write clipboard:// not working with red? - rebol

It works with Rebol but not with Red ? Is there a way to make it work ? I tried source clipboard under Rebol to get source code but doesn't work.

>> help clip
read-clipboard routine! []
write-clipboard routine! [data [string!]]
(As long as full I/O is not implemented) use write-clipboard


How to do an incremental read of binary files

TL;DR: can I do an incremental read of binary files with Red or Rebol?
I would like to use Red to process some large (13MB to 2GB) structured binary files (Kurzweil synthesizer files). I've used other languages (C, Go, Tcl, Ruby, Dart) to walk through these files, and now I'd like to do the same with Red or Rebol.
Is there a way to incrementally read binary files, byte by byte? All I see is read/binary which seems to slurp the entire file at once (or a part of a file).
I'll need to jump around a little bit, too (either peek at the next byte, or skip to the end of a section, or skip past variable length strings to the start of data).
(Yes, I could make some helpers that tracked the position and used read/part/seek.)
I would like to make a call to the low level OS read/seek if that is possible - something new to learn.
This is on macos, but a portable solution would be great.
PS: "open/read %abc" gives an error "*** Script Error: open does not allow file! for its port argument", even though the help message say the port argument is "port [port! file! url! block!]"
Rebol has ports for that, which are planned for 0.7.0 release in Red. So, current I/O is very basic and buffer-only, and open is a preliminary stub.
I would like to make a call to the low level OS read/seek if that is possible - something new to learn.
You can leverage Rebol or Red/System FFI as a learning excercise.
Here is how you would do it in Rebol:
>> file: open/direct/binary %file.dat
>> until [none? probe copy/part file 20]
>> close file
first file or pick file 1 will return the next byte value (integer!)
This even works with text files: open/lines/direct, in that case copy/part file 20 will return 20 lines, or you can use pick file 1 or first file to get the next line.
Soon this will be available on Red too.

Red has no open function like Rebol?

I want to read 10 lines from the end of a big text file without loading the whole file in memory.
I wanted to try to use Open as explained here for Rebol In Rebol, what is the idiomatic way to read a text file line by line?
But Red doesn't have open function ?
You can try a read/lines/seek/part %yourfile offset blocksize
But I have no clue. You have to test and adapt your offset and blocksize.
Red doesn't have open function yet. Full IO support is planned for 0.7.0. So you have to either wait or use OS calls directly.

doxygen latex make fails for input encoding error

I have a git repo project in eclipse which I have been documenting using doxygen (v1.8.4).
If I run the latex make ion a fresh clone of the project it runs fine and the PDF is made.
However, if I then run a doxy build, which completes OK, then attempt to run the latex make, it fails for
! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined
(inputenc) in inputencoding `utf8'.
See the inputenc package documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
I have tried switching the encoding of the doxyfile by setting DOXYFILE_ENCODING to ISO-8859-1 with no change in the result... How can I fix this?? Thanks.
EDIT: I have used no non-UTF-8 chars as far as I know in my files, the file referenced before the error is very short and definitely doesn't have non-UTF-8 chars in it. I've even tried clearing my latex output dir and building from scratch with no luck...
EDIT: Irealised that the doxy build only appears to run correctly. It doesnt show any errors, but it should, for example run DOT and build about 10 graphs. The console output says Running dot, but it doesn't say generating graph (n/x) like it should when it actually makes the graphs...
Short answer: So by a slow process of elimination I found that this was caused by a single apostrophe in a file that had appeared to be already built and made without error!!
Long answer: Firstly I used used the project properties to flip the encoding from the default Cp1252 to UTF-8. Then I started removing files one-by-one until rebuilding and remaking after each removal, until the make ran successfully. I re-added all files, but deleted the content in the most recently removed file and tested the make - to confirm it was this file and only this file that caused the issue. the make ran fine. So I pasted the content back into the empty file, and started deleting smaller and smaller sections of the file, again rebuilding and remaking each time until I was left with a good make without the apostrophe and a bad one with it... I simply retyped the apostrophe (as this would then force it to be a UTF-8 char) and success!! Such an annoying bug!
Dude you made it a hard way. Why not use python to do the work for you:
f = open(fn,"rb")
data = f.read()
for i in range(len(data)):
ch = data[i]
if(ch > 0x7F): # non ASCII character
print("char: %c, idx: %d, file: %s"%(ch,i,fn))
str2 = str(data[i-30:i+30])#.decode("utf-8")
print("txt: %s" % (str2))

Trying to read in a .gda file to IDL

I am trying to read in a .gda file into IDL for plotting purposes. I am not familiar with the format and my research indicates it is an unformatted binary data file type. Anyways, here is what I am doing:
pro omidi_contour
openr, 1, 'data.gda'
a = fltarr(128,128,128)
readu, 1, a
close, 1
However when I look at the variable definition at the left panel of IDL, it indicates that a is 'undefined'. When I try to print:
print, a[0,0,0]
I get:
Variable is undefined: A
How can I solve this?
I found out that there was nothing wrong with my program. It was reading the right values from the file. However, the IDL "forgot" the value of the variables once the program was done. Solution: DO not run this as a program i.e. remove the following lines:
pro omidi_contour
This makes the code to run as if each line were typed into the IDL prompt and IDL does remember the values this time round.

highlight lines of code

Does rst2pdf supports line highlighting in source code? Like this:
.. code-block:: c
:include: example.c
:emphasize-lines: 12,15-18
There is default style named pygments-hll that should be used but don't know how.
Currently, no, there isn't one. It doesn't seem trivial to do using reporlab, perhaps setting a fixed background for those lines could work.