How to get char from regular expression matching list - sql

I want to get all the characters from regular expression matching list with SQL ORACLE
Example: regular expression matching list is : '[a-c2-5]'
Result is table include rows:

This sounds very much like an XY problem (google the phrase to learn what it means). What is the real problem you are trying to solve this way?
In any case - here is one way to solve this. I assume you are only interested in ASCII characters (with ASCII codes between 1 and 255); you may generalize this if needed.
select chr(level) as matched_character
from dual
where regexp_like(chr(level), '[a-c2-5]')
connect by level <= 255


Aggregating / Concatenation of very long Varchar2 strings and find key words in the text || Oracle

I have been given a task to develop a script/ function/ query to aggregate groups of rows in a table and then search for specific keywords in it. The column to be aggregated is a varchar2 column with size 3200 and some of the aggregated rows have lengths way beyond 5000.
(I understand that the size of varchar2 is 4000)
When I try to aggregate the data into a single column, it gives a "result of string concatenation is too long" error (ORA-01489)
I have tried inbuilt aggregators like LISTAGG, XMLAGG, and also some custom functions but I have been asked to prefer a SQL query over a function or procedure.
Once I can get the data to be aggregated, I have to then search through the rows for matching keywords.
(can't just search the rows without aggregating as some of the words are split across the rows, eg row1 ends with "KEYW" and row2 starts with "ORD" if I need to look for "KEYWORD" in the table
my table kind of looks like this (can't post the real table data, sorry),
id_1 | id_2 | name | row_num | description
1 5 A 0 this has so
1 5 A 1 me keyword
1 5 B 0 this is
1 3 E 0 new some
2 12 A 0 diff str
here the unique rows are identified using the first 3 columns and the 4th column lists the order in which these "description" strings need to be concatenated.
I would like to get the output as:
id_1 | id_2 | name | description (concated)
1 5 A this is **some** keyword
1 3 E new **some**
when looking for the keyword "some"
Please help as I am fairly new to DBs and any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards

Searching for a number in a database column where column contains series of numbers seperated by a delimeter '"&" in SQLite

My table structure is as follows :
id category
1 1&2&3
2 18&2&1
3 11
4 1&11
5 3&1
6 1
My Question: I need a sql query which generates the result set as follows when the user searched category is 1
id category
1 1&2&3
2 18&2&1
4 1&11
5 3&1
6 1
but i am getting all the results not the expected one
I have tried regexp and like operators but no success.
select * from mytable where category like '%1%'
select * from mytable where category regexp '([.]*)(1)(.*)'
I really dont know about regexp I just found it.
so please help me out.
For matching a list item separated by &, use:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE '&'||category||'&' LIKE '%&1&%';
this will match entire item (ie, only 1, not 11, ...), whether it is at list beginning, middle or end.

Select statement with offset in like

I have an entry "123456789" in my table.
Select * from map where col like '%1%5%6%7%9'.
I want to retrieve the records where the order of the input sequence matches, but i also want to ensure that the distance between any 2 matching digits is less than 2.
Is there any way i can specify an offset ?
The input is 189, and it selects the record, but i want 1.8.9 to be within 2 of each other. 12879 would be an acceptable output but 123456789 would not be.
Below statement requires 3 to 5 characters between 1 and 5:
SELECT * FROM map WHERE col LIKE '%1___%5%6%7%9' AND col NOT LIKE '%1______%5%6%7%9%'
Using _s you may force any count of characters.
EDIT: Character corrected. Source: SQLite expression
Check in this SQL Fiddle sample.

substring and trim in Teradata

I am working in Teradata with some descriptive data that needs to be transformed from a gerneric varchar(60) into the different field lengths based on the type of data element and the attribute value. So I need to take whatever is in the Varchar(60) and based on field 'ABCD' act on field 'XYZ'. In this case XYZ is a varchar(3). To do this I am using CASE logic within my select. What I want to do is
eliminate all occurances of non alphabet/numeric data. All I want left are upper case Alpha chars and numbers.
In this case "Where abcd = 'GROUP' then xyz should come out as a '000', '002', 'A', 'C'
eliminate extra padding
Shift everything Right
abcd xyz
3 GROUP 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
4 GROUP 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
To do this I have tried TRIM and SUBSTR amongst several other things that did not work. I have pasted what I have working now, but I am not reliably working through the data within the select. I am really looking for some options on how to better work with strings in Teradata. I have been working out of the "SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions and Predicates" online PDF. Is there a better reference. We are on TD 13
-- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
WHEN abcd= 'GROUP'
WHEN SUBSTR(tx.abcd,60, 4) = 0
SUBSTR(tx.abcd,60, 3)
END AS abcd
FROM db.descr tx
WHERE tx.abcd IS IN ( 'GROUP')
The end result should look like this
abcd xyz
1 GROUP 000
2 GROUP 002
I will have to deal with approx 60 different "abcd" types, but they should all conform to the type of data I am currently seeing.. ie.. mixed case, non numeric, non alphabet, padded, etc..
I know there is a better way, but I have come in several circles trying to figure this out over the weekend and need a little push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance,
The SQL below uses the CHARACTER_LENGTH function to first determine if there is a need to perform what amounts to a RIGHT(, 3) using the native functions in Teradata 13.x. I think this may accomplish what you are looking to do. I hope I have not misinterpreted your explanation:
ELSE tx.abcd
FROM db.descr tx;
EDIT: Fixed parenthesis in SUBSTRING

Finding what words a set of letters can create?

I am trying to write some SQL that will accept a set of letters and return all of the possible words it can make. My first thought was to create a basic three table database like so:
Words -- contains 200k words in real life
1 | act
2 | cat
Letters -- contains the whole alphabet in real life
1 | a
3 | c
20 | t
WordLetters --First column is the WordId and the second column is the LetterId
1 | 1
1 | 3
1 | 20
2 | 3
2 | 1
2 | 20
But I'm a bit stuck on how I would write a query that returns words that have an entry in WordLetters for every letter passed in. It also needs to account for words that have two of the same letter. I started with this query, but it obviously does not work:
FROM Words w
INNER JOIN WordLetters wl
ON wl.LetterId = 20 AND wl.LetterId = 3 AND wl.LetterId = 1
How would I write a query to return only words that contain all of the letters passed in and accounting for duplicate letters?
Other info:
My Word table contains close to 200,000 words which is why I am trying to do this on the database side rather than in code. I am using the enable1 word list if anyone cares.
Ignoring, for the moment, the SQL part of the problem, the algorithm I'd use is fairly simple: start by taking each word in your dictionary, and producing a version of it with the letters in sorted order, along with a pointer back to the original version of that word.
This would give a table with entries like:
sorted_text word_id
act 123 /* we'll assume `act` was word number 123 in the original list */
act 321 /* we'll assume 'cat' was word number 321 in the original list */
Then when we receive an input (say, "tac") we sort it's letters, look it up in our table of sorted letters joined to the table of the original words, and that gives us a list of the words that can be created from that input.
If I were doing this, I'd have the tables for that in a SQL database, but probably use something else to pre-process the word list into the sorted form. Likewise, I'd probably leave sorting the letters of the user's input to whatever I was using to create the front-end, so SQL would be left to do what it's good at: relational database management.
If you use the solution you provide, you'll need to add an order column to the WordLetters table. Without that, there's no guarantee that you'll retrieve the rows that you retrieve are in the same order you inserted them.
However, I think I have a better solution. Based on your question, it appears that you want to find all words with the same component letters, independent of order or number of occurrences. This means that you have a limited number of possibilities. If you translate each letter of the alphabet into a different power of two, you can create a unique value for each combination of letters (aka a bitmask). You can then simply add together the values for each letter found in a word. This will make matching the words trivial, as all words with the same letters will map to the same value. Here's an example:
WITH letters
AS (SELECT Cast('a' AS VARCHAR) AS Letter,
1 AS LetterValue,
1 AS LetterNumber
SELECT Cast(Char(97 + LetterNumber) AS VARCHAR),
Power(2, LetterNumber),
LetterNumber + 1
FROM letters
WHERE LetterNumber < 26),
AS (SELECT 1 AS wordid, 'act' AS word
SELECT wordid,
Sum(distinct LetterValue) as WordValue
FROM letters
JOIN words
ON word LIKE '%' + letter + '%'
GROUP BY wordid, word
As you'll see if you run this query, "act" and "cat" have the same WordValue, as do "tom" and "moot", despite the difference in number of characters.
What makes this better than your solution? You don't have to build a lot of non-words to weed them out. This will constitute a massive savings of both storage and processing needed to perform the task.
There is a solution to this in SQL. It involves using a trick to count the number of times that each letter appears in a word. The following expression counts the number of times that 'a' appears:
select len(word) - len(replace(word, 'a', ''))
The idea is to count the total of all the letters in the word and see if that matches the overall length:
select w.word, (LEN(w.word) - SUM(LettersInWord))
select w.word, (LEN(w.word) - LEN(replace(w.word, wl.letter))) as LettersInWord
from word w
cross join wordletters wl
) wls
having (LEN(w.word) = SUM(LettersInWord))
This particular solution allows multiple occurrences of a letter. I'm not sure if this was desired in the original question or not. If we want up to a certain number of occurrences, then we might do the following:
select w.word, (LEN(w.word) - SUM(LettersInWord))
select w.word,
(case when (LEN(w.word) - LEN(replace(w.word, wl.letter))) <= maxcount
then (LEN(w.word) - LEN(replace(w.word, wl.letter)))
else maxcount end) as LettersInWord
from word w
cross join
select letter, count(*) as maxcount
from wordletters wl
group by letter
) wl
) wls
having (LEN(w.word) = SUM(LettersInWord))
If you want an exact match to the letters, then the case statement should use " = maxcount" instead of " <= maxcount".
In my experience, I have actually seen decent performance with small cross joins. This might actually work server-side. There are two big advantages to doing this work on the server. First, it takes advantage of the parallelism on the box. Second, a much smaller set of data needs to be transfered across the network.