How to view debug logs in IBM Bluemix - ibm-mobilefirst

I am new to IBM Bluemix. I have created new IBM Mobile Foundation service to the dashboard. I wish to view the console logs for my application.
I referred the following link for logs in Bluemix -
To view logs using Bluemix, the doc says follow the steps -
Login to Bluemix -> Click Dashboard -> Click on your application -> Click on Files and Logs:
The expected screen is as below.
I try to follow the steps -
Bluemix Login -> Dashboard -> My_Foundation_Service
But i can't find "Files and Logs" option anywhere.
Please can someone show me how i can view server debug logs in IBM Bluemix?

When you create an instance of Mobile Foundation Service, it creates a Cloud Foundry Application which hosts the Mobile Foundation runtime as a Liberty Application.
It seems that you have navigated to the Services section in the Bluemix dashboard.
In 'Cloud Foundry Apps' section, you will see an application. In your case the app name should be similar to MobileFoundationmu-Server.
Select that app and you should see Logs section to get the logs.

If you have a cloudfoundry cli and the bluemix cli then you can just type in cf logs APP_NAME in cmd.


MobileFirstPlatform 8.0 Push Configuration Error

Created MFP CF app in Bluemix. Push notification was also working fine with GCM. Today saw a messages that there is an update for MFP in the Bluemix dashboard and clicked "Recreate" button. Server was recreated and all my apps and adapters were gone. Then from my development environment pushed the app and adapters and went to console to configure push notification and add the GCM details. Found an error at the top and now I don't see the text box to add the "Server API Key" and "Sender ID"
Looks like the new update got this issue. Is there a way to fix it or backout and go to the previous version?
Any help would be appreciated.
There is work to assure that such events will not happen, however please note this very important notice about the Mobile Foundation Bluemix service, with the Developer plan:
Note: the Developer plan does not offer a persistent database, as such be sure to backup your configuration as explained in the Troubleshooting section.
Such data loss may occur.
For now you will need to reconfigure your GCM credentials in the console.

Log profile tab in worklight console

In worklight console, i have this log profiles tab. Why and how to use the Log profile tab in worklight console. I went throught the document couldnt find any link regarding that. Please provide me some links regarding that.
The Log Profiles tab that you are referring to is explained in the following Getting Started tutorial: Remote controlled client-side log collection.
In the Log Profiles tab you will be able to review and act upon the various data that you can collect from devices running your application.

IBM Mobilefirst Foundation Platform 6.3 - Offline Authentication

I'm studying the new function provide by 6.3 - Offline Authentication by this document,
and I'm getting a Error from the Adapter,
it's said #78 getInfo is an object, not a function,
Any help ?
Many thanks.
Note that this is not "new functionality". The sample project simply implements one possible way to achieve offline authentication.
I have tested the application by following the below scenario and it is working OK, so you really need to actually mention what you're doing, how you're doing it, what is the scenario and what exactly is the error (copy/paste it).
Import project to Eclipse
Start the server (servers view > play button)
Deploy adapter
Deploy project and open in Xcode, install on device
Login when online (for example, using A/A as the username/password)
Move to airplane mode
Try to login again with A/A
The application successfully logged-in in 'offline mode'.

IBM Worklight 6.1 - When are these properties used? publicWorkLightHostname/Protocol/Port

I do not understand the purpose of the properties listed in
Those properties are set when you do in eclipse the Run As -> "Build settings and deploy target..."
Are they duplicated? Which one is the valid one? Are they used in different ways?
I have read the documentation in info center:
But there is no mention to the "Build settings and...".
See this question and answer: worklight server configuration - separating adapters and server
The properties that are found in relate to the
Worklight Server. The properties you have mentioned:
publicWorklightHostname, publicWorklightPort, publicWorklightProtocol,
are required because the server itself needs to know what is its URL
to the outside world, so that it can embed it in redirects and such.
These are also required for the Mobile Web, Desktop Browser
environments and Worklight Console.
For example:
Create a new application and add the Mobile Web environment > Run on Worklight Development Server deploy. Open Worklight Console and click on "Get application URL". Copy the URL. Go to, change the publicWorklightPort to "100"; Go back to console, compare the previous URL with the current.
From Javier:
They are not used by the mobile apps. They are shipped with the .war and are used by the .war to provide information to the user like the web url, but the server does not use them for the execution of a mobile app.

Analytics tab empty in Worklight Console

I've added an analytics server (Linux, accessible from the http:///iwap/worklight/v1/index.html) to use with my Worklight 6 server, but, the "Analytics" tab is now displaying, but, is empty.
The changed the under the war configuration for "Environment entries for web modules" and restarted the app.
The Worklight V6 Information Center (under "Installing and configuring the IBM Websphere Analytics PLatform"|"Configuring Worklight Server for analytics") says to use the format "http://<>iwap/v1/events/_bulk, but, the description column in the "Environment entries for web modules" settings says to use "http:///iwap/v1/events/app_activities". I've tried both, both with same result, empty screen under the Analytics tab.
Not sure where to go at this point, any one set this up successfully?
The correct syntax is:
If the analytics tab is blank, its possible that your IWAP server is not currently running or is unreachable from your worklight server.
In truth, the analytics tab just acts as an iFrame. You can visit the analytics console using the URL:
If you are unable to visit that link, then the issue is with your IWAP server. Make sure that the server is started using the command "service analytics start" on the IWAP machine.
The IP address you enter is the IP address of the analytics server you installed independently of the Worklight server. Have you done this?
Installing and Configuring the analytics platform
The analytics tab in the Worklight console simply shows an iframe, using a slightly modified URL from the one you entered in the configuration. If you entered
http://<>/iwap/v1/events/_bulk (this the correct URL)
The URL you can visit is
You said you can visit it directly. Can you view the network tab or console in Firebug or Chrome developer tools to see if the URL it is attempting to visit from the Worklight console is correct?