iTunes reject App Store Icon in tvOS 11 and Xcode 9 - app-store-connect

I faced with a problem in Xcode 9 (works fine in Xcode 8 before).
I can't upload tvOS build because of incorrect image asset for App Store icon.
But App Store icons have exactly 1280x768 size and 3 layers.
I was able to upload build to iTunes before with Xcode 8.
But now I receive such error:
ERROR ITMS-90718: "Invalid Image Asset. The App Store Icon must only
contain an image with size (1280pt × 768pt #1x). Refer to
for more information"

Do you happen to have also 2x version of your assets in the Xcode? I had this same issue than you and I was somehow presuming that I would need to provide also 2x version, but once I removed that and only have the 1x, the upload succeeded!

What worked for me was providing x2 versions for App Icon Small, Top Shelf Image, Top Shelf Image Wide, but NOT for App Icon Large. Can't understand what Apple are doing with this.

I also added a 2x version of the icon. And had the same error. Deleting the 2x version helped. It works ;-)

In my case, I hadn't added 2x images. After adding 2x images, this issue was fixed.


Binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 error message for Xcode 6.3

I've read a number of similar Q&As regarding this subject but none have provided me with a working solution.
All my images are PNG.
My deployment target is 8.3 for iPhone.
I'm using Xcode 6.3
I am using an image catalog.
I've tried using -568h in the image name and tried not using it. I tried changing the filename to "Default-568h#2x.png".
I've deleted all images from the image catalog and dragged them back in again.
I've created a new launch images catalog.
No mater what I've done, the same error message appears when I attempt to upload to the App Store:
On the off chance that lacking iPad launch images might have triggered this issue, I also added all launch images for iPad. I also renamed all the image file names, created a new launch image catalog (again) and imported all images. Still getting the same error message.
Resolved the issue but not sure on the exact reason behind it.
The Launch Screen File field had LaunchScreen selected.
The correct selection should have been Main.
This solved the issue and I was able to submit the app without the error message.

iOS 7 Newsstand default cover is not set

Since iOS7 the default cover that is set in the info.plist under Icon Files (iOS 5) are not shown after installation the app. Instead the default cover by Apple is shown.
I can see that this property is for iOS 5 but I tried other as well. An example - Icon Files could not be changed from an Array to a Dictionary.
Do you know how to set a default cover for Newsstand app in iOS 7?
Best Regards!
OK i got the solution.Add Icon files (iOS 5) if you didnt add previously in your app-info.plist. Make sure that the long edge on your default cover is at least 512 px. ( Mine is 300 * 528 px)
Please see screenshot:
check the references for the icons you are using in the .plist, make sure they are added as reference to the image and not as references to a folder like the references for the launch images and the icon images
Try to remove "App Icons Source" catalog. In Target=>"General" tab.

Default.png:s in iOS 7

How do we define default pngs in iOS 7? The how-to seems to have changed with Xcode 5.
This time I'll not be supporting anything less than iOS 7 so we can leave older version out of the discussion.
You'll want to learn about Asset Catalogs, which are brand new developer technologies that you'll find in Xcode 5. Under the hood, these will be the new ".xcasset" files & folders managed by Xcode.
And that public link from Apple that I just linked to is all we can talk about publicly outside of Apple's DevForums until the NDA for iOS 7 and Xcode 5 is lifted. I have seen a couple related questions, though.
To solve this issue you have to specifically add background images for iOS 6, Follow following steps to add this using new xCode.
1) Add new image set from asset catalog and name it "Default" image set
2) Right click on that asset catalog image.
3) Choose iPhone, Retina 4 - inch from options like following
4) Add images in sequence with resolutions
320 * 480
640 * 960
640 * 1136
5) Clean your project
6) Run your project
Try this way it will work
Asset Catalog is the best thing for setting application icons... It removes the need to follow naming conventions when you are adding or updating your app icons...
You can use this for setting splash screens & application icons..
In Xcode 5 you can find this options..
1- In the project navigator, select your target.
2- Select the General pane, and scroll to the App Icons section.

iPhone icons and Mono

Today i've deployed my application and i'm ready to publish it on the Apple Store.
I've set Spotlight & Settings Icons as follow
Image 29x29 (image icon29x29.png)
Retina Display (58x58) (image icon58x58.png)
iPad Compatibility (50x50) (image icon50x50.png)
and App icons
Ipad Compatibility 72x72 (image icon72x72.png)
I'm having the following problem when i'm trying to upload binary with Application Loader.
For each of the images is
iPhone/iPod Touch: icon29x29.png: icon dimensions (29x29) don't meet
the size requirements. The icon file must be 57x57 pixels in .png
(just change image name and pixels reference).
I am sure that my images are the right size otherwise monodevelop not allow me to insert them if they were the precise size.
My images are in Images folder of my projects. I've tried to set those as Content or iTunesArtwork and Copy in Output Directory but nothing changed.
My system configuration is
Mono 2.10.9
Must i deploy my application without those images?
I found a solution to my problem.
If files are under directory Images\ in my project give me this kind of error.
Instead if files are at same solution level all work fine and images are loaded perfectly.
Maybe it's a bug in MonoDevelop (Info.plist file generation)
I would think this could be related to not filling out all the icons (there should be a 57, 100, 114, 144).
In the Info.plist file, these images are stored in an array, so I'm not sure how Apple decides what do to if all of them are not present.

Missing icon in Windows 8 store

I've recently uploaded my first Windows 8 Store application (hurray!)
The only problem is that although I have specified a valid Small logo (30x30) in app manifest, it does not appear in the Windows Store. This is the file (I hope it was not converted by TinyPic)
What could be the problem? Perhaps an unsupported PNG variant? I notice that there a quite a few other apps in the Store with a missing icon (urbaneous, Volksvagen Commerial Vehicles Turkey, etc) so they could be facing a similar issue.
Since you specified the file in app manifest it should appear when you install the application. If you had submitted the app while submission then it should have appeared on the marketplace. I do't know about the Windows 8 app procedure but since it should not much different from that of windows 7, this is only what I could comprehend. Please install and check the icons. I also hope that icon will be used when a user minimizes your tile to the smallest size on the start screen.
Did you specify the Store Logo in apppackage?
Go here so you can read more about app images.
This is most likely an error on Microsoft's part. You have to make a post on:
Or wait until MS updates their backend. There is no such thing as an unsupported png, and it can be a number of issues.
This will most likely be fixed before the actual MS Windows 8 release.