There is a part of the code below ; I would like to know how can I evaluate my forecast ?
If, I want to know the importance of my feature is there a trick to use the featureImportances of RandomForestRegressionModel ? Should I directly switch to a RandomForestRegressionModel and not using a PipelineModel ?
I read that using a Pipeline could give better results that's why i'm using it.
I tried using a RegressionEvaluator but i don't get what I want.
Or should I just think simple and convert my DataFrame to an RDD and use the RegressionMetrics to get the mean Squared Error.
To summarize, i just need to know what is the best method to evaluate my forecast.
val assembler = new VectorAssembler()
.setInputCols(Array("customers", "year", "month", "dayOfMonth", "dayOfWeek", "weekOfYear", "dayOfYear"))
val limitDate = "2017-04-01"
val trainingData = DF_2.filter(DF_2("time").lt(lit(limitDate)))
val rf = new RandomForestRegressor()
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(assembler, rf))
//Train the model
val model =
//Make predictions
val predictions = model.transform(DF_2)
For those who need an answer ; here how do I deal with this problem.
You can "transform"/"cast" your Pipeline Model to the type that u need using asInstanceOf like this :
val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(assembler, rf))
val newModel = model.stages("NumberStage").asInstanceOf[TheModelYouWant]
Change NumberStage with the index of your Algorithm in your Pipeline, in my Pipeline it was 1. (For rf)
Change TheModelYouWant for the type of the model you need, in my case it was RandomForestRegressionModel.
Then you can create your own Evaluator that you want to use for your model.
If you want to transform your DF in a RDD[(Double, Double)], u can use .rdd & .map :
val predictionsAndLabels="amount", "prediction") {case (row) => ((row.getInt(0).toDouble), (row.getDouble(1)))}
I have now a RDD[(Double, Double)] and you can use it for RegressionMetrics.
I hope it will help someone.
I'm trying to do DBSCAN in each group of latitudes and longitudes from users. The implementation of this clustering algorithm was done by irvingc here. I bumped up all dependencies to make the code work properly in my env.
Describing the sistuation: I have a Dataframe which is composed by events from user, each event has an id, a lat, and a long, you can see the columns by this case class. By that, I transform the dataframe to dataset to use the groupbykey and mapgroups methods to apply the function to the grouped data. However, the DBSCAN I'm using receive an RDD[linalg.Vector], so I have to transform the group into Vector of lat/lon, and this transformation gives the error SPARK-28702. Can you give some advice how to handle this issue?
case class StayDataset(objectID: Long, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, timeStart: Long, timeEnd: Long)
var dfs: Array[DataFrame] = Array()
val s = dataset.groupByKey(k => k.objectID).mapGroups{
case(k, iter) => {
POIDetection.groupStayPointsFromUser(k, iter, dataset.sparkSession)
dfs = dfs ++ Array(df)
def groupStayPointsFromUser(k: Long, dataset: Iterator[StayDataset], spark: SparkSession): DataFrame = {
val points = => Vectors.dense(Array(row.latitude, row.longitude))).toSeq
val rddVector = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(points)
val size = points.length
val model = DBSCAN.train(rddVector, eps = 20, minPoints = (size * 0.18).toInt, maxPointsPerPartition = (size / 4).toInt)
val pointRDD = new PointRDD( => {
val point = POIDetection.geoFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(p.x, p.y))
val df = Adapter.toDf(pointRDD, Seq("cluster"), spark)
.select(col("cluster").cast("long"), col("geometry"))
I think this problem arises when we want to apply a KNN in a grouped data. How to do that?
I don't understand what you want to achieve but first, you need to create a RDD[linalg.Vector], I suppose that you have the dataset of StayDataset already, to retrieve the RDDs, you need to transform the Dataset of StayDataset to linalg.Vector
val dsVector = dataset.transform[linalg.Vector](rec => linalg.Vectors.dense(rec.latitude, rec.longitude))
and then you retrieve the rdd[linalg.Vector]:
val rdd = dsVector.rdd
and you pass the rdd to your DBSCAN:
DBSCAN.train(rdd, ...)
These are necessary for your to get the rdd to do the train.
I think you also need to do some aggregation beforehand. If it is true, you need to manipulate on the dataset you have
I was using the code below to extract strings I needed in Spark SQL. But now I am working with more data in Spark Hadoop and I want to extract strings. I tried the same code, but it does not work.
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("myapp").setMaster("local[*]")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
import java.util.regex.Pattern
//User Defined function to extract
def toExtract(str: String) = {
val pattern = Pattern.compile("#\\w+")
val tmplst = scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
val matcher = pattern.matcher(str)
while (matcher.find()) {
tmplst +=
val Extract = udf(toExtract _)
val values = List("#always_nidhi #YouTube no i dnt understand bt i loved the music nd their dance awesome all the song of this mve is rocking")
val df = sc.parallelize(values).toDF("words")"words"))).show()
How do I solve this problem?
First off, you're using Spark not the way its meant to. Your DataFrame isn't partitioned at all. Use:
val values = List("#always_nidhi", "#YouTube", "no", "i", "dnt", "understand" ...). That way, each bulk of words will be assigned to a different partition, different JVMs and/or clusters (depending on the total number of partitions and size of data). In your solution, the entire sentence is assigned to a specific partition and thus there's no parallelism nor distribution.
Second, you don't have to use a UDF (try to avoid those in general).
In order to find your regex, you can simply execute:
dataFrame.filter(col("words") rlike "#\\w+")
Hope it helps :-)
I'm training an ALS model with a CrossValidator:
val als = new ALS()
val evaluator = new RegressionEvaluator()
val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
.addGrid(als.regParam, Array(0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1))
val cv = new CrossValidator()
val cvModel =
I would like to inspect the chosen regParam value. I've tried this:
val bestRegParam = cvModel.bestModel.getRegParam()
However, I get the exception:
value getRegParam is not a member of[_$5]
usually you have to cast bestModel to a specific model, e.g. ALSModel.
But ALSModel class doesn't have regParam field. Unfortunately I guess there is no way to extract the chosen regParam and it's really a question to Spark developers.
You could turn on logging for CrossValidator as it logs the chosen best set of parameters
I'm generating small dataFrames in for loop. At each round of for loop, I pass the generated dataFrame to a function which returns double. This simple process (which I thought could be easily taken care of by garbage collector) blow up my memory. When I look at Spark UI at each round of for loop it adds a new "SQL{1-500}" (my loop runs 500 times). My question is how to drop this sql object before generating a new one?
my code is something like this:
val data = (1 to 1000).map(_=>Random.nextInt(1000))
val dataframe = createDataFrame(data)
def myFunction(df: DataFrame)={
I tried to solve this problem by dataframe.unpersist() and sqlContext.clearCache() but neither of them worked.
You have two places where I suspect something fishy is happening:
in the definition of myFunction : you really need to put the = before the body of the definition. I had typos like that compile, but produce really weird errors (note I changed your myFunction for debugging purposes)
it is better to fill your Seq with something you know and then apply foreach or some such
(You also need to replace random.nexInt with Random.nextInt, and also, you can only create a DataFrame from a Seq of a type that is a subtype of Product, such as tuple, and need to use sqlContext to use createDataFrame)
This code works with no memory issues:
Seq.fill(500)(0).foreach{ i =>
val data = {1 to 1000}.map(_.toDouble).toList.zipWithIndex
val dataframe = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data)
def myFunction(df: DataFrame) = {
Edit: parallelizing the computation (across 10 cores) and returning the RDD of counts:
sc.parallelize(Seq.fill(500)(0), 10).map{ i =>
val data = {1 to 1000}.map(_.toDouble).toList.zipWithIndex
val dataframe = sqlContext.createDataFrame(data)
def myFunction(df: DataFrame) = {
Edit 2: the difference between declaring function myFunction with = and without = is that the first is (a usual) function definition, while the other is procedure definition and is only used for methods that return Unit. See explanation. Here is this point illustrated in Spark-shell:
scala> def myf(df:DataFrame) = df.count()
myf: (df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame)Long
scala> def myf2(df:DataFrame) { df.count() }
myf2: (df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame)Unit
I'm experimenting with Spark and Spark SQL and I need to concatenate a value at the beginning of a string field that I retrieve as output from a select (with a join) like the following:
val result ='s)
Option("s.codeA".attr === "e.codeA".attr))
.select("1"+"s.codeA".attr, "".attr)
Let's say my tables contain:
And I would want as output:
In SQL or HiveQL I know I have the concat function available, but it seems Spark SQL doesn't support this feature. Can somebody suggest me a workaround for my issue?
Thank you.
I'm using Language Integrated Queries but I could use just a "standard" Spark SQL query, in case of eventual solution.
The output you add in the end does not seem to be part of your selection, or your SQL logic, if I understand correctly. Why don't you proceed by formatting the output stream as a further step ?
val results = sqlContext.sql("SELECT s.codeA, e.code FROM foobar") => "1" + t(0), t(1)).collect()
It's relatively easy to implement new Expression types directly in your project. Here's what I'm using:
case class Concat(children: Expression*) extends Expression {
override type EvaluatedType = String
override def foldable: Boolean = children.forall(_.foldable)
def nullable: Boolean = children.exists(_.nullable)
def dataType: DataType = StringType
def eval(input: Row = null): EvaluatedType = {
val result ='s)
Option("s.codeA".attr === "e.codeA".attr))
.select(Concat("1", "s.codeA".attr), "".attr)