Error -32 EPIPE broken pipe -

I am doing a post request with ajax that should return a partialview but I always get following error in log:
Connection id "0HL6PHMI6GKUP" communication error.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Internal.Networking.UvException: Error -32 EPIPE broken pipe
When looking at the debug log, I see that it is loading the partialview data but than I get the error.
I can't find anything on the net about the -32 EPIPE error, could someone help me explain what this error means?
Ajax call
$( "#PostForm" ).submit(function( event ) {
//Ajax call
type: 'POST',
url: "/url/path/CreateBox",
data: {
"id": $("#RackId").val(),
"Name": $("#Name").val()
success: function(result){
public async Task<IActionResult> CreateBox(int id, string Name)
//Get the info of the given ID
Rack rack = await this._rackAccess.GetByIdAsync(id);
if (rack == null)
return NotFound();
Box box = new Box();
box.Rack = rack;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
box.Name = Name;
var result = await this._boxAccess.InsertAsync(box);
//Returns a list of boxes
return PartialView("Boxes", await this._boxAccess.ToRackListAsync(rack.ID));
//Returns form again
return PartialView("CreateBox", box);
Aspnet core: 1.1.0
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel": "1.1.0"
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting": "1.1.0",

Solution can be found on github were I posted the problem aswell:
Answer of halter73 on github:
The "communication error" usually comes in ECONNRESET, EPIPE, and ECANCELED varieties. Which one you get usually just depends on which platform you're running on, but all three generally mean the same thing: that the client closed the connection ungracefully.
I have a theory why this is happening. I think that the page might be getting reloaded mid-xhr causing the xhr to get aborted. This can be fixed by returning false from your jQuery submit callback.
I took all your dependencies and your jQuery snippet and demonstrated how this page reload can cause an EPIPE on linux and an ECANCELED on Windows in a sample repro at It uses csproj instead of project.json because I don't have an old CLI that supports project.json easily available.

Maybe due to long time processing on server-side,
communication pipe was broken by overtime mechanism.
Wish this is helpful.


Handling errors if no network is available

I just implemented my first backend file where I fetch some user data, messages and so on.
Now I wanted to include error handling if there is no network available.
I donĀ“t know if I did it right but this was my approach so far:
import axios from 'axios'
const host = process.env.VUE_APP_URL
export default {
person: async function (currentPerson) {
let params = {
currentPerson: localStorage.getItem("person"),
if (user) {
params['currentPerson'] = currentPerson;
return axios.get(`${host}/api/currentPerson`, {
params: params
//catching network errors
.catch (error => {
if (error.response) {
* The request was made and the server responded with a
4xx/5xx error
} else if (error.request) {
* The request was made but no response was received
} else {
// Something happened in setting up the request and triggered an Error
console.log('Error', error.message);
In my mounted() function of my main view I fetch the data from my backend file from above:
backend.matches().then(function (response) {
self.contacts =;
I tried to check in console if it is working but all I get is the following:
In the catch block I check for
response errors: like 4xx/5xx
request errors: if my network not responding in time
and any other errors
Would this be the right approach to check if a network is available or not? Or does it degrade the user experience when the user checks the error?
My backend file includes more methods.. do I have to write for each method these kind of requests?
In your backend file you don't react whether there is a network connection or not I think.
And only for reference: that is not the backend, but communicates with the backend - the backend is the part of your code what you communicate with, e.g. Laravel code, an API, ...
Try adding the following at the beginning of your catch part:
if (!error.response) {
//network error
console.log('No network connection');
} else if (error.response) {
//the rest of your code
This should print out No network connection in your console.
Run your application, turn off the internet connection and check the console.
These kind of code should always be located in your backend part.
My answer maybe different from your question.
When i create a .net core API with Angular i used three things to check is there network or not?
subscribe to windows's offline/online event
create signalR hub from layout component to API server
API request failed (it means lot of incident, but if 1. or 2. case is true i know what cause 3. case

AWS Error: Proxy integrations cannot be configured to transform responses

I'm a beginner in Amazon's Lambda-API implementations.
I'm just deploying a very simple API: a very simple lambda function with Python 2.7 printing "Hello World" that I trigger with API Gateway. However, when I click on the Invoke URL link, it tells me "{"message": "Internal server error"}".
Thus, I'm trying to see what is wrong here, so I click on the API itself and I can see the following being grey in my Method Execution: "Integration Response: Proxy integrations cannot be configured to transform responses."
I have tested many different configurations but I still face the same error. I have no idea why this step is grey.
I had the same problem when trying to integrate API gateway and lambda function. Basically, after spending a couple of hours, I figure out.
So when you were creating a new resource or method the Use Lambda Proxy integration was set by default.
So you need to remove this. Follow to Integration Request and untick the Use Lambda Proxy integration
you will see the following picture
Then in you Resources, Atction tab, choose Enable CORS
Once this done Deploy your API once again and test function. Also, this topic will explain what's happening under the hood.
Good luck...
The Lambda response should be in a specific format for API gateway to process. You could find details in the post.
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
var responseBody = {
"key3": "value3",
"key2": "value2",
"key1": "value1"
var response = {
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"my_header": "my_value"
"body": JSON.stringify(responseBody),
"isBase64Encoded": false
callback(null, response);
My API was working in Postman but not locally when I was developing the front end. I was getting the same errors when trying to enable CORS on my resources for GET, POST and OPTIONS and after searching all over #aditya answer got me on the right track but I had to tweak my code slightly.
I needed to add the res.statusCodeand the two headers and it started working.
// GET
// get all myModel
app.get('/models/', (req, res) => {
const query = 'SELECT * FROM MyTable'
pool.query(query, (err, results, fields) => {
const models = [...results]
const response = {
data: models,
message: 'All models successfully retrieved.',
//****** needed to add the next 3 lines
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
If you re using terraform for aws resource provision you can set the
"aws_api_gateway_integration" type = "AWS" instead of "AWS_PROXY" and that should resolve your problem.

400 Bad Request when doing a Parse Unity cloud call to user.logIn in Parse.Cloud.Define

When trying to define a Parse Cloud Code server side function to handle login I get 400 Bad Request when I try to call it. When I look at the Parse logs it records the error "Failed with: ReferenceError: user is not defined". But the user is definitely defined!
Below is the definition of the cloud code for LogIn:
Parse.Cloud.define("LogIn", function(request, response)
user.logIn(request.params.username, request.params.password,
success: function(user)
"success": "Log in successful."
error: function(user, error)
// We must respond with a success in order to access the
// result of the request inside Unity.
"error": "Log in failed.",
"code": error.code,
"message": error.message
From Unity I make this call to the LogIn coud code function:
ParseCloud.CallFunctionAsync<Dictionary<string, object>> ("LogIn", userInfo).ContinueWith (t =>
I get the following error logged in the server side Parse logs when I call the above from Unity using user sashas123 and also student123:
E2014-09-26T17:06:18.001Z] v8: Ran cloud function LogIn with: Input:
{"username":"sashas123","password":"test"} Failed with:
ReferenceError: user is not defined
at main.js:43:5
E2014-09-26T17:38:50.474Z] v10: Ran cloud function LogIn with:
Input: {"username":"student123","password":"test"} Failed with:
ReferenceError: user is not defined
at main.js:43:5
The following snapshot from the Data Browser shows that the above users are definitely defined:
![Parse User class][1]
Is there any issue with calling user.LogIn on the server side through Cloud Code or is this a Unity issue?
It looks like user.logIn should be request.user.logIn :)
I find it's best to handle the case where the function may be called without a logged in user too:
if (request.user.logIn != null)
response.error("This function must be called with a logged in user!");
Hope this help! does not send a request on second time onwards in dojo 1.8

Example code snippet
this._deferred ={
url: "/Some/Servie",
method: "post",
handleAs: 'html',
content: {},
load: function(response, ioArgs){
//DO successfull callback
error: function(response, ioArgs){
// DO Failer callback
click submit button send a request and successfully got a response
click submit button again...request never send...
Appreciate any help
I can't talk for 1.8, but I am using dojo 1.6 and had a very similar issue that I resolved with the following method: = null; //insert this line
*verified in Chrome Version 25.0.1364.152 m
Source: will only send one request at a time, so if it thinks that the first request is still processing (whether it actually is or not), it won't work on the second call. The trick is to call cancel() on the returned deferred result if one exists, like so:
if (this._deferred) {
this._deferred ={
that will cancel the first request and allow the second request to send properly.
For dojo 1.8, is deprecated. dojo.request.iframe is used instead.
And the solution from #Sorry-Im-a-N00b still works:
iframe._currentDfd = null;
iframe.get(url, {
data: sendData,

Why doesn't execute the provided error function when receiving a 404?

I am trying to use the following to do a cross-domain get:{
url: myUrl,
callbackParamName: "callback",
preventCache: true,
load: dojo.hitch( this, loadFunction ),
error: dojo.hitch( this, function() {
The load function runs fine, however, when the server returns a 404, the error function does not run. Can anyone tell me why?
After some investigation, I found that a timeout and handler could be implemented in the following way:{
url: myUrl,
callbackParamName: "callback",
timeout: 2000
}, function(error){
This uses functionality provided by the dojo.Deferred object.
When accessing server with script tags (that what does), status code and headers are not available.
You may try some other ways to detect a problem, like using a timeout and analyzing a content of a script. The latter is problematic for JSONP calls (like in your example).
I realize this is old but I thought I'd share a solution in case others, like I had, come across this thread. is essentially adding a <script/> to your html page. So you can try this:
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('src', myUrl);
script.onerror = function() {
script.onload = function() {
That way if the script fails to load the onerror event is called.
*This may not work in every instance but is a good start