I've a problem when I run simple add-on into SAP Business One. I've gotten this exception through this snippet of this code :
' After changing the item quantity
If (pVal.ItemUID = "mat") And (pVal.ColUID = "ActQuan") And (pVal.EventType = SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_VALIDATE) Then
Dim oEditPrice As SAPbouiCOM.EditText ' Item Price
Dim oEditTDTotal As SAPbouiCOM.EditText ' To Date Total
Dim oEditTDQuan As SAPbouiCOM.EditText ' To Date Quan
Dim oEditCuttings As SAPbouiCOM.EditText ' Cuttings
Dim oEditTotal As SAPbouiCOM.EditText ' Total = TDTotal - Cuttings
Dim oEditActQuan As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
' Get the items from the matrix
oEditPrice = colItemPrice.Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
oEditTDTotal = colItemTDTotal.Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
oEditTDQuan = colItemTDQuan.Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
oEditTotal = colItemACuttings.Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
oEditCuttings = colItemCuttings.Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
oEditActQuan = colItemActQuan.Cells.Item(pVal.Row).Specific
' Copy the value of TDQty
Dim tmpInt As Integer
tmpInt = CInt(oEditActQuan.Value)
oEditTDQuan.Value = CInt(tmpInt)
' Copy the value of TDTotal
Dim tmpIn As Integer
tmpIn = CInt(oEditTDQuan.Value) * CInt(oEditPrice.Value)
oEditTDTotal.Value = CInt(tmpIn)
'Calc Total Row - ACuts
Dim tmpTotal As Integer ' temp variable to contain total result
tmpTotal = CInt(oEditTDTotal.Value) - CInt(oEditCuttings.Value)
oEditTotal.Value = CInt(tmpTotal)
' Calc the document total
Dim CalcTotal As Double
Dim i As Integer
CalcTotal = 0
' Iterate all the matrix rows
For i = 1 To oMatrix.RowCount
oEditTotal = colItemACuttings.Cells.Item(i).Specific
CalcTotal += oEditTotal.Value
oDocTotal.Value = CalcTotal
End If
End If
End If
I use VB.Net. I have an issue with ColUID = "ActQuan" . Can anyone help me ?
I changed this column many times and the same error.
Not the exact same thing, but in sap, we get this RPC_E_SERVERFAULT issue when sap scripting settings are not correct. The following changes worked for me:
Open transaction RZ11
Set the following to true:
Set the following to false:
Enable user side scripting.
More detailed documentation can be found here.
A bit of information:
I would like to populate a stacked column chart with transactions from the last 12 months.
Every column should be a month in the year and the transactions are of course stacked on top of each other.
At the moment, I just have a test document where I pull some data from. I first tried to directly put the data (from the csv) in the chart, but that just resulted in multiple columns with the multiple duplicate x axis label and nothing stacked.
I did some digging and found this solution. unfortunately, the result is not what I'm looking for. The transactions are stacked but the x axis labels are incorrect
At the moment I have
Dim rowsTra() As String = File.ReadAllLines(".\data\transactions.csv")
Dim traVal() As String
Dim preYear As DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1)
Dim j As Integer = 0
Dim dtTest As DataTable = New DataTable
dtTest.Columns.Add("col1", GetType(Double))
dtTest.Columns.Add("col2", GetType(String))
dtTest.Columns.Add("col3", GetType(String))
For i As Integer = 0 To rowsTra.Length - 1 Step +1 ' Looping through all transactions
traVal = rowsTra(j).ToString().Split(",")
Dim traDate As String = Convert.ToDateTime(traVal(1))
If (traDate >= preYear) Then ' Check if date is not older than 1 year
Dim conMonth As Date = CDate(traVal(1))
Dim month = conMonth.ToString("MMM yyyy")
dtTest.Rows.Add(traVal(6), month, traVal(4))
i = rowsTra.Length - 1 ' Quit loop if year ends (will only work if csv is chronological
End If
j += 1
Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(dtTest)
dv.Sort = "col2 asc"
chTrend.Titles.Clear() ' Clear
chTrend.DataBindCrossTable(dv, "col3", "col2", "col1", "Label=col1") ' Populate chart
For Each cs As Series In chTrend.Series ' Stack values
cs.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn
By using this csv file I get this result:
Account 1,19 Dec 2021,Man 1,Cat 1,Subcat 1,test,5
Account 2,01 Dec 2021,Man 2,Cat 2,Subcat 2,test,10
Account 5,01 Nov 2021,Man 4,Cat 2,Subcat 2,test,10
Account 4,27 Oct 2021,Man 4,Cat 4,Subcat 4,test,20
Account 3,10 Oct 2021,Man 3,Cat 3,Subcat 3,test,15
Account 1,03 Sep 2020,Man 1,Cat 1,Subcat 1,test,25
= col2 =col3 =col1
Why would it in this case add 4 transactions under the "Dec 2021" when only 2 transactions actually are?
I've noticed that when I change the 3rd listed transaction to another Subcat, all transactions fall under Dec 2021.
Ive also tried to just give col2 in dtTest the Date type but this just gave an even weirder chart and I'm not sure how to then format the date to "MMM yyyy". This is my reason to move from datetime to string
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks for the input. Sorry for the messy code, still learning.
So I did some experimenting myself and I believe I found "A" solution to my problem.
I'm sharing it, since it might be to helpful to someone in the future.
In the end I came up with this solution.
It not only stacks correctly by adding the extra rows needed (as mentioned in my comment), but also adds up values from already existing categories.
This is something that I was aiming for did not mention in my original question.
I'm definitely not saying this is the best solution and I know it can cause some performance issues with scalability. I'd go so far as to say it might even be just spaghetti code so I'd love to see someone with more experience find a more optimal solution to this problem.
Dim rowsTra() As String = File.ReadAllLines(".\transactions.csv")
Dim traVal() As String
Dim strCat As String = ""
Dim strDate As String = ""
Dim preYear As DateTime = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-1) ' Start date for all visible transactions in chart
Dim dtTrend As DataTable = New DataTable
dtTrend.Columns.Add("outflow", GetType(Double)) ' Columns for DataTable
dtTrend.Columns.Add("date", GetType(String))
dtTrend.Columns.Add("category", GetType(String))
Dim valExist As Boolean
Dim l As Integer = 0 'l
Dim m As Integer = 0 'm
For i As Integer = 0 To rowsTra.Length - 1 Step +1 ' Loop all transactions to add to DataTable and list all dates and categories
traVal = rowsTra(l).ToString().Split(",")
Dim traDate As String = Convert.ToDateTime(traVal(1))
Dim traMonth = CDate(traVal(1)).ToString("MMM yyyy") ' Convert to Month Year
If (traDate >= preYear) Then ' Check if date is not older than 1 year
If dtTrend.Rows.Count = 0 Then ' First transaction loop
dtTrend.Rows.Add(traVal(6), traMonth, traVal(4)) ' Add row to DataTable in order "outflow/date/category"
Else ' If not first transaction
m = 0
valExist = False ' Reset valExist to false
While m < dtTrend.Rows.Count ' Loop DataTable, used to add outflow to existing categories
If dtTrend.Rows(m)(1).ToString = traMonth And dtTrend.Rows(m)(2) = traVal(4) Then ' Check if date and category match between DataTable and Transactions
dtTrend.Rows(m)(0) = dtTrend.Rows(m)(0) + traVal(6) ' Add outflow to existing DataTable row
m = dtTrend.Rows.Count
valExist = True
End If
m += 1
End While
If valExist = False Then ' If combo of date and subcategory does not exist:
dtTrend.Rows.Add(traVal(6), traMonth, traVal(4)) ' Add new line to DataTable
End If
End If
If strCat = "" Then ' If string has no value (first loop). Used to create list of subcategories
strCat = traVal(4)
ElseIf strCat.Contains(traVal(4)) Then ' Check if category already exist in the string
strCat = strCat + "," + traVal(4)
End If
If strDate = "" Then ' Ditto about but for Date
strDate = traMonth
ElseIf strDate.Contains(traMonth) Then
strDate = strDate + "," + traMonth
End If
i = rowsTra.Length - 1 ' Quit loop if year ends (will only work if csv is chronological
End If
l += 1
Dim arrCat() As String = strCat.Split(",") ' Split string to use in array
Dim arrDate() As String = strDate.Split(",")
Dim tfMatch As Boolean
For i As Integer = 0 To arrCat.Length - 1 Step +1 ' Loop existing categories, used to add non existing row
For j As Integer = 0 To arrDate.Length - 1 Step +1 ' Loop existing dates, rows need to be added to get full series
Dim dtRows = dtTrend.Rows.Count
For k As Integer = 0 To dtRows - 1 ' Loop through original DataTable values
If dtTrend.Rows(k)(1) = arrDate(j) And dtTrend.Rows(k)(2) = arrCat(i) Then ' Check if date and categorys match anywhere in the DataTable
tfMatch = True
End If
If tfMatch = True Then ' If match, reset and search with next date
tfMatch = False
dtTrend.Rows.Add(0, arrDate(j), arrCat(i)) ' If no match, add as new row in DataTable
tfMatch = False ' Reset, moving to next category
End If
Dim dv As DataView = New DataView(dtTrend)
dv.Sort = "date desc"
chTrend.Series.Clear() ' Clear chart before fill so no exceptions are generated
chTrend.DataManipulator.FilterSetEmptyPoints = True ' Filter to get correct stack
chTrend.DataManipulator.FilterMatchedPoints = True
chTrend.DataBindCrossTable(dv, "category", "date", "outflow", "Label=outflow") ' Populate chart
For Each cs As Series In chTrend.Series ' Removes labels of newly added rows with value "0"
chTrend.DataManipulator.Filter(DataVisualization.Charting.CompareMethod.EqualTo, 0, cs) 'Compare if equal to zero, filter out
cs.ChartType = SeriesChartType.StackedColumn ' Chart type
'Dim dpcp As DataPointCustomProperties = New DataPointCustomProperties
I'm trying to find a way to automate data entry into the raise invoice screen in Sage 50.
All of our order data is held in a different system and we could easily pull together the line items, customer data, etc. automatically but our accounts team currently have to manually select each row, enter the SKU and quantity which is very time consuming.
It appears that the clipboard isn't functional in the Product Code field either - which is really annoying!
Are there any reasonable ways to inject data like this into Sage 50?
as far as i know there is a Excel2Sage Tool or App which can handle mass-importing. i did not used the commercial software last year, but the year before.
i'm actual not know about a free solution for this without developing it.
As alternative you could use AutoIt or something.
Here is an example using VB.Net:
'Declare objects
Dim oSDO As SageDataObject230.SDOEngine
Dim oWS As SageDataObject230.WorkSpace
Dim oSOPRecord As SageDataObject230.SopRecord
Dim oSOPItem_Read As SageDataObject230.SopItem
Dim oSOPItem_Write As SageDataObject230.SopItem
Dim oSOPPost As SageDataObject230.SopPost
Dim oStockRecord As SageDataObject230.StockRecord
'Declare Variables
Dim szDataPath As String
'Create SDO Engine Object
oSDO = New SageDataObject230.SDOEngine
' Select company. The SelectCompany method takes the program install
' folder as a parameter
szDataPath = oSDO.SelectCompany("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sage\Accounts\2017\")
'Create Workspace
oWS = oSDO.Workspaces.Add("Example")
'Try to connect
If oWS.Connect(szDataPath, "manager", "", "Example") Then
'Create objects
oSOPRecord = oWS.CreateObject("SOPRecord")
oSOPPost = oWS.CreateObject("SOPPost")
oSOPItem_Read = oWS.CreateObject("SOPItem")
oStockRecord = oWS.CreateObject("StockRecord")
'Read an existing Sales Order
'Populate the order header, copying fields from oSOPRecord to oSOPPost
oSOPPost.Header("INVOICE_NUMBER").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("INVOICE_NUMBER").Value
oSOPPost.Header("ACCOUNT_REF").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ACCOUNT_REF").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NAME").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NAME").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_1").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_2").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_2").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_3").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_3").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_4").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_4").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ADDRESS_5").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ADDRESS_5").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_1").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_2").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_2").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_3").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_3").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_4").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_4").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("DEL_ADDRESS_5").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("DEL_ADDRESS_5").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CUST_TEL_NUMBER").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CUST_TEL_NUMBER").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CONTACT_NAME").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CONTACT_NAME").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("GLOBAL_TAX_CODE").Value = CShort(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("GLOBAL_TAX_CODE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ORDER_DATE").Value = CDate(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ORDER_DATE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NOTES_1").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NOTES_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NOTES_2").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NOTES_1").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("NOTES_3").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("NOTES_3").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("TAKEN_BY").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("TAKEN_BY").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ORDER_NUMBER").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ORDER_NUMBER").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CUST_ORDER_NUMBER").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CUST_ORDER_NUMBER").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("PAYMENT_REF").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("PAYMENT_REF").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("GLOBAL_NOM_CODE").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("GLOBAL_NOM_CODE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("GLOBAL_DETAILS").Value = CStr(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("GLOBAL_DETAILS").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("ORDER_TYPE").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("ORDER_TYPE").Value
oSOPPost.Header("FOREIGN_RATE").Value = CDbl(oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("FOREIGN_RATE").Value)
oSOPPost.Header("CURRENCY").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CURRENCY").Value
oSOPPost.Header("CURRENCY_USED").Value = oSOPRecord.Fields.Item("CURRENCY_USED").Value
' Link header to items
oSOPItem_Read = oSOPRecord.Link
'Find the First Record
'Add the existing items to the order
oSOPItem_Write = oSOPPost.Items.Add
'Populate the Fields, copying the data from the existing records
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value = CShort(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("QTY_ORDER").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("QTY_ORDER").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_PRICE").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("UNIT_PRICE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("NET_AMOUNT").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_AMOUNT").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_1").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("COMMENT_1").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_2").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("COMMENT_2").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_OF_SALE").Value = CStr(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("UNIT_OF_SALE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("FULL_NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("FULL_NET_AMOUNT").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_RATE").Value = CDbl(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_RATE").Value)
'We now need to ensure that the TAX_FLAG is set the same as the item being read otherwise it will be re calculated
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_FLAG").Value = CInt(oSOPItem_Read.Fields.Item("TAX_FLAG").Value)
'Loop until there are no more existing items
Loop Until oSOPItem_Read.MoveNext = False
'destroy the oSOPItem_Write object
oSOPItem_Write = Nothing
'write a new item
oSOPItem_Write = oSOPPost.Items.Add
' Populate other fields required for Invoice Item
' From 2015 the update method now wraps internal business logic
' that calculates the vat amount if a net amount is given.
' If you wish to calculate your own Tax values you will need
' to ensure that you set the TAX_FLAG to 1 and set the TAX_AMOUNT value on the item line
' ***Note if a NVD is set the item line values will be recalculated
' regardless of the Tax_Flag being set to 1***
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value = oStockRecord.Fields.Item("STOCK_CODE").Value
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value = CStr(oStockRecord.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value = CStr(oStockRecord.Fields.Item("NOMINAL_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value = CShort(oStockRecord.Fields.Item("TAX_CODE").Value)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("QTY_ORDER").Value = CDbl(2)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_PRICE").Value = CDbl(50)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(100)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("FULL_NET_AMOUNT").Value = CDbl(100)
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_1").Value = CStr("")
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("COMMENT_2").Value = CStr("")
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("UNIT_OF_SALE").Value = CStr("")
oSOPItem_Write.Fields.Item("TAX_RATE").Value = CDbl(20)
'Destroy the oSOPItem_Write object
oSOPItem_Write = Nothing
'Post the order
If oSOPPost.Update() Then
MsgBox("Order Updated Successfully")
MsgBox("Order Update Failed")
End If
'Disconnect and destroy the objects
oSDO = Nothing
oWS = Nothing
oSOPRecord = Nothing
oSOPItem_Read = Nothing
oSOPItem_Write = Nothing
oSOPPost = Nothing
oStockRecord = Nothing
End If
Exit Sub
All of the current commercial products will require you to put your data into a specific format (column order and file type) anyway, so if you can do that, then bring everything into Excel, and then adapt the code listed above for VB.Net into VBA. It's fairly straightforward, mainly passing data to an array and then looping through.
If you want specific assistance, show us the structure of your Order data, and then we can do something
The following code works, but it only saves the last record in the loop, and I can't figure out why. I think the Submitchanges() is in the right place, at the end of the loop. Can someone please show me what's wrong? Thanks.
Dim newChain As New CHAIN
Dim dpSTRIKE As Integer
'get list of Options Contracts
Dim lstOPT = From Z In DATA.OPTIONs, X In DATA.UDLies
Dim dctOPT = lstOPT.ToDictionary(Function(Z) Z.CONTRACT)
For Each key In dctOPT.Keys
For COUNT = 1 To 5
dpSTRIKE = 1850 + 5 * COUNT
Dim lkup = From Z In DATA.CHAINs
Select Z
Dim RCD_EXISTS As Boolean = lkup.Any(Function(Z) Z.CONTRACT = dctOPT(key).CONTRACT And Z.P_C = "C" And Z.STRIKE = dpSTRIKE)
If RCD_EXISTS = False Then
newChain.CONTRACT = dctOPT(key).CONTRACT
newChain.P_C = "C"
newChain.STRIKE = dpSTRIKE
newChain.CONTRACT = dctOPT(key).CONTRACT
newChain.P_C = "C"
newChain.STRIKE = dpSTRIKE
End If
End Sub
Dim newChain As New CHAIN
should be inside Fore Each, exactly inside second for.
Since it is declared outside the loop, it will be detached from table and attached again to table. So it will be inserted only in last row.
So I am getting an error at the beginning of my code, an error I didn't use to get last time I opened and edited my VBA code. Any ideas? Here is part of it. When I try to step through the code, I get the error: "Object required" and my sub line (first line) is highlighted. Any ideas how I can fix this?
Sub ManagerCashflow()
'---------------------------Declare all the variables---------------------------
'------Define object names------
'Dim i As Integer
'Dim c As Integer
Dim AUM_Cash_Projections_folder_pathname As String
Dim AUM_Cash_Projections_FOLDER_YEARMONTH_pathname As String
Dim AUM_Cash_Projections_filename_DATE As String
Dim AUMCshf_wb As Workbook
Dim MngrCshF_wb As Workbook
'Dim CshF_lr As Integer
'Dim PE_r As Integer
'Dim lstmanager_r As Integer
'------Set/call the objects to a destination------
'Manager Cashflow
Set MngrCshF_wb = ThisWorkbook
Set MCF_Current_ws = MngrCshF_wb.Sheets("Sheet1")
'AUM Cash Projections
Set AUM_Cash_Projections_folder_pathname = "https://iportal.casey.org/Risk Management/CFP Reporting/AUM Cash Projection"
Set AUM_Cash_Projections_FOLDER_YEARMONTH_pathname = Right(MCF_Current_ws.Cells(2, 1).Value, 7)
Set AUM_Cash_Projections_filenamedate = MCF_Current_ws.Cells(2, 1).Value
Set AUMCshf_wb = Workbooks.Open(AUM_Cash_Projections_folder_pathname + "/" + AUM_Cash_Projections_FOLDER_YEARMONTH_pathname + "/" + AUM_Cash_Projections_filenamedate)
Set CshF_ws = AUMCshf_wb.Sheets("CashFlow + Projections")
'Master Data with all of the current managers
Set CurrAssets_ws = AUMCshf_wb.Sheets("Master Data")
'... a bunch of other code that works....
End Sub
Not sure why it didn't happen before. You don't need to use set to assign a value to a string.
AUM_Cash_Projections_folder_pathname = "https://iportal.casey.org/Risk Management/CFP Reporting/AUM Cash Projection"
AUM_Cash_Projections_FOLDER_YEARMONTH_pathname = Right(MCF_Current_ws.Cells(2, 1).Value, 7)
AUM_Cash_Projections_filenamedate = MCF_Current_ws.Cells(2, 1).Value
You also need to declare MCF_Current_ws and your other worksheets. It won't tell you unless you have "Option Explicit" at the top of your code, but it's good to do.
Dim MCF_Current_ws as Excel.Worksheet
I'm writing a script that will count a numbers of days between few separate dates. I have a data in cell like:
1-In Progress#02-ASSIGNED TO TEAM#22/01/2013 14:54:23,4-On
Hold#02-ASSIGNED TO TEAM#18/01/2013 16:02:03,1-In Progress#02-ASSIGNED
TO TEAM#18/01/2013 16:02:03
That's the info about my transaction status. I want to count the numbers of days that this transaction was in "4-On Hold". So in this example it will be between 18/01/2013 and 22/01/2013.
I wrote something like this(sorry for ma native language words in text)
Sub Aktywnywiersz()
Dim wiersz, i, licz As Integer
Dim tekstwsadowy As String
Dim koniectekstu As String
Dim pozostalytekst As String
Dim dataztekstu As Date
Dim status4jest As Boolean
Dim status4byl As Boolean
Dim datarozpoczecia4 As Date
Dim datazakonczenia4 As Date
Dim dniw4 As Long
wiersz = 2 'I start my scrypt from second row of excel
Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(wiersz, "A")) 'this should work until there is any text in a row
status4jest = False 'is status 4-On Hold is now in a Loop
status4byl = False 'is status 4-On Hold was in las loop
dniw4 = 0 ' numbers od days in 4-On Hold status
tekstwsadowy = Cells(wiersz, "H").Value2 'grabing text
tekstwsadowy = dodanieprzecinka(tekstwsadowy) 'in some examples I had to add a coma at the end of text
For i = 1 To Len(tekstwsadowy)
If Right(Left(tekstwsadowy, i), 1) = "," Then licz = licz + 1 'count the number of comas in text that separates the changes in status
For j = 1 To licz
koniectekstu = funkcjaliczeniadni(tekstwsadowy) 'take last record after coma
Cells(wiersz, "k") = koniectekstu
dataztekstu = funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu) 'take the date from this record
Cells(wiersz, "m") = dataztekstu
status4jest = funkcjaokreslenia4(koniectekstu) 'check if there is 4-On Hold in record
Cells(wiersz, "n") = status4jest
If (status4byl = False And staus4jest = True) Then
datarozpoczecia4 = dataztekstu
status4byl = True
ElseIf (status4byl = True And staus4jest = False) Then
datazakonczenia4 = dataztekstu
status4byl = False 'if elseif funkcion to check information about 4-On Hold
dniw4 = funkcjaobliczeniadniw4(dniw4, datazakonczenia4, datarozpoczecia4) 'count days in 4-On Hold
'Else not needed...
End If
tekstwsadowy = resztatekstu(tekstwsadowy, koniectekstu) 'remove last record from main text
Cells(wiersz, "L") = dniw4 ' show number of days in 4-On Hold status
wiersz = wiersz + 1
End Sub
Function funkcjaliczeniadni(tekstwsadowy As String)
Dim a, dl As Integer
dl = Len(tekstwsadowy)
a = 0
On Error GoTo errhandler:
Do Until a > dl
a = Application.WorksheetFunction.Find(",", tekstwsadowy, a + 1)
funkcjaliczeniadni = tekstwsadowy
Exit Function
funkcjaliczeniadni = Right(tekstwsadowy, dl - a)
End Function
Function dodanieprzecinka(tekstwsadowy As String)
If Right(tekstwsadowy, 1) = "," Then
dodanieprzecinka = Left(tekstwsadowy, Len(tekstwsadowy) - 1)
dodanieprzecinka = tekstwsadowy
End If
End Function
Function resztatekstu(tekstwsadowy, koniectekstu As String)
resztatekstu = Left(tekstwsadowy, Len(tekstwsadowy) - Len(koniectekstu))
End Function
Function funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu As String)
funkcjadataztekstu = Right(koniectekstu, 19)
funkcjadataztekstu = Left(funkcjadataztekstu, 10)
End Function
Function funkcjaobliczeniadniw4(dniw4 As Long, datazakonczenia4 As Date, datarozpoczecia4 As Date)
Dim liczbadni As Integer
liczbadni = DateDiff(d, datarozpoczecia4, datazakonczenia4)
funkcjaobliczaniadniw4 = dniw4 + liczbadni
End Function
Function funkcjaokreslenia4(koniectekstu As String)
Dim pierwszyznak As String
pierwszyznak = "4"
If pierszyznak Like Left(koniectekstu, 1) Then
funkcjaokreslenia4 = True
funkcjaokreslenia4 = False
End If
End Function
And for now I get
Run-time error "13"
dataztekstu = funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu) 'take the date from this record
I would be very grateful for any help.
You are getting that error because of Type Mismatch. dataztekstu is declared as a date and most probably the expression which is being returned by the function funkcjadataztekstu is not a date. You will have to step through it to find what value you are getting in return.
Here is a simple example to replicate that problem
This will give you that error
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim dt As String
Dim D As Date
dt = "Blah Blah"
D = getdate(dt)
Debug.Print D
End Sub
Function getdate(dd As String)
getdate = dd
End Function
This won't
Option Explicit
Sub Sample()
Dim dt As String
Dim D As Date
dt = "12/12/2014"
D = getdate(dt)
Debug.Print D
End Sub
Function getdate(dd As String)
getdate = dd
End Function
If you change your function to this
Function funkcjadataztekstu(koniectekstu As String)
Dim temp As String
temp = Right(koniectekstu, 19)
temp = Left(temp, 10)
MsgBox temp '<~~ This will tell you if you are getting a valid date in return
funkcjadataztekstu = temp
End Function
Then you can see what that function is returning.
I tried running your code, but it is a little difficult to understand just what it is that you want to do. Part of it is the code in your language, but the code is also hard to read beacuse of the lack of indentation etc. :)
Also, I do not understand how the data in the worksheet looks. I did get it running by guessing, though, and when I did I got the same error you are describing on the second run of the For loop - that was because the koniectekstu string was empty. Not sure if this is your problem, so my solution is a very general.
In order to solve this type of problem:
Use Option Explicit at the top of your code module. This will make you have to declare all variables used in the module, and you will remove many of the problems you have before you run the code. Eg you are declaring a variable status4jest but using a different variable called staus4jest and Excel will not complain unless you use Option Explicit.
Declare return types for your functions.
Format your code so it will be easier to read. Use space before and after statements. Comment everything! You have done some, but make sure a beginner can understand. I will edit you code as an example of indentation.
Debug! Step through your code using F8 and make sure all variables contain what you think they do. You will most likely solve your problem by debugging the code this way.
Ask for help here on specific problems you run into or how to solve specific problems, do not send all the code and ask why it is not working. If you break down your problems into parts and ask separately, you will learn VBA yourself a lot faster.
A specific tip regarding your code: look up the Split function. It can take a string and make an array based on a delimiter - Example: Split(tekstwsadowy, ",") will give you an array of strings, with the text between the commas.
Did I mention Option Explicit? ;)
Anyway, I hope this helps, even if I did not solve the exact error you are getting.