Server Side Header Bidding - prebid.js

I have recently done project in client side header bidding using prebid.js,now how can I achieve server side header bidding,I have seen many articles but all give only explanation about server side header bidding,Can anyone give clear reference for that..! Any help appreciated


Using Microsoft Access VBA to Update Teamup Calendar via API

I'm an experienced VBA programmer but have little experience with API's.
My goal is to use VBA to add an event to a Teamup calendar with the click of a button. The required data is present in the database, I have a Teamup API key and Teamup has provided the following rules:
API access MUST be done over TLS/SSL via
All API requests must include an API key in a request header
Strings in requests and responses MUST be using the UTF-8 character set
Successful responses will have status codes in the 200-299 range
Client errors will have status codes in the 400-499 range
Server errors will have status codes in the 500-599 range
Placeholders in URL examples are indicated by curly braces, e.g. {eventId}
API responses are in JSON using the application/json content type
Any help figuring this out, or in pointing me to the right resources would be appreciated.
I've played around with CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"), but not sure if I'm on the right track.
In advance, thank you!

IT-Hit WebDAV Library: passing Access-Token from webapp through WebDAV-Client to webDAV-Server possible?

I am currently working on a POC and made quite a lot of progress thanks to IT-Hit WebDAV Library.
However, I am currently stuck at the authentication. I am using the "OnBeforeRequestSend"-Hook to add my authentication header containing my current access-token. This approach works very well for all the request coming from my webapp.
Nevertheless, the problem I am facing right now is, that I lose the authentication-token for every request from the webdav-client...
In order to tell the webdav-client apart from any other website, I thought about using the User-Agent-Header to determine what behavior the server is going to exhibit.
To be exact: I thought about only checking the token when the user-agent is not "Microsoft Office ...".
Since this solution seems very error prone, I wanted to ask If there is another way to pass the authentication-header from my webapp through the webdav-client to the webdav-server, so that i can validate/verify every request to webdav-server independently of the source (webapp or webdav-client)?
My current stack is:
WebApp written in TypeScript
WebDAV-Server written in .Net
thanks and best regards,
Look into implementing MS-OFBA, this will work as you desire.

Is it possible to look at a URL and determine if it's using Struts?

will we be able to say if this website code is developed using Struts framework ? If so how, details please.
Not necessarily.
The HTTP headers sometimes include relevant information, but not reliably.

Send HTTP Requests (MEAN stack)

I am working with MEAN stack (MongoDB , ExpressJS, AngularJS and NodeJS). I know how are GET,POST,DELETE and PUT handled in the server side but problem comes from the client side. For example - given a button "Register" I want to send a POST req but I don't know how. I only need explanation - not any code or something else. Help is greatly appreciated :)
Angular provides $http module which you can use in your client code to make GET, POST, PUT and DELETE operation.
On your html, you should have a listener(by using ng-click if you are using angular) for "Register" Button. In your function definition you can use $<url>, <data>) to make a request.
Here is the relevant video tutorial of probably what you are trying to acheive

Can you link to server side includes from another site?

I have a search template on PicoSearch and our design uses a server side include to load the menu so I'm wondering if I can link to the server side include on our server from the search template.
Unfortunately, no. If you have full control of the environment in question, you can set up a method (like a service) to feed the information for the other application, but even if you successfully figure out how to #include from another site, you will end up with warnings for your end users, which is not very nice looking for the user.