Yii Bootstrap Extension Gridview - yii

I have been using CGridView without any issues previously but when I use Bootstrap extension the filters stop working.
Moreover the Ajax requests for CButtonColumn are set to use POST but when I use BootButtonColumn it uses GET and ignores the fact that ajax type is set to POST
Any ideas on how to fix the problems.

I went back to using zii widgets but today looking at the documentation for a totally unrelated reason I came across this property "ajaxUpdate". Below is the excerpt from Yii documentation.
ajaxUpdate property
public mixed $ajaxUpdate;
the ID of the container whose content may be updated with an AJAX response. Defaults to null, meaning the container for this grid view instance. If it is set false, it means sorting and pagination will be performed in normal page requests instead of AJAX requests. If the sorting and pagination should trigger the update of multiple containers' content in AJAX fashion, these container IDs may be listed here (separated with comma).
I am no longer using that extension but I am posting it here so that it maybe helpful to someone else.


Get blog post custom field in template head - Sitefinity

I need to set several meta tag values in my page head to values set in blog post custom fields.
How do I access the blog item viewmodel from the head?
I've created a separate MVC view snippet for my custom head and referenced it in my template's layout, that much works.
I grab some of the same custom field values inside my blog template via references like Model.Item.Fields.MyFieldName.Fields.Title.
Adding this same line to the head template throws a
System.Web.HttpCompileException with little useful information attached. I somewhat expected this, as I suspect that viewmodel for the blog post only exists in the context of the blog widget.
Ends up that I need to rebuild after every change to the head cshtml file or I get this error. Seeing as this is about a four-minute process with Sitefinity (15 seconds to build, 3:45 to do whatever Sitefinity does for about four minutes), this is a gruelingly horrid thing to have to do.
However the Model is null at this level.
Also tried
Per the ever-helpful and highly knowledgeable #Veselin Vasilev, I looked into passing the data up via MetaDataFields. I didn't see these options in my admin section for the widget. To clarify, I'm using the built-in "Blog posts" widget with a customized view file.
But if it's possible to do this, it gives me hope that there's a way to pass more data up, even if it's going to take some work.
EDIT: Sitefinity v.10.2 and above:
There is an easier way to achieve what you are trying - in Page edit mode, in the Blog Posts widget click Edit and then Advanced. Then you should see a MetaDataFields button. Click it and you should see several meta data related fields.
In the MetaTitle field put the name of your custom field and save.
Also, from the docs:
If you leave MetaTitle field empty, Sitefinity CMS adds takes its value from the Title field of the static content item or from the identifier field of a dynamic content item. Otherwise, the tag is populated with the contents of the field that you have entered in MetaTitle field.
More details here:
Sitefinity 10.1 and below:
Check this article
Basically, in your view you get a reference to the Page object and then update its Header with the meta data you need.

How to pass data between pages through worklight client API

I want to invoke a procedure in one page and use it in another page, and the response is only used by the next page, so I think JsonStore is not suit for that. Should I define a global var?
Is there any code sample to do such things? Thanks for your help.
I presume by pages you mean different HTML files. If so, that is not recommended, Worklight is intended for single page applications. There are no code samples that show how to do that.
I would recommended having a single HTML page and using something like jQuery.load to inject new HTML / DOM elements. By dynamically injecting new HTML your single/main HTML file shouldn't be too big and you can destroy (i.e. remove from memory / the DOM) unused DOM elements. Searching on Google for page fragments and html templates could help you find examples. The idea is that you don't lose the JavaScript context.
Maybe you can get away with doing a new init to re-initialize JSONStore (it won't delete any the data, just give you access) on every new HTML page and use get to get access to the JSONStore collections to perform operations such as find.

What should I prefer to use widget or renderPartial in Yii's view?

I am confused when I should use a custom widget or renderPartial in my view files. Sometimes I use widget and sometimes I use renderPartial.
You use widget when your application logic is defined in a separate CLASS file and the logic is somehow separated and standalone.
Widget's are chosen when the functionality is repeatedly used elsewhere, on lot of pages.
You use renderPartial for VIEW files that you want to embed into something bigger, or when you want to print something without using the application layouts.
renderPartial is chosen when all the variables it need to access are already prepared in the current action.
You can use widget when your site has some common part like header and footer or sometime some kind filter which require on every page of site.
Take example of search form of yii crude which is called by using renderPartial because that serach form is changing according to requirement of pages.
Sorry for english.

PrestaShop - Reload CMS page with additional parameters

Situation: I needed to add form with POST method to CMS page. I created custom hook and a module displaying the form successfully. Then I need to react to user input errors eg. when user doesn't enter email address I need to detect it, display the whole page again together with the form and with "errors" in user input clearly stated.
Problem: The problem is to display the WHOLE page again with connected information (eg. about errors etc.). In the module PHP file when I add this kind of code,
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'modulename.tpl');
it (naturally) displays ONLY the form, not the whole CMS page with the form.
In case of this code,
I can't get to transfer any information by GET neither POST method.
$_POST['test'] = 1;
I tried to assign to smarty variables too
$smarty->assign('test', '1');
(I need to use it in .tpl file where the form itself is created) but no way to get it work.
{if isset($test)}...,
{if isset($smarty.post.test)}...,
{if isset($_POST['test'])}... {* neither of these conditionals end up as true *}
Even assigning a GET parameter to url has no impact, because there is link rewriting to some kind of friendly url I guess, no matter I included other argument or not. ([SHOPNAME]/cms.php?id_cms=7&test -> [SHOPNAME]/content/7-cmspage-name)
My question is: is there a way to "redirect" or "reload" current page (or possibly any page generally) in prestashop together with my own data included?
I kind of explained the whole case so I'm open to hear a better overall solution than my (maybe I'm thinking about the case in a wrong way at all). This would be other possible answer.
The simplest method would be to use javascript to validate the form - you can use jQuery to highlight the fields that are in error; providing visual feedback on how the submission failed. In effect you don't allow the user to submit the form (and thus leave the page) until you're happy that the action will succeed. I assume that you will then redirect to another page once a successful submission has been received.
There's lots of articles and how-tos available for using javascript, and indeed jQuery for form validation. If you want to keep the site lean and mean, then you can provide an override for the CMS controller and only enqueue the script for the specific page(s) you want to use form validation on.
If the validation is complex, then you might be best using AJAX and just reloading the form section of your page via a call to your module. Hooks aren't great for this kind of thing, so you might want to consider using an alternative mnethod to inject your code onto the cms page. I've written a few articles on this alternative approach which can be found on my prestashop blog

Would like to add some custom ajax & javascript to activeadmin based application

Hi guys I'm working on this application using activeadmin. I've come to a point where I would like to add in some ajax based functions. I have the basic form set up using teh activeadmin resource and it generates a very pretty form.
I would like to while the user is entering the details on the form - run a ajax call which would retrieve some html based on the values being entered and populate it on the page.
More likely I would like a way to add custom javascript to the page. Whats the best way to do this - I'm facing issues with returning html without the entire activeadmin layout coming with it.
You can use the /config/initializers/active_admin.rb
You can add javascript resources like this:
config.register_javascript 'my_functions.js'
I use to put code directly to /app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js
You can also include script in /config/initializers/active_admin.rb