Mediawiki error empty response - apache

I install Mediawiki in my server following Tutorial, but sometimes ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE apper as error, without any apache error log message.
My Mediawiki version is 1.29.1

The Zend heap corrupted error can be solved in a few ways... in your case the most likely fix is to increase the value of output_buffering in your php.ini file.
Most other causes of this are at "the developer level", which if you are using Mediawiki is unlikely to be the problem.


Phusion Passenger internal server error

I'm using Apache + Passenger on my Linode server, with a Postgresql-9.4 database. Every so often, I get the following error, but it is unpredictable and rights itself a few minutes later with no actions taken, so it is extremely hard to debug:
Internal server error
Phusion Passenger has listed more information about the error below.
An error occurred while starting the web application. It sent an unknown response type "".
Has anyone else run into an error like this, or know what it could imply?
Firstly go through this question, as it might solve your problem:
Passenger: internal server error
There are possible causes of problems listed here:

Is it possible to redirect error messages to browser window in Resin 4?

In case of compilation error Resin shows a simple page with the only message:
Server Error
The server is temporarily unavailable due to an internal error. Please
notify the system administrator of this problem.
And all significant information I should seek in the log file.
Is it possible to redirect somehow all error diagnostics to the browser window?
Try setting <development-mode-error-page/> tag to true. In later versions of Resin the value is externalized into

MapServer as a CGI in IIS alongside QGIS (WinServer 2008)

Has anyone got some experience with MapServer as a CGI running on IIS7 (WinServer2008)?
I get the CGI running fine with a MSSQL2008 plugin. This however doesn't allow me to use a BBOX filter. I install QGIS in order to get the OGR tools and can no long access my PROJ_LIB thereafter.
I get thereafter the following error response from any WFS requests to the MapServer CGI module:
This page contains the following errors:
error on line 1 at column 1: Document is empty
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Removing my PROJ_LIB CONFIG reference causes following error excpetion:
msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. Permission denied
I got around this problem for now by using the default Apache setup for MS4W. However this requires me to a use a proxy in order to use the WFS in an IIS hosted OpenLayers site.
I hope someone else has a few ideas in this regard.

Error writing content through Apache

I am streaming out data (sometimes png, sometimes json, sometimes xml) and I get the following error in Chrome:
Error 321 (net::ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING): Unknown error.
I do not get this error when apache is not in front of my Tomcat web application (servlet), only when I deploy it to our test environment which has apache running.
I've looked everywhere for an answer to this question, I'm going to put the answer here:
The header entry:
Transfer-Encoding:chunked, chunked
was causing this error when the response was returned through Apache. Without Apache in front everything worked fine.
Should be:

Apache Internal Server Error without log entry

Are there cases where the Apache2 HTTP Server responds with an internal server error (Response code 500), yet does NOT write an entry into the server's error log file?
I experience such a case and have no idea what's going on. I already checked that the server generally logs errors by requesting a badly formed php script.
Mismatching versions of php and php-mssql caused this.