Git merge conflict Tabbing in BASE - git-merge

I try to merge branch A to branch B. Both in A and B had inconsistent tabbing previously due to team work, but we fixed and the current version on A and B has the same tabbing. Now, when I try to merge the two branches I have merge conflicts (not due to the tabbing). When I try to solve the conflicts with meld (also tried with kdiff3, same thing) as mergetool, the LOCAL and REMOTE is with the same tabbing but the BASE is with the old tabbing as shown in the picture:
Why does this happen?
It is hard to go through the tabbing fixes and also look for the conflicts during mrege. How can this be fixed?

As the image shows the old tabbing in your BASE comes from the first common ancestor of the modified file in branch A and branch B. Then everything is going as expected.
You can try to add a hunk from any side (LOCAL or REMOTE) over the hunk with the old tabbing in BASE, since it is an outdated hunk. It should clarify the conflicts resolution.
Can you provide the full image or the BASE, REMOTE and LOCAL files from the conflict in something like a gist?
this answer should be a comment, but i don't have reputation enough


Xcode mixing Branches

This may sound strange, but I am having issues with Xcode mixing branches, or at least messing everything up.
I created a new branch (v1.4), then created a new data model and renamed an entity. Had to switch back to previous branch (v1.3) to check something and I get errors at run time on v1.3, it's looking for the new entity name from Branch v1.4 - what the %$^#% is happening. I searched the files, the new entity name is nowhere in v1.3.
I switch branches again to v1.2 and it ran fine. So, switched to V1.3 again - nogo. Switched back to v1.2 and it has the same issue now, runtime error because it can't find the new entity name.
What is happening? Anyone else have this issue?
Any thoughts/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
OS X 10.11.6
Xcode 7.1.1
I am not real familiar with GIT, just starting to learn. I ran the couple commands as mentioned, get nothing for either git diff commands.
Running git status --ignored I do get multiple files as untracked - still working on understanding why (Separate issue) - couple object files and 2 data models (Was 3, but manually added one to commit.
Also I get 3 ignored files:
That's as far as I've gotten. Not familiar enough with git to know if these ignored files are the ones I should delete.
Second option - will restoring from time machine fix this? It may be a little extra work for me to recreate v1.4 but probably less time than I've already spent trying to figure out how to fix it.
I do appreciate both comments so far - thank you.
Thanks again for your comments.
However, do to time and schedule I perform a Time Machine backup before ElpieKay posted the last comment, so I will not be able to test it.
Reverting back did "fix" it as you'd expect, but I did lose several hours of work but life happens. I will keep this for if/when this happens again and try the git clean -df to see it fixes it.
On a side note - while I was switching back and forth between V1.3 and V1.4 trying to figure this out, 2 of the model versions disappeared on v1.4 - i.e. the name turned red in Xcode and when I viewed the contents of the file they were missing. I do not know if this is related or not, but I thought I would mention it. This happened one other time and I thought maybe I did something - I did a time machine restore to fix it last time. Wonder if git clean -df would have fixed it.

Bazaar doesn't commit after migrating the project

Like it says:
It would seem intuitive to just change it there and try again, but it's not actually editable.
To get to this point, I file-copied the original project, opened it in Bazaar Explorer, saw that it found the history okay, and proceeded to check out the project in its new home. After a minor bug fix, I tried to commit, and it did this.
This isn't a satisfactory answer for my original question, so I'll leave it open for one that is, but I've decided to abandon the migrated repository and make a new one with (partially) migrated contents instead.
I know it'll reset my version history, but I have enough other changes, having been distracted by other, higher-priority projects for a while and coming back fresh, that I think it makes sense to call it a new project that's only based on the old one.

Ghost zombie conflict in Darcs

I have a "ghost zombie conflict" in my repositories.
Once upon a time there was a conflict whereupon me and my colleague modified the same lines in a certain file. No biggie, stuff like this happens. I resolved the conflict like I always do (I believe this to be the correct way, please correct me if I'm mistaken) by editing the result file so that the content makes sense and the conflict markers are gone, then darcs rec.
I have a couple of branches in different places, in development, testing and staging for instance. Whenever I apply the changes (or pull for that matter) the conflict is reintroduced (hence zombie). Darcs warns about a conflict, throws a bunch of markers in the file and I have to manually go and resolve the conflict again. The problem is that after I've removed the unnecessary parts, darcs wh shows no changes in the file (hence ghost)!
I'm completely at a loss as to 1) what happened 2) how can I fix it and 3) how can I prevent it in the future.

Xcode 4.4 unable to rename classes/variables

On both Xcode 4.4 and 4.4.1 I'm experiencing the same issue in that with the specific project I'm working on, I don't seem to be able to rename any classes or variables from the Refactor menu option.
Each time I try and do a rename, I type in the new name for the class/variable and click Preview at which point the bottom left begins a spinner with Finding files.... However, I then get a message saying:
The selection is not a type that can be renamed.
Make a different selection and try again.
I'm pretty sure that this is not an issue with my specific install of Xcode, because I can refactor other projects fine, it's just that I can't seem to be able to refactor this specific project.
Anyone with any ideas? I don't have any particularly exotic configuration for this project, it just seems to be a random affliction. I've deleted all of my derived data and re-indexed, but that doesn't seem to help.
Since it works OK in other projects, I'm thinking one thing I could try to do is re-generate the actual project file(s) itself. I don't know if there is a way to do this automatically?
If they're in dropbox get them out of there. It mangles project files. I've had it happen numerous times and at times it makes refactoring > renaming not work.
I have managed to solve this issue after trying many different things (tweaking project settings, pch, etc.) and it turns out there was a very simple (and totally counter-intuitive) method of fixing this issue.
All I have done is:-
Copy my entire project folder (so from Project to Project Copy).
Move Project (the original folder) to trash.
Rename Project Copy to Project.
Mysteriously, everything now works fine.
I really cannot figure out why this works. As mentioned previously, I had already deleted all derived data, etc. so I don't know why this should make things spontaneously work, but it does.
Would appreciate anyone who is able to shed some light on this as it does expose just how fiddly Xcode can be, and any understanding of what goes on under the hood is always beneficial.
Sounds like a buggered index.
I usually use the nuke from space option to delete everything in the derived data directory.
Unless you have changed it (I change mine to /tmp/bbum-derived), it'll be at:
Thus, I'll quit Xcode and do:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Yes, it is a bit brute force, but it works. You can likely force Xcode to rebuild the index from the UI, but I never bother. Of course, I'm also installing quite a few "odd" builds of this and that as a part of my day job...
(that is an rm -rf. It means "nuke everything and don't ask" in unix parlance. It is dangerous. Do not mistype that command.)
It seems you have an active selection somewhere in the gui, perhaps some of your files or classes are selected ? Try unselect in every sub window and retry refactoring.
I'm a bit late to this thread, but I ran into the same problem today and I was able to get it to finally refactor correctly, thought I share it.
So in large part I did what bbum said, I closed xCode, nuked the Derived data for the project the class files were in and re opened the project. Doing just that, it didn't work; the key, I found (at least for me), is that I had to do a clean (command shift k) after xCode restarts. After that I was able to rename the class files again :)
Also as a side note, my project is divided into the main project, and a static library. When I had to rename classes in the static library, I had to quit the main project and do what I described in the static library itself. Somehow I got the same error described in the question when I tried to do the refactor/rename from the main project.
Good luck!
This thread was very helpful for me in determining the problem.
It turned out that I had to Repair Disk with Disk Utility. I had visited a site earlier that had hijacked Safari and was telling me to call a number for emergency repairs, an obvious scam.
I followed the Disk Utility instructions to repair disk (including restarting with CMD-R pressed). Another clue was that I tried to commit to git and Xcode said No Way, Jose.
Afterwards I was able to refactor and commit changes as if nothing ever happened. I hope this helps someone else as a possible cause to investigate.

Darcs conflicts

I installed Darcs a few days ago and have a doubt.
I am the only programmer and I usually work on two or three instances of the application, making new feautures. The problems cames because this instances modify the same source code file, so when I finished them and send to main repository they make a conflict.
Is there any way to deal with this? Can I write the same file in multiple instances without making conflict when pushing to main repository?
First of all when changes occurs at different places of the file there is generally no conflicts when merging. When two patches can be merged without conflicts one says that they commute. In your case it happens that you've modified the same part of the file in two different branches. In this case darcs don't allow you to "push" the second patch that makes the conflict.
There is two ways to resolve such a confilct, but you have to start to locally merge the both patches to get the conflict in your working repo. To do this just pull the patches from the main repository. Then you have to edit the offended file and resolve the conflict.
The first way is simple and the prefered solution, you have to "amend-record" the patch that is not yet on the main repository (look at the usage of the "darcs amend-record" command).
The other solution is to record a resolution patch, by calling "darcs record" and then pushing both the conflicting patch and the resolution patch. This solution tends to complicate the history and can make some later operations longer. However when the branch has been heavily distributed this solution becomes needed.