$name displayed on page - sitecore7

$name token is displayed on page content instead of item's title text.
Item has standard values defined and ofcourse uses $name for title place.
I investigated the versions of the item and latest version is in use. Application uses only one language en-US and developed using sitecore 7.2 mvc and also webforms.
Rebuild indexes, but the issue still exists. Any leads on this?

Check if it is happening while creating new items also. If yes then check your logs there may be some error which can help. If it is working fine then it may be happening because you have created your items before creating your _standardvalues item. In this case you can write a custom script/code to fix it. You can also try this https://github.com/rauljmz/Sitecore.Rocks.ReplaceMacros .


Aurelia tutorial stuck building out contact list

I'm an experienced WPF developer, but new to web development.
I'm stuck at point where you replace the Contact List Placeholder
with the contact-list custom element.
When I run it the web page still shows the placeholder text instead of the contact list. I assumed this was a cache issue, but I've tried everything I can think of to clear the cache. I have also tried deleting the app.html and running the site to see what kind of error I'd get, but still I get the template with Contact List Placeholder. I've tried reverting to the original tag and changing the inner text, and I still get "Contact List Placeholder".

How to change dojo locale after dojo loaded?

We need set locale in data-dojo-config before dojo loaded so that dojo.i18n will work with this locale. Is there any workaround that we can change this locale in dojo/_base/config after dojo loaded so that any further dojo.i18n call will work with this new locale?
I have a single page application, by carefully design, I already be able to recreate all my UI widgets dynamically anytime. I want to add a Select somewhere so that user can change languages on the fly. Currently the only solution I have is put a queryString locale='newLocale' at Url and force browser refresh. That works but everything User have done lost and with a fresh start. That's not what I want.
Any idea? I don't afraid some changes of dojo to make this happen since my application will be built as a single layer and deploy to customers.
According to dojo's documentation, you cannot change the locale once it's loaded. See this page from their documentation, the relevant line is:
Once Dojo is loaded, it is not possible to change the locale for the
Your description of adding a new parameter is what I've done in this situation, you can specify the locale property on the dojoConfig object to override the default locale.
EDIT: There is an open bug for this use case, see https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/17196. In that ticket there also appears to be a workaround that basically involves manually loading the resource file of the language you want to use and updating any text.
So, adapting their example (http://jsbin.com/aquviq/1/edit), this would run after you initiate a change locale action:
require(['dojo/i18n!dojo/nls/' + resourceModuleWithLocale], function (resource) {
/* in here, you must set all of the text manually to the values in the resource object */
It still seems like a lot of work, but I suppose that's one possible way to accomplish this.

Sitefinity 4.4 - Dynamically change page title and description at runtime

Does anyone know how to dynamically change the page title in Sitefinity from a regular user control?
Our scenario is simple. We have a real estate website with a search feature. On the search results page we have a control showing the search results, but we need to be able to change the Page title, description and keywords based on the search performed.
We posted on Telerik, but they gave vague answers and pointed us to incorrect objects or objects that didn't actually work.
The way I've usually done this in the past is by using an external widget template.
By mapping your widget template to an external file, you can use a full User Control (.ascx file) which means you can also run code behind.
From there it's just a matter of running something like
Page.Title = "whatever";
For more info on using an external template for Sitefinity Widgets, check out this post: http://www.sitefinity.com/blogs/joshmorales/posts/11-05-10/mapping_external_templates_for_sitefinity_4_widgets.aspx
Hope this is helpful!

Yii Bootstrap Extension Gridview

I have been using CGridView without any issues previously but when I use Bootstrap extension the filters stop working.
Moreover the Ajax requests for CButtonColumn are set to use POST but when I use BootButtonColumn it uses GET and ignores the fact that ajax type is set to POST
Any ideas on how to fix the problems.
I went back to using zii widgets but today looking at the documentation for a totally unrelated reason I came across this property "ajaxUpdate". Below is the excerpt from Yii documentation.
ajaxUpdate property
public mixed $ajaxUpdate;
the ID of the container whose content may be updated with an AJAX response. Defaults to null, meaning the container for this grid view instance. If it is set false, it means sorting and pagination will be performed in normal page requests instead of AJAX requests. If the sorting and pagination should trigger the update of multiple containers' content in AJAX fashion, these container IDs may be listed here (separated with comma).
I am no longer using that extension but I am posting it here so that it maybe helpful to someone else.

How do I switch the theme used on a Sitefinity based website?

We have a Sitefinity 3.2 site in production and the users want a whole new look and feel. Upgrading is not an option.
I have created new templates for them but they will need to go into the site and create all new pages using the new templates. This is a problem because they want the current site to remain unchanged until they are done - then they want to instantly switch over.
One problem that I see already is that pages will not show up in the menu control until they are published.
I am very new to Sitefinity. Is there a standard practice for doing this?
You don't need to re-create all of the pages to change the look and feel; simply change the template assigned.
This video shows how to work with themes and templates.
I'd think that changing the theme of all the templates late at night should be "instantly" enough for most people. :)