Jssor slider for prestashop - slider

Is there any way to block onload captions animations in jssor slider for prestashop? There isn't any option for that, but maybe some functions?


Swiper Slider: How to disable "swiping" and "mouse wheel scrolling" during the transition?

I have a question about the Swiper Slider. Is it possible to disable "swiping" and "mouse wheel scrolling" if the transition starts, and enable it again if the transition end? Something like that. This is to prevent the user from scrolling or swiping too fast between slides.
Yes. By API parameter:
preventInteractionOnTransition: true;
(false by default).
When enabled it won't allow changing slides by swiping or
navigation/pagination buttons during transition https://swiperjs.com/api/#parameters

How to Make a custom slider using slick slider with thumbnail slider?

I am working on one project which has a slick slider. I want to make a custom slick slider same as https://www.masterclass.com Where once you click on thumbs it will redirect you to somewhere and it will change main slider images while you click on arrows it will change the sliders.
I have gone through this website http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ but it is not what i am looking for. Thanks
If you go to http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/ and do a find for slider syncing, it will show a demo that functions very similar to what you are describing.
To have the slide redirect on click, in the HTML, make the slide(s) content links with the href pointing to wherever you want to go.
Unless I'm missing your intent, this is almost exactly the slider behavior shown on https://www.masterclass.com.
Let me know if this helps! Good Luck!

How to animate title in navbar?

I have a title under a navbar. And when I scroll, the title supposed to animate into the navbar. I can't find anywhere to do that.
You can use JQuery for detecting the scrolling
http://www.sitepoint.com/introduction-jquery-scroll-based-animations/ or to set waypoints, which will trigger a function when the user scroll to an element http://imakewebthings.com/waypoints/guides/getting-started/

How does a Bootstrap modal change the page's opacity?

When opening a Bootstrap modal (eg the GetBootstrap modal sample), the rest of the page is subtly faded out to draw attention to the modal:
How is Bootstrap accomplishing this? It seems that the class .modal-open is added to the body, but this only sets overflow: hidden. What else is Bootstrap adding/changing to cause that effect? Is the positioning of the modal within the page important?
(This is a roundabout way of asking why my modal isn't fading out the background when it's open. The code is too complicated to post, and presumably there's a flaw in my markup or CSS. If I knew how Bootstrap was accomplishing the opaque background I may be able to debug why it's not working for me.)
Bootstrap add a div and adds some classes to it. Which has black background with .5 opacity set. And add style to set height as viewport / browser screen.
<div class="modal-backdrop fade in" style="height: 984px;"></div>
If your modal is not fading out, check if you are using :
display:block!important /* notice !important */
When the modal appears, it adds a div container with the class modal-backdrop fade in before the modal-dialog container.

In WinRT how do I prevent a click in the Slider tickbar?

IN XAML we have a simple slider control. We want to disable clicking in the tick bar, but still allow the user to use the slider thumb grabber thingy. Any ideas?
Try editing the slider template in Blend and set IsHitTestVisible on TopTickBar/BottomTickBar/Both(as applicable) to false.
Should work.