What is the safest way to handle different versions of a DataFrame in pandas? - pandas

I'm learning some pandas/ML type stuff. Right now I'm doing a Kaggle tutorial, and the example data we've been given has a bunch of features. I suspect that some of these features are adding noise to the model rather than helping. So, I want to apply several models to the data with all features (as in the tutorial) and record their scores as a baseline. Then, I want to remove one feature at a time, and use the same models on the data without that one feature, and compare the scores.
What's the best way to do this? Naively, I'd just make a different copy of the dataset for each removed feature, but copy() is a little confusing in pandas (in version 0.20, it says that it makes a deep copy by default, which should be exactly what I want, right? A copy with no connection/reference to the original?). I tried it and it didn't seem to actually be making the copy.
Is there a better way? Thank you.

Using for loop.
variables = locals()
for i in feature:
variables["dfremoved{0}".format(i)] = df.drop(i,axis=1)
''' Do your fit and predict here within the for loop'''


Using PCA on Part of Dataframe

I want to use a clustering algorithm to a dataframe that contains a lot of features (32 columns).
A part of the features are encoded using one hot encoder.
I want to use PCA ( Principal Component analysis ) to reduce the dimension and make the machine learning process easier.
Is it possible to use the PCA just for some columns of the data frame and keep the other columns as they are then use machine learning model.
Or it is obligatory to use PCA for all the dataframe before clustering.
I guess there should be no issue with doing what you describe.
What this does, effectively, is merge some of the objects' features into fewer ones, but then using other, non-merged ones in addition to the merged ones. I don't know what effect that would have on the outcome; it might be good to run a correlation to see whether the unmerged features add anything to the PCA-merged ones. You might find that they basically duplicate what is there already.
Since clustering is an exploratory method, you can basically do whatever you want. It is of course advisable to have a reason for doing so, as it otherwise ends up as simply trial-and-error, and if you find a result, you won't be able to describe why you got there. It is possible (or even likely for some data sets) that there are multiple ways to cluster them, so you should make decisions based on what you know about the data already, so they can be justified in those terms.
Running random trial-and-error clustering until you find a structure makes it a bit difficult to come up with a good explanation why that structure is valid.

Implement data generator in federated training

(I have posted the question on https://github.com/tensorflow/federated/issues/793 and maybe also here!)
I have customized my own data and model to federated interfaces and the training converged. But I am confused about an issue that in an images classification task, the whole dataset is extreme large and it can't be stored in a single federated_train_data nor be imported to memory for one time. So I need to load the dataset from the hard disk in batches to memory real-timely and use Keras model.fit_generator instead of model.fit during training, the approach people use to deal with large data.
I suppose in iterative_process shown in image classification tutorial, the model is fitted on a fixed set of data. Is there any way to adjust the code to let it fit to a data generator?I have looked into the source codes but still quite confused. Would be incredibly grateful for any hints.
Generally, TFF considers the feeding of data to be part of the "Python driver loop", which is a helpful distinction to make when writing TFF code.
In fact, when writing TFF, there are generally three levels at which one may be writing:
TensorFlow defining local processing (IE, processing that will happen on the clients, or on the server, or in the aggregators, or at any other placement one may want, but only a single placement.
Native TFF defining the way data is communicated across placements. For example, writing tff.federated_sum inside of a tff.federated_computation decorator; writing this line declares "this data is moved from clients to server, and aggregated via the sum operator".
Python "driving" the TFF loop, e.g. running a single round. It is the job of this final level to do what a "real" federated learning runtime would do; one example here would be selecting the clients for a given round.
If this breakdown is kept in mind, using a generator or some other lazy-evaluation-style construct to feed data in to a federated computation becomes relatively simple; it is just done at the Python level.
One way this could be done is via the create_tf_dataset_for_client method on the ClientData object; as you loop over rounds, your Python code can select from the list of client_ids, then you can instantiate a new list of tf.data.Datasetsand pass them in as your new set of client data. An example of this relatively simple usage would be here, and a more advanced usage (involving defining a custom client_datasets_fn which takes client_id as a parameter, and passing it to a separately-defined training loop would be here, in the code associated to this paper.
One final note: instantiating a tf.data.Dataset does not actually load the dataset into memory; the dataset is only loaded in when it is iterated over. One helpful tip I have received from the lead author of tf.data.Dataset is to think of tf.data.Dataset more as a "dataset recipe" than a literal instantiation of the dataset itself. It has been suggested that perhaps a better name would have been DataSource for this construct; hopefully that may help the mental model on what is actually happening. Similarly, using the tff.simulation.ClientData object generally shouldn't really load anything into memory until it is iterated over in training on the clients; this should make some nuances around managing dataset memory simpler.

Neural Network: Convert HTML Table into JSON data

I'm kinda new to Neural Networks and just started to learn coding them by trying some examples.
Two weeks ago I was searching for an interesting challenge and I found one. But I'm about to give up because it seems to be too hard for me... But I was curious to know if anyone of you is able to solve this?
The Problem: Assume there are ".htm"-files that contain tables about the same topic. But the table structure isn't the same for every file. For example: We have a lot ".htm"-files containing information about teachers substitutions per day per school. Because the structure of those ".htm"-files isn't the same for every file it would be hard to program a parser that could extract the data from those tables. So my thought was that this is a task for a Neural Network.
First Question: Is it a task a Neural Network can/should handle or am I mistaken by that?
Because for me a Neural Network seemed to fit for this kind of a challenge I tried to thing of an Input. I came up with two options:
First Input Option: Take the HTML Code (only from the body-tag) as string and convert it as Tensor
Second Input Option: Convert the HTML Tables into Images (via Canvas maybe) and feed this input to the DNN through Conv2D-Layers.
Second Question: Are those Options any good? Do you have any better solution to this?
After that I wanted to figure out how I would make a DNN output this heavily dynamic data for me? My thought was to convert my desired JSON-Output into Tensors and feed them to the DNN while training and for every prediction i would expect the DNN to return a Tensor that is convertible into a JSON-Output...
Third Question: Is it even possible to get such a detailed Output from a DNN? And if Yes: Do you think the Output would be suitable for this task?
Last Question: Assuming all my assumptions are correct - Wouldn't training this DNN take for ever? Let's say you have a RTX 2080 ti for it. What would you guess?
I guess that's it. I hope i can learn a lot from you guys!
(I'm sorry about my bad English - it's not my native language)
Here is a more in-depth Example. Lets say we have a ".htm"-file that looks like this:
The task would be to get all the relevant informations from this table. For example:
All Students from Class "9c" don't have lessons in their 6th hour due to cancellation.
1) This is not particularly suitable problem for a Neural Network, as you domain is a structured data with clear dependcies inside. Tree based ML algorithms tend to show much better results on such problems.
2) Both you choices of input are very unstructured. To learn from such data would be nearly impossible. The are clear ways to give more knowledge to the model. For example, you have the same data in different format, the difference is only the structure. It means that a model needs to learn a mapping from one structure to another, it doesn't need to know any data. Hence, words can be Tokenized with unique identifiers to remove unnecessary information. Htm data can be parsed to a tree, as well as json. Then, there are different ways to represent graph structures, which can be used in a ML model.
3) It seems that the only adequate option for output is a sequence of identifiers pointing to unique entities from text. The whole problem then is similar to Seq2Seq best solved by RNNs with an decoder-encoder architecture.
I believe that, if there is enough data and htm files don't have huge amount of noise, the task can be completed. Training time hugely depends on selected model and its complexity, as well as diversity of initial data.

idea behind xgboost/lightgbm/catboost in comparison

I'm trying to decide, which one of the following I will use in practice for regression tasks: xgboost, lightgbm or catboost (python 3).
So, what are general idea behind each of them? Why should I choose one, but not another?
I'm not interested in very slight difference in the accuracy score like 0.781 vs 0.782. Result should be tenable, and my tool should be robust, convenient in use. The workhorse.
As I understand about these methods, Just how they are implemented is different, otherwise they have implemented GBM methods.
So you should just try to do some hyper parameter tuning.
Also, its good idea to read this paper:
You cannot determine a priori which Tree algorithm (or any algorithm) will be automatically the best. This is because of the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_free_lunch_theorem
It's best to try them all out. You should also throw in Random Forest (RF) as another one to try.
I will say that http://CatBoost.ai (CB) does have one advantage over the others: if you have Categorical Variables, CB will most likely beat the others because it can handle categorical variables directly without One-Hot-Encoding.
You might try http://H2O.ai 's grid search which supports several algorithms (RF, XGBoost, GBM, Linear Regression) with Hypertuning of parameters to see which one works best. You can run this overnight. (CB is not included in H2O's grid search)

Is there a way to partition a tf.Dataset with TensorFlow’s Dataset API?

I checked the doc but I could not find a method for it. I want to de cross validation, so I kind of need it.
Note that I'm not asking how to split a tensor, as I know that TensorFlow provides an API for that an has been answered in another question. I'm asking on how to partition a tf.Dataset (which is an abstraction).
You could either:
1) Use the shard transformation partition the dataset into multiple "shards". Note that for best performance, sharding should be to data sources (e.g. filenames).
2) As of TensorFlow 1.12, you can also use the window transformation to build a dataset of datasets.
I am afraid you cannot. The dataset API is a way to efficiently stream inputs to your net at run time. It is not a set of tools to manipulate datasets as a whole -- in that regards it might be a bit of a misnomer.
Also, if you could, this would probably be a bad idea. You would rather have this train/test split done once and for all.
it let you review those sets offline
if the split is done each time you run an experiment there is a risk that samples start swapping sets if you are not extremely careful (e.g. when you add more data to your existing dataset)
See also a related question about how to split a set into training & testing in tensorflow.