Journal of Latex class files [closed] - journal

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Closed 2 years ago.
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what is journal of latex class files? is it a journal or something else? I have found that it is a document preparation format but i am looking for a journal. Even i have found few papers those claiming that they are published in journal of latex in class files (Link of research article: ) can anybody help me.

This "journal" is just what it says on every page when you use the standard IEEE LaTeX template for writing a paper. Authors should change that - some don't notice. Like Mark said in the comments, see this link for how to change it if you're an author.


Why photoshop SDK sample code don‘t work in my Mac-OS10.7? [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 8 years ago.
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I used the photoshop SDK CS5. And complied the sample code hidden in the filter folder with my x-code. And I get the target file 'Hidden.plugin' . But it seems no use, when I puts it to the photoshop plug-ins plugin folder.The version of my photoshop is also CS5. Anyone can tell me why?
Problem solved with the help of others in other website.

How does Stack Overflow formatting works? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just wanted to know that how does this formatting works.I mean I need to enclose my code with ctrl+k.How this works programmatically in Java?
This answer by some guy called "Jeff Atwood" (who seems to know what he's talking about) suggests that you should take a look here:
From that site:
PageDown is the version of Attacklab's Showdown and WMD as used on Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites.
It includes a converter that turns Markdown into HTML, a Markdown editor with realtime preview of the generated HTML, and a few useful plugins, e.g. for sanitizing the generated HTML according to a whitelist of allowed tags.
The Markdown converter can be used both in the browser (usually in conjunction with the editor, to display a real time preview), and on the server using Node.JS.

Apache 'In Action' books [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the book 'Mahout in Action', and I notice there are also books like 'Hadoop in Action' and 'Lucene in Action'.
Are these considered to be the official text books for these projects, written by developers from the projects? Just wondering if they're 'official' or endorsed by apache or whatever just so I know what I'm referencing.
Lucene in Action seems authoritative to me (if not official) -- I have not heard of anything better. Otis Gospodnetic and Mike McCandless (2 of the authors) are heavy-hitters in the Lucene world.

What happened to Journal of Object Oriented Programming? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This journal appears to have went out of print over decade ago. When did it go out of print (I have looked online and do not access to an academic library)? Was it superseded by another journal of similar lineage?
Wikipedia ( claims that it was replaced by the Journal of Object Technology. I do not see the articles from JOOP online, though, other than as lists of tables of contents.

convert PDF to HTM [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to convert my PDF files into HTML(not looking for any software though). I dont have any idea. How to read the PDF then taking care of font size, styling, line spacing, character spacing, How to generate HTML?
and then How I can take care of images also ?
I wrote an article on this issue at ( and the blog also contains lots of general articles on PDF.