connectedAndroidtest mergeAndroidReports not working - android-gradle-plugin

I'm trying to run two different sets of instrumentation tests in two different modules. It's my understanding that if I add the mergeAndroidReports command to each of these test tasks that in the root project in the build folder I should see a test report which combines all tests run.
At this moment I see a test report in each module created as well as a blank test report created at the project level build folder.
It appears it's setting up the blank report to combine but not actually completing the report. Has anyone run into issues using the mergeAndroidReports command?
Extra info:
I have the following added to the project level build.gradle file:
apply plugin: 'android-reporting'
Again there are no errors and I do see the following directories are being generated at the project level:
But this is empty: nothing is added to this report.
Has anyone experienced this issue?


HelloWorld in Kotlin gives error "Could not find or load main class"

I spent the last 1,5 hour trying to make this simple tutorial work in IntelliJ IDEA, as you can see in this video.
When trying to run the code, I get the error:
/[...] -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 src.HelloKt
Error: Could not find or load main class src.HelloKt
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: src.HelloKt
I have tried setting up SDK, invalidating cache, removing .idea and .gradle, rebuilding project, deleting the profile and adding it again. I tried those actions in different orders.
Here's a screenshot of the project:
It also complains Kotlin is not configured, but I have already configured it.
Here's the run configuration:
Here are the project settings:
Your Hello.kt file needs to be somewhere inside the src/main folder, probably in src/main/kotlin. This is different from the tutorial, because your project is using Gradle, and the one in the tutorial isn't. I think this is because newer versions of IntelliJ use Gradle by default for new projects, which wasn't the case when the tutorial was written.
The use of src/main/kotlin and src/test/kotlin as source code directories is a convention in Gradle (and Maven). When importing a Gradle project into IntelliJ, main becomes a module, and kotlin becomes a source folder within that module. The same goes for test. In your screenshots, the bold text and blue icons on main and test confirm that's how your project is set up. Files outside of those folders aren't treated as source files, which explains why your Hello.kt file isn't being compiled or recognised correctly.
It's likely that the default behaviour of IntelliJ when creating a new project has changed since this tutorial was written. In the tutorial, they select "Kotlin" as the project type and this creates a project that doesn't use Gradle. As a result, the project doesn't use the src/main/kotlin directory structure.
I can see from your video that you selected the same option, but on the next screen, IntelliJ still automatically selected Gradle as the build system for the new project. To match the project structure used in the tutorial, I think you would need to select "IntelliJ" as the build system.

Viewing log file after appveyor script fails

I am trying to diagnose an error during the build of a project with appveyor. This same project is also built with travis-ci, without any problems. I assume it is windows related.
The script produces some log files, but I have no clue on how these can be viewed after appveyor is done trying to build.
As a specific example: See the log of this build. At line 11706 it says:
Logs have been written to: C:\stack.stack-work\logs\yaml-0.8.28.log
How can I view the contents of that file?
You can push this file as artifact at on_finish stage, or simple RDP to the build worker and explore it interactively.
Side note: you can also try to debug your build in RDP, but note that environment variables from the build session are not available in the RDP session, so you need to re-create all or part of them.

VSTS Test Assemblies - No test assemblies found

I'm attempting to run some selenium tests in my solution that are in a project called SA.SEPA.Web.UI.Selenium as part of a build definition in VSTS, but it is failing to run the Visual Studio Test task with the error...
No test assemblies found matching the pattern: **\*Selenium*.dll.
Search folder is set to - $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)
Preceding tasks are a nuget restore and build solution
Can anyone help?
You are specifying $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory) as the search folder. By default (unless overridden), this points to the Source folder on the Agent.
If you are instructing MSBuild (using the OutDir parameter) to output your assemblies in a specific location then you should use that location.
Edit: If this is an On-premises Agent, it should also be running in interactive mode (not service) if you want to execute any UI tests
I ran into this same error but it was a different cause, so I'm adding my solution here.
I was getting the "no test assemblies found" error when trying to run Selenium tests with VSTS as part of a build.
My problem turned out to be that the test assemblies were not checked into change control (git, through VS2017), and therefore were not part of the build. The folders that contain the test assemblies were ignored during my original check-in by default. Once I added those folders to my repository, the build could find the tests and run them.

Unable to get Visual Studio Online to execute my nUnit tests

I have a solution with a number of nUnit tests that do not appear to run on Visual Studio Online servers. Here's what I've done so far:
Created a separate folder (outside of my branch structure) that has nUnit test adapter DLLs
Build controller is configured with a path to custom assemblies to point to nUnit folder that has adapter DLLs
Build's test Source is configured as:
" - Run tests in test sources matching *test*.dll;*test*.appx,Target platform: 'X64'"
Build controller reports during the build
Run optional script after MSBuild
Run optional script before Test
Runner Run VS Test Runner
Run Continuous Deployment
No test results afterwards.
No test results
No code coverage results
What am I doing wrong? Do nUnit tests require special attributes to run properly on VSO? Am I missing any other configuration settings?
I've followed this link when configuring:
Test settings expanded as requested
Appreciate any help!
Well, I never setup a TFS build before, let alone an online one, until now (TeamCity fan), so I copied every single property from the screenshots and the only way I could get it to pseudo-"pass" (fully green, with no No test found. Make sure that installed test discoverers & executors warnings under Other Errors and Warnings) is when it didn't find any *test*.dll assemblies to load to begin with, rather than no [Test] methods to execute. Did you check your MSBuild log to make sure your test project assemblies are copied and match the pattern?
Copying file from "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\packages\NUnit.2.6.3\lib\nunit.framework.dll" to "C:\a\bin\nunit.framework.dll".
Copying file from "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\packages\NUnit.2.6.3\lib\nunit.framework.xml" to "C:\a\bin\nunit.framework.xml".
Copying file from "obj\Debug\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.dll" to "C:\a\bin\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.dll".
Alertera-Scheduler.Tests -> C:\a\bin\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.dll
Copying file from "obj\Debug\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.pdb" to "C:\a\bin\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.pdb".
Done Building Project "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests\Alertera-Scheduler.Tests.csproj" (default targets).
Done Building Project "C:\a\src\Alertera-Scheduler\Alertera-Scheduler.sln" (default targets).
Could you expand your Test source settings as well?
If you click Open Drop Folder (Build details in VS) > Diagnostics (tab in VSO) what does it say under Run VS Test Runner?
Run VS Test Runner 00:00:00
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\a\bin\*test2*.dll
There were no matches for the search pattern C:\a\bin\*test*.appx

Build server fails to load custom code analysis ruleset

We are using Code Analysis on our projects. As part of this we have Code Analysis enabled on the build server allowing for continious checks.
Now we are receiving this error:
CA0063 : * Failed to load rule set file '[name].ruleset' or one of its
dependent rule set files.
[name] being a ruleset on our internal network, available for everyone.
Code Analysis runs perfectly fine on each local machine, but not on the build server. How can we fix this issue?
We use a custom made ruleset
We are not using any custom rules (yet)
I was having this issue as well. How I solved it was to add my custom ruleset into version control (Git) as a new directory within my project files. We are using Jenkins for our CI, so in my I then made sure to specify the absolute file path to my ruleset on the Jenkins server, which you can get by looking at your Workspace on Jenkins. For example the path may look like :
In file, I added an argument to the msbuild.exe program execution with:
<arg line="/p:RunCodeAnalysis=true;CodeAnalysisRuleSet=e:\Jenkins\workspace\SampleProject-Dev\Rulesets\CustomRules.ruleset"/>
Before I had tried using a relative path but with a build containing many sub-projects, Jenkins tried to append the path onto a changing path. This path was based on the currently building sub-project, resulting in the same error you received.
I stumbled onto a fix for this tonight for a project that has been suffering from it for ages. I created a new configuration CHECKED and the problem disappeared. Then by:
Deleting the existing configurations from Configuration Manger;
Exiting and saving (this step might not be necessary); and finally
Recreating the dropped configurations from the newly created one, CHECKED
the problem has now disappeared completely in all configurations.
This was all in Visual Studio 2013.