_yn,
case when avg(online_yn + instore_yn) >= 1 and avg(email_yn + account_yn) >= 1 then 1 else 0 end as purchaser_with_account
case when characteristic = "online" then 1 else 0 end as online_yn,
case when characteristic = "instore" then 1 else 0 end as instore_yn,
case when characteristic = "account" then 1 else 0 end as account_yn,
case when characteristic = "email" then 1 else 0 end as email_yn,
FROM my_table) avg_table
group by
This should help.
It may not be efficient in terms of performance but you'll get what you want.
You just have to enclose the CASE expressions in COUNT aggregates:
SELECT user_name,
COUNT(case when characteristic in ("online","instore") then 1 END) as purchase_yn,
COUNT(case when characteristic in ("email",'account') then 1 END) as user_with_account
FROM my_table
GROUP BY user_name
If purchase_yn > 0 then you first flag is set. If purchase_yn > 0 and user_with_account > 0 then you second flag is set as well.
Note: You have to remove ELSE 0 from the CASE expressions because COUNT takes into account all not null values.
You haven't mentioned a specific RDBMS, but if SUM(DISTINCT ...) is available the following is quite nice:
WHEN characteristic in ('online','instore') THEN 1
END) AS purchase_yn,
WHEN characteristic in ('online','instore') THEN 1
WHEN characteristic in ('email','account') THEN 2
) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as purchaser_with_account
If I correctly understand, if user have 'online' or 'instore', then for this user you want 1 as purchase_yn column, and if user also have 'email' or 'account', then 1 as purchaser_with_account column.
If this is correct, then one way is:
with your_table(user_name, characteristic) as(
select 1, 'online' union all
select 1, 'instore' union all
select 1, 'account' union all
select 1, 'email' union all
select 2, 'account' union all
select 2, 'email' union all
select 3, 'online'
-- below is actual query:
select your_table.user_name, coalesce(max(t1.purchase_yn), 0) as purchase_yn, coalesce(max(t2.purchaser_with_account), 0) as purchaser_with_account
from your_table
left join (SELECT user_name, 1 as purchase_yn from your_table where characteristic in('online','instore') ) t1
on your_table.user_name = t1.user_name
left join (SELECT user_name, 1 as purchaser_with_account from your_table where characteristic in('email', 'account') ) t2
on t1.user_name = t2.user_name
group by your_table.user_name

SQL Multiple Rows to Single Row Multiple Columns

I am including a SQLFiddle to show as an example of where I am currently at. In the example image you can see that simply grouping you get up to two lines per user depending on their status and how many of those statuses they have.!3/9aa649/2
The way I want it to come out is to look like the image below. Having a single line per user with two totaling columns one for Fail Total and one for Pass Total. I have been able to come close but since BOB only has Fails and not Passes this query leaves BOB out of the results. which I want to show BOB as well with his 6 Fail and 0 Pass
select a.PersonID,a.Name,a.Totals as FailTotal,b.Totals as PassTotals from (
select PersonID,Name,Status, COUNT(*) as Totals from UserReport
where Status = 'Fail'
group by PersonID,Name,Status) a
select PersonID,Name,Status, COUNT(*) as Totals from UserReport
where Status = 'Pass'
group by PersonID,Name,Status) b
on a.PersonID=b.PersonID
The below picture is what I want it to look like. Here is another SQL Fiddle that shows the above query in action!3/9aa649/13
Use conditional aggregation if the number of values for status column is fixed.
select PersonID,Name,
sum(case when "status" = 'Fail' then 1 else 0 end) as failedtotal,
sum(case when "status" = 'Pass' then 1 else 0 end) as passedtotals
from UserReport
group by PersonID,Name
Use conditional aggregation:
select PersonID, Name,
sum(case when Status = 'Fail' then 1 else 0 end) as FailedTotal,
sum(case when Status = 'Pass' then 1 else 0 end) as PassedTotal
from UserReport
group by PersonID, Name;
With conditional aggregation:
select PersonID,
sum(case when Status = 'Fail' then 1 end) as Failed,
sum(case when Status = 'Passed' then 1 end) as Passed
from UserReport
group by PersonID, Name

calculating completed task ratio

I've a table with NAMES and STATUS with C(completed) and N(not completed) status. I want check how many tasks are not completed for each name. I tried the following code and it is returning all '0' values:
select name, (select count(status) from alteon where status= 'n') / (select count(status) from alteon) from alteon group by name;
I'm expecting the result as not completed / total assigned where total assigned = complete+not completed.
as mentioned earlier, I'm getting value as '0' beside each employee name.
I think the following query does what you want:
select name,
sum(case when status = 'n' then 1 else 0 end) as n_status,
avg(case when status = 'n' then 1.0 else 0 end) as n_status_ratio
from alteon;
Here is the query which gives the result as you explained above.
select count(status)as Total_assigned,
sum(IF(status='n', 1, 0)) as Not_completed,name
from alteon group by name ;
Here is the sqlfiddle
You don't have to use multiple select statements. Use CASE to count the incomplete tasks.
select name, count(case when status = 'n' then 1 else null end)/count(status)
from alteon
group by name;