List or schema of all dcm4chee xsl templates - dcm4che

recently we managed to solved some data transferring problem by finding out there is additional .xsl we could use. Since .xsl files seems to be main way of controlling information flow in dcm4chee (beside jmx configurations ofc) im wondering whether there is some kind of list or index or something like that with enumerated all .xsl files one could use and their places in workflow.
I mean it would be nice to know exactly in which points we could have some influence on process.
I tried to google something like that but no success so far :/
Any help will be appreciated.

Some online list of demo .xsl files is available at
Which one will be used is configurable through the jmx console and the configuration is then written back into the configuration files.
So searching for .xsl both as file extension and as full text search pattern in your dcm4chee installation directory will point you exactly to the places where the workflow can be influenced.
It is Java-style, Linux-style open source project so don't expect it to be too user friendly or Google friendly. I'm not aware of any easy to consume overview table/list/index but it would be nice to have one. It is open source so maybe you can add one..


How to compare content between two web pages in different environments?

We are in the process of building a website from scratch from an existing website. The web page is an identical copy, and as the web page contains many pages we need a way to compare content between the sites. It is of course possible to do manually, but it takes both a lot of time and entails a risk of human errors.
I have seen that there are services that offer this by inputting two URLs which are then analyzed and where discrepancies are presented. However, these cannot be used as our test environment is local (built in Sitecore).
Is there a way to solve this without making our test environment available online (which is not possible)? For example, does software exist for this, or alternatively some service where you can compare a web page that is online with one that is local?
Note that we're only looking for content comparison (not visual).
(Un)fortunately there's many ways to do this, but fortunately there are some simple ones.
What I would do is:
Get a list of URLs for each site. If the Sitemap is exhaustive, then you could use that, if it's not you might want to run some Sitecore Powershell to get the lists.
Given the lists (from files, or Sitecore API or something), write a program to visit each URL, get the text of the page after it's done rendering, and save it to disk (something like Selenium is good for this and you can use any language). You'll want some folder structure like host/urlpart/urlpart/pagename.txt, basically the same as your content tree.
Use some filesystem diff program like WinMerge to compare the two folders
This is quick and dirty, but a good place to start.

Bulk edit UrbanCode configuration?

I want to do some bulk search/edit operation on the scripts embedded in our UrbanCode components and applications, and possibly on the flowcharts and blueprints. Unfortunately a lot of this is stored in UrbanCode's own repository, where it can only be access through the browser GUI and I can't do things like grep for common patterns across the whole set.
Is there any documented way to check out/check in, or at least download, a copy of an entire UCD environment as text files that I could analyze?
I think the closest documented way to get some of the things you are looking for is to export the application and to search through the json file. Component processes with all their steps are included in the application export.

Generation of migration files from ezplatform with kaliop

Using ezplatform with "kaliop/ezmigrationbundle": "^3.0".
I read and re-read the manual but cannot see anything about auto-generating yml files from exsiting content types; does anyone have any experience with this and happen to know if/where the docs might live?
We have a list of content types that were created in the backend via the gui and now we need to create migration files for them for better development with the dev team.
Update: This is available on v4+
This is available on v4+ and answers the question
I guess that is not how it works!
the bundle generate just an empty yaml file for you and you should fill up the content types (or any other Backend Changes you want) yourself in that yaml file and then take it and apply to your stage or Live Environment.
so unlike Symfony DoctorineMigrationBunlde, this bundle does not read the difference and produce stuff itself.

Download List - Mac Objective-c

It would be far to much for me to ask for a full solution. However, could you point me in the right direction in what I need to look up, learn etc as its the first time I am going to attempt something like this.
What I want to do, is in my Mac application, have a list of items which are files which I want to store online. Then from inside the application the user can download any of the items stored at that location online. If I add new items to download online I want the app to automatically add them to the list for download.
That make sense? Anyway, its the first time I have done anything like this using an online server and accessing it via an app, so any support would be hugely appreciated.
Sounds like you want an ftp type server, you can then get list of remote files, upload and download file, if you do search for Cocoa ftp I am sure you will find someone has written a nice wrapper class for ftp, there are even complete open source apps for ftp whose code you can examine, FileZilla, other you could just use NSTask, and call the ftp command line tool on all macs.

Copy (or list) files of a remote folder, given the URL - using objective-c - is it possible?

I'd like to list all files from a remote folder (let's say, and this folder is already configured through .htaccess for directory listing).
After listing, i'll need to copy the remote files to a local folder.
For listing/copying only local files, I was using NSFileManager, but this doesn't work for the remote ones. I've been looking for some reference on it, but couldn't find so far...
While NSFileManager can in fact handle URLs, it's not going to download the apache HTML page with the directory listing and parse it to do this... you'll have to do that yourself. This sounds like a strange thing to be doing however, so you may want to explain the reasoning and we may be able to suggest better alternatives. WebDAV comes to mind.
UPDATE: Based on your comment, why not put the resources in a .zip (or similar) file and download that? Then it's a single download and you can just extract it locally. Sounds like it would save a lot of headaches and would make it much easier to do things like checksum validations on the download(s).
Maybe it's not the best way, but - instead of get directory listing - we're going to keep a list of files that should be transfered (could be a .txt or .xml).
For downloading and tracking multiple requests, we're going to use ASINetworkQueues (more details can be found on
Another good suggestion, given by d11wqt (thank you for your help), is compressing the files and just make one single request.