Why photoshop SDK sample code don‘t work in my Mac-OS10.7? [closed] - photoshop

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I used the photoshop SDK CS5. And complied the sample code hidden in the filter folder with my x-code. And I get the target file 'Hidden.plugin' . But it seems no use, when I puts it to the photoshop plug-ins plugin folder.The version of my photoshop is also CS5. Anyone can tell me why?

Problem solved with the help of others in other website.


How to write logs to the log text file using wix [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have to write logs for windows installer set up which is built using WIX.
Can we write log for each component and feature..?
I am struggling to find out a way to do this any one help me please.
Have a look at MsiLogging and MsiLogFileLocation. You can set these properties in your MSI to force logging. Setting a logging mode like MsiLogging=icewarmupvo will include the most information in your setup logs. Alternatively, if you have a chainer (eg burn, setup.exe) you can control the logging from there using MsiEnableLog.

In ios7 for xamarin application is not taking retina images [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See SSCCE.org for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am developing one xamarin app and using ios7.I am having one image with LikeIconSmall.png and LikeIconSmall#2x.png.but it is not taking retina image,it is always taking nonretina images on retina phone also.Please suggest any solution.This issue is for all images in application.
I would make sure the build action for your images is set to content and you are using UIImage.FromBundle(path) to load you image

How to Access Qt Calender widget in qml [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was trying to create a scheduler for a desktop application using qml. I couldn't find any built in calendars for qml.So is there any method to access qt calendar widget in qml?
Qt5.3 alpha has just been released and in the changelog you can see that a new Calendar component has been added to QtQuick.Controls.
Qt Quick Controls:
The Calendar control was added. Calendar allows selection of dates from a grid of days, similar to QCalendarWidget.
This version is not production-ready yet but it should contain what you are looking for.

Reading an image VB.net [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is it possible to read a text on an image?
Why yes and why not?
My client wants me to make this but I think it's impossible, if not impossible then it'll be very hard to make.. I was trying to explain it to him but it seems like he really wants to push it.
EDIT: I don't understand why you downvoted this I was just asking a yes or no question here. :)) but well it's ok I want to hear what do you guys think if this is possible in vb.net
Use something like PDFSharp to get the images, then perform OCR on them with for ex. Tersseract.
Problem is where should that text be used? In the PDF? If yes it might be possible to include a textfield above the image with the text in the PDF, using PDFSharp too.

How to Build New simple model in OpenERP7 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to OpenERP I want to start develop new model
But I am using OpenERP 7 the the documentation for it is less I find more examples for OpenERP 6
If anyone can help please , if the is like for this topic?
Following links will help you:
OpenERP-7 Documentation
How to Develop New Module