while loop with cursor and dynamic SQL doesn't terminate - sql

I like to write a procedure that return the name of each table, that has a row with specific id. I other words, the tables have a column 'id' which is of type varchar and contains an uuid. After doing some research, I chose the following approach (simplified, focussing on the problem that I can't solve/understand):
-- get a cursor for all foo table names that have an id column
DECLARE table_name_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT a.name
FROM sysobjects a, syscolumns b
WHERE a.id = b.id
AND a.name like 'Foo%'
AND b.name = 'id'
-- define some variables
DECLARE #current_table_name VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE #id_found VARCHAR(100)
OPEN table_name_cursor
FETCH table_name_cursor INTO #current_table_name
EXEC ('SELECT #id_found = id from ' + #current_table_name + " where id = '#id_param'") -- #id_param will be passed with the procedure call
select #current_table_name
FETCH table_name_cursor INTO #current_table_name
-- clean up resources
CLOSE table_name_cursor
DEALLOCATE table_name_cursor
It works as expected, when the size of the cursor is fairly low (~20 tables in my case) but if the cursor size grows, then the procedure never terminates.
It smells like a resource problem but my white belt in Sybase-Fu doesn't help finding the answer.
Question: why does it stops working with 'too many' cursor rows and is there a way to get it working with this approach?
Is there an alternative (better) way to solve to real problem (running queries on all tables)? This is not intended to be used for production, it's just some sort of dev/maintenance script.

It might help to have some context around your comment "it stops working", eg, does the proc return unexpectedly, does the proc generate a stack trace, is it really 'stopped' or is it 'running longer than expected'?
Some basic monitoring should help figure out what's going on:
does sp_who show the cursor process as being blocked (eg, by other processes that have an exclusive lock on data you're querying)
do periodic queries of master..monProcessWaits where SPID =<spid_of_cursor_process> show any events with largish amounts of wait time (eg, high wait times for disk reads; high wait times for network writes)
do periodic queries of master..{monProcessStatement|monProcessObject} where SPID = <spid_of_cursor_process> show cpu/wait/logicalreads/physicalreads increasing?
I'm guessing some of your SELECTs are running against largish tables with no usable index on the id column, with the net result being that some SELECTs are running expensive (and slow) table and/or index scans, possibly having to wait while large volumes of data are pulled from disk.
If my guess is correct, the MDA tables should show ever increasing numbers for disk waits, logical/physical reads, and to a lesser extent cpu.
Also, if you are seeing large volumes of logical/physical reads (indicative of table/index scans), the query plan for the currently running SELECT should confirm the use of a table/index scan (and thus the inability to find/use an index on the id column for the current table).
For your smaller/faster test runs I'm guessing you're hitting either a) smaller tables where table/index scans are relatively fast and/or b) tables with usable indexes on the id column (and thus relatively fast index lookups).
Something else to consider ... what application are you using to make your proc call?
I've lost track of the number of times where a user has run into some ... shall I say 'funky' issues ... when accessing ASE; with the issue normally being tracked back to a configuration or coding issue with the front-end/client application.
In these circumstances I suggest the user run their query(s) and/or procs via the isql command line tool to see if they get the same 'funky' results; more often than not the isql command line session does not show the 'funky' behavior, thus pointing to an issue with whatever application/tool the user is has been using to access ASE.
NOTE: By isql command line tool I mean exactly that ... the command line tool ... not to be confused with wisql or dbisql or any other point-n-click GUI tool (many of which do cause some 'funky' behavior under certain scenarios).
NOTE: Even if this turns out to be a client-side issue (as opposed to an ASE issue), the MDA tables can often pinpoint this, eg, monProcessWaits might show a large amount of wait time while waiting for output (to the client) to complete; in this scenario sp_who would also show the spid with a status of send sleep (ie, ASE is waiting for client to process the last result set sent by ASE to the client).


How to force SELECT blocking on SQL server?

I see so much information about avoiding blocks. My situation is that I WANT blocks.
We have this table with which two separate processes will be communicating with each other. The processes will run at random times and will use this control table to understand if the other process is busy. Both processes can't be busy at the same time, hence the control table.
Each job, when run, will check the control table... and based on that data will decide whether it's OK to run, and if OK, will update the control table record.
The issue is that if both processes run at the same moment, it's not clear that they won't do the following undesired actions (in this exact order):
Proc A reads the control table (table says good to go)
Proc B reads the control table (table says good to go)
Proc A updates control table (table now says "Proc A is busy")
Proc B updates control table (table now says "Proc B is busy")
<- In that scenario, both processes think they successfully updated the control table and will start their main flow (which is NOT what we want)
What I want here is for Proc B to be BLOCKED from SELECTING (not just updating) from the control table. This way, if/when Proc B's select query finally works, it will see the updated 'busy' value, not the value that existed before being changed by Proc A.
We're using SQL Server 2008 R2 I believe. I checked out SERIALIZABLE isolation but it doesn't appear to be strong enough.
For what it's worth we're trying to accomplish this with JDBC... using conn.setTransactionIsolation(Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE);
Which we understand to be the highest level of isolation, but I can still run selects all day from another window.
I'm 100% sure this is nowhere near a unique problem.... does anyone have any suggestion for making this work?
Your approach can work, but there are a few things to consider:
You need to open a transaction in the very beginning (before the first read) and you must only commit it after you have finished your work.
If both A and B try to read/modify the same record, this will work out of the box, even with the default transaction isolation level (READ COMMITTED). Otherwise, you need to tell SQL Server to lock the whole table (using the TABLOCK hint).
In fact, you don't need the reads at all!
This is how it will work:
P1 P2
WRITE (success)
WRITE (blocked)
do work |
. |
. |
COMMIT -> block released, WRITE finishes
do work
PS: Note, though, that SQL server supports application locks. Thus, if you just want to synchronize two processes, you don't need to "abuse" a table:
Implementing application locks within SQL Server (Distributed Locking Pattern)
PPS: For completeness, let me also answer the question in the title ("How to force SELECT blocking on SQL server?"): For this, you can use a combination of the HOLDLOCK and the XLOCK table hint (or TABLOCKX, if you want to exclusively lock the whole table).
If you need the read (because you want to some processing) I would do the following:
Set transaction isolation level serializable
begin transaction
select from tablea
update tablea

SQL Server: Intermittent Invalid object name 'dbo.computed_view1'. Could not use view or function 'dbo.view2' because of binding errors

I'm using SQL Server 2008 R2.
I have a view; let's call it view1. This view is complex and slow. It cannot be made into an indexed view because it uses left joins and various other trickery. As such, we created a stored procedure which basically:
obtains an exclusive lock
selects * into computed_view1_tmp from view1; (slow)
creates indexes on the above computed table (slow)
renames computed_view1 to computed_view1_todelete; and does the same for its indexes (assumed fast)
renames computed_view1_tmp to computed_view1; and does the same for its indexes (assumed fast)
drops the table computed_view1_todelete (slow)
releases the lock.
We run this procedure when we know we're changing the data in our web application. We then have other views, such as view2 using computed_view1 instead of view1.
Once in a while, we get:
Invalid object name 'dbo.computed_view1'. Could not use view or
function 'dbo.view2 because of binding errors.
I assume this is because we're trying to access dbo.computed_view1 at the same time as it's being renamed. I assume this is a very short period, but the frequency I am seeing this error in my logs makes me wonder if something else might be at play. I'm getting the error many times per day on a site with about a dozen users active throughout the day.
In development, this procedure takes about five seconds given the amount of data in the view. Renaming is instantaneous. In production, it must be taking longer but I don't understand why. I once saw the procedure fail to obtain the exclusive lock within 90 seconds.
Any thoughts on how to fix or a better solution?
Edit: Extra notes on my locking - maybe I'm not doing this right:
DECLARE #result int
EXEC #result = sp_getapplock #Resource = 'lock_computed_view1', #LockMode = 'Exclusive', #LockTimeout = 90
IF #result NOT IN ( 0, 1 ) -- Only successful return codes
PRINT #result
RAISERROR ( 'Lock failed to acquire...', 16, 1 )
// rest of the magic
EXEC #result = sp_releaseapplock #Resource = 'lock_computed_view1'
If you're locking and transaction scope is right I would expect other transactions to wait and never see the view missing. This might be a SQL Server idiosyncrasy that I don't know about.
It is often possible to do without dynamic DDL. Here are two ways to do it:
TRUNCATE the computed table and insert into it. This takes an exclusive automatically. No need to rename. All of this is atomic and supports rollback.
Use a staging table with the same schema. Work on that. So far no service interruption at all. Then, SWITCH PARTITION the staging table with the production table. This is quick and atomic. This does not require Enterprise Edition.
With these approaches the problem is solved by just not renaming.

Why/how do my SQL queries get faster with use?

I ran a query on about 1,300,000 records in one table. It takes certain records that meet some WHERE conditions and inserts them into another table. It first clears out the target table entirely.
The time taken to complete the query gets drastically better with each Execute:
1st: 5 minutes, 3 seconds
2nd: 2 minutes, 43 seconds
3rd: 12 seconds
4th: 3 seconds
I'm not doing anything other than just hitting Execute. My query looks like this (somewhat abbreviated for length purposes):
DELETE FROM dbo.ConsolidatedLogs --clear target table
DECLARE #ClientID int
FETCH NEXT FROM c INTO #ClientID --foreach LogID
INSERT INTO dbo.ConsolidatedLogs
(col1, col2)
SELECT col1, col2
FROM dbo.CompleteLogsRaw
WHERE col3 = true AND
ClientID = #ClientID
How/why does this happen? What is SQL Server doing exactly to make this possible?
This query is going to be run as an SQL Server Agent job, once every 3 hours. Will it take the full 5 minutes every time, or will it be shorter because the job is only running this one query, even though it's got a 3 hour delay?
If identical queries get faster with each run, there is an outstanding chance that things are being cached. So, where can things be cached?
SQL Server Query Plan Cache
SQL Server's Query Cache
Operating System IO Buffers
Hard Disk Controller Cache
Hard Disk On-Disk Cache
You can clear the SQL Server Query Cache between runs to see what the impact of that cache is
How can I clear the SQL Server query cache?
SQL Server will use whatever RAM is dedicated to it to keep things that it accesses frequently in RAM rather than on disk. The more you run the same query, the more the data that would normally be found on disk is likely to reside in RAM instead.
The OS level and hardware-level caches are easiest to reset by performing a reboot if you wish to see whether they are contributing to the improving results.
If you publish the query plan that SQL Server is using for each execution of your query, a more detailed diagnostics would be possible.
When Sql Server executes a query in Enterprise Manager, it creates an "execution" or "query plan" after the first execution, and caches that plan. A "query plan", in a nutshell, describes how SQL Server will attack the tables, fields, indexes, and data necessary to satisfy the result. Each time you re-run it, that query is fetched from the plan cache, and the "heavy lifting" that the query preprocessor would ordinarily have to do is omitted. That allows the query to be performed more rapidly on second and subsequent executions.
Mind you, that's an oversimplification of a much more detailed (and, thus, inherently cooler) process, but that's Query Plan 101 :)

Why is this sql script so slow in SQL Server Management Studio?

I have a SQL Script that inserts about 8000 rows into a TABLE variable.
After inserting into that variable, I use a WHILE loop to loop over that table and perform other operations. That loop is perhaps 60 lines of code.
If I run the TABLE variable insert part of the script, without the while loop, it takes about 5 seconds. That's great.
However, if I run the entire script, it takes about 15 minutes.
Here's what is interesting and what I can't figure out:
When I run the entire script, I don't see any print statements until many minutes into the script.
Then, once it figures out what to do (presumably), it runs the inserts into the table var, does the loop, and that all goes rather fast.
Then, toward the end of the loop, or even after it, it sits and hangs for many more minutes. Finally, it chugs through the last few lines or so of the script that come after the loop.
I can account for all the time taken during the insert, and then all the time taken in the loop. But I can't figure out why it appears to be hanging for so many minutes before and at the end of the script.
for kicks, I added a GO statement after the insert into the temp table, and everything up to that point ran as you'd expect; however, I can't do that because I need that variable, and the GO statement obviously kills that variable.
I believe I'm going to stop using the table variable and go with a real table so that I can issue the GO, but I would really like to know what's going on here.
Any thoughts on what SQL Server is up to during that time?
You can always check what a script is doing from the Activity Monitor or from the sys.dm_exec_requests view. The script will be blocked by something, and you'll be able to see what is that is blocking in the wait_type and wait_resource columns.
There are several likely culprits, like waiting on row locks or table locks, but from the description of the problem I suspect is a database or log growth event. Those tend to be very expensive once the database is a big enough and the default 10% increase means growth of GBs. If that's the case, try to pre-size the database at the required size and make sure Instant File Initialization is enabled for data files.
PRINTs are buffered, so you can't judge performance from them.
Use RAISERROR ('Message', 0, 1) WITH NOWAIT to see the output immediately.
To understand what the process is doing, I'd begin with calling sp_who2 a few times and looking at the values for the process of interest: isn't it being blocked, what are the wait types if any, and so on. Also, just looking at the server hardware load (CPU, disk activity) might help (unless there're other active processes).
And please post some code. Table var definition and the loop will be enough, I believe, no need for INSERT stuff.
If you are using the table variable, can you try substituting it with temp table and see if there is any change in performance?
And if possible, please post the code so that it can be analysed for possible area of interest.
From the wording of your question, it sounds like you're using a cursor to loop through the table. If this is the case, issuing a "SET NOCOUNT ON" command before starting the loop will help.
The table variable was mentioned in a previous answer, but as a general rule, you should really use a temp table if you have more than a few rows.

MS SQL Server 2005 - Stored Procedure "Spontaneously Breaks"

A client has reported repeated instances of Very strange behaviour when executing a stored procedure.
They have code which runs off a cached transposition of a volatile dataset. A stored proc was written to reprocess the dataset on demand if:
1. The dataset had changed since the last reprocessing
2. The datset has been unchanged for 5 minutes
(The second condition stops massive repeated recalculation during times of change.)
This worked fine for a couple of weeks, the SP was taking 1-2 seconds to complete the re-processing, and it only did it when required. Then...
The SP suddenly "stopped working" (it just kept running and never returned)
We changed the SP in a subtle way and it worked again
A few days later it stopped working again
Someone then said "we've seen this before, just recompile the SP"
With no change to the code we recompiled the SP, and it worked
A few days later it stopped working again
This has now repeated many, many times. The SP suddenly "stops working", never returning and the client times out. (We tried running it through management studio and cancelled the query after 15 minutes.)
Yet every time we recompile the SP, it suddenly works again.
I haven't yet tried WITH RECOMPILE on the appropriate EXEC statments, but I don't particularly want to do that any way. It gets called hundred of times an hour and normally does Nothing (It only reprocesses the data a few times a day). If possible I want to avoid the overhead of recompiling what is a relatively complicated SP "just to avoid something which "shouldn't" happen...
Has anyone experienced this before?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to overcome it?
The pseduo-code would be as follows:
read "a" from table_x
read "b" from table_x
If (a < b) return
DELETE table_y
INSERT INTO table_y <3 selects unioned together>
UPDATE table_x
The selects are "not pretty", but when executed in-line they execute in no time. Including when the SP refuses to complete. And the profiler shows it is the INSERT at which the SP "stalls"
There are no parameters to the SP, and sp_lock shows nothing blocking the process.
This is the footprint of parameter-sniffing. Yes, first step is to try RECOMPILE, though it doesn't always work the way that you want it to on 2005.
I would try statement-level Recompile on the INSERT anyway as this might be a statistics problem (oh yeah, check that automatics statistics updating is on).
If this does not seem to fit parameter-sniffing, then compare th actual query plan from when it works correctly and from when it is running forever (use estimated plan if you cannot get the actual, though actual is better). You are looking to see if the plan changes or not.
I totally agree with the parameter sniffing diagnosis. If you have input parameters to the SP which are varying (or even if they aren't varying) - be sure to mask them with a local variable and use the local variable in the SP.
You can also use the WITH RECOMPILE if the set is changing but the query plan is no longer any good.
In SQL Server 2008, you can use the OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN feature.
Also, if your process involves populating a table and then using that table in another operation, I recommend breaking the process up into separate SPs and calling them individually WITH RECOMPILE. I think the plans generated at the outset of the process can sometimes be very poor (so poor as not to complete) when you populate a table and then use the results of that table to carry out an operation. Because at the time of the initial plan, the table was a lot different than after the initial insert.
As others have said, something about the way the data or the source table statistics are changing is causing the cached query plan to go stale.
WITH RECOMPILE will probably be the quickest fix - use SET STATISTICS TIME ON to find out what the recompilation cost actually is before dismissing it out of hand.
If that's still not an acceptable solution, the best option is probably to try to refactor the insert statement.
You don't say whether you're using UNION or UNION ALL in your insert statement. I've seen INSERT INTO with UNION produce some bizarre query plans, particularly on pre-SP2 versions of SQL 2005.
Raj's suggestion of dropping and
recreating the target table with
SELECT INTO is one way to go.
You could also try selecting each of
the three source queries into their own
temporary table, then UNION those temp tables
together in the insert.
Alternatively, you could try a
combination of these suggestions -
put the results of the union into a
temporary table with SELECT INTO,
then insert from that into the target
I've seen all of these approaches resolve performance problems in similar scenarios; testing will reveal which gives the best results with the data you have.
Obviously changing the stored procedure (by recompiling) changes the circumstances that led to the lock.
Try to log the progress of your SP as described here or here.
I would agree with the answer given above in a comment, this sounds like an unclosed transaction, particularly if you are still able to run the select statement from query analyser.
Sounds very much like there is an open transaction with a pending delete for table_y and the insert can't happen at this point.
When your SP locks up, can you perform an insert into table_y?
Do you have an index maintenance job?
Are your statistics up to date? One way to tell is examine the estimated and actual query plans for large variations.
As others have said, this sounds very likely to be an uncommitted transaction.
My best guess:
You'll want to make sure that table_y can be deleted completely and quickly.
If there are other stored procedures or external pieces of code that ever hold transactions on this table, you may be waiting forever. (They may error out and never close the transaction)
Another note: try using truncate if possible. it uses fewer resources than a delete with no where clause:
truncate table table_y
Also, once an error happens within your OWN transaction, it will cause all following calls (every 5 minutes apparently) to "hang", unless you handle your error:
begin tran
begin try
-- do normal stuff
end try
begin catch
end catch
The very first error is what will give you information about the actual error. Seeing it hang in your own subsequent tests is just a secondary effect.
If you are doing these steps:
DELETE table_y
INSERT INTO table_y <3 selects unioned together>
You might want to try this instead
DROP TABLE table_y
SELECT INTO table_y <3 selects unioned together>