Is “HANA database master” user the SYSTEM user? - hana

I installed HANA Express in a VMware Workstation environment, and also Eclipse 4.6 with the HANA administrator plugin. Both VMWare and Eclipse run on Windows 10. I can start HANA with no issues, however when I try to connect from the Eclipse plugin the connection fails.
The tutorial to configure the HANA administrator plugin in Eclipse instructs to enter SYSTEM as user and then a password. The problem is that in the HANA Express tutorial the only user that seems to be set up is the "database master" (see text below). Therefore, I don't have the SYSTEM password and I don't know the "database master" user (even though I know the password). How to make this work?
Step 3: Startup: Configuration Script
A configuration script will run if this is the first login. When prompted
for HANA database master password, enter a strong password.
Tip: Make a note of this password, since you’ll need it later. You can enter
the same password you used earlier, or a new password. If you are entering a
new password, see the password rules earlier in this tutorial.
When prompted to Confirm “HANA database master password”, enter the strong
password again.
This is the error I get in Eclipse log:

The SYSTEM password is the same as the master database password for HXE. If that does not work, try HXEHana1
Also, I see you are trying to connect to instance number 00. If the HXE VM is 2.0 sps00 or higher, the default instance number is 90.
You can rule out connectivity problems by running the following from the Virtual Machine's console:
hdbsql -n localhost -i 90 -d SYSTEMDB -u SYSTEM
This will connect to your instance and prompt for the password for user SYSTEM so you can confirm which one is right before configuring HANA Studio.

I had the same issue.
I used user : XSA_ADMIN and the HANA password chosen as part of the tutorial.
Its now connected.


Testing if user created in AD can be logged into on a VM

I am a QA automation engineer and in the web app I test there's a feature that creates Active Directory users.
My tools are - Selenium (Java), RemoteWebDriver, Selenium Grid (Docker)
I was trying to find ways to validate this process and came to a stop - this field (AD) is new
to me and I need to find a way to make sure the user was created and can be logged into in the
I was trying to find a way to do this and came up with 2 options, where the first one is the least
preferred way:
Make a request (API? 3rd side tool?) to get the relevant user(s).
The issue:
A user created and registered in the AD doesn't necessarily mean that the client can log into it (at least by the way I understood how AD works), and so it loses the most important consequence of the feature.
Use a VM, get the AD user information (username + password: possible) and try to log into the VM using those details.
The issue:
I haven't came across a tool that does it, the closest thing is Robot class or WinAppDriver.
WinAppDriver seems like the best solution as of now although I don't know how to make the login process work since it's the process starts before the desktop is open and I don't know how to locate the username and password field, so I figured using Robot class seems like the simplest solution, if it works on a VM that is, which as of now doesn't seem like it does.
So, before advancing on learning how to use WinAppDriver with my current automation, I'd like and appreciate your opinions about the matter or if you have simpler solutions.
Thank you very much for reading!
• We can check whether a user is created successfully or not and if that user can log in to the AD domain or not by executing a script as below. It is a powershell script that auto logs in through remote desktop protocol in the other domain joined VM from an Azure domain joined VM that checks whether the recently created user can login or not.
Powershell script : -
cmdkey /list | ForEach-Object{if($_ -like "*target=TERMSRV/*"){cmdkey /del:($_ -replace " ","" -replace "Target:","")}}
echo "Connecting to"
cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/$Server /user:$User /pass:$Password
mstsc /v:$Server
• In the above script, replace the ‘$user’ value by the user principal name of the newly created user, i.e., ‘$User=””’ and the ‘$Password’ value by the password set for that user. Also, ensure that you replace and enter the correct IP address of the domain controller/AD server. Also, ensure that before executing the above powershell script, execute the below commands in an elevated (administrator privileges) powershell console.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Lastly, please ensure that while creating the user, the option ‘User must change password at next logon’, ‘Account is Disabled’, ‘Password never expires’ and ‘User cannot change password’ are unchecked and not selected.
• Also, you can use the below command line script for logging in to the domain joined Azure VM through RDP protocol. In the below command, replace the ‘username’ and ‘password’ with the username and password of the user created recently to log in to the Azure VM with this command line script. Also, replace the ‘TERMSRC’ with the hostname of the server system or the domain joined VM where the specified UNC path is located and replace the ‘some_unc_path’ with the actual path UNC path of the shared directory folder. Please execute the below command through elevated (administrator privileges) command prompt.
Command script: -
c:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -nolog -command cmdkey /generic:TERMSRC/some_unc_path /user:username /pass:pa$$word; mstsc /v:some_unc_path

How to solve My SQL ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'#'localhost' (using password: YES)

I know there are already similar questions and I tried each of the solutions but somehow nothing seems to help. Maybe anyone has an idea what is going on. I am very new to the programming world and don't understand yet what's behind all the commands, but tried my best to solve it myself.
I installed MySQL via homebrew on a mac. As long as the password was not set up and I could just press enter when asked for password all was fine. Then I changed the password via this command
mysql> ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '';
After doing this, I could not log in any more and always get the ERROR 1045 (28000). I reinstalled SQL and also downloaded another version via Then I installed SQL via the MySQL community server, but this also did not change anything.
But by installing via MySQL community I could go to the system preferences and reset the password (which also did not work via the terminal) - but again no luck.
I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks.
The issue is likely due to socket authentication being enabled for the root user by default when no password is set, during the upgrade to ubuntu 16.04.
The solution is to revert back to native password authentication. You can do this by logging in to MySQL using socket authentication by doing:
sudo mysql -u root
Once logged in:
ALTER USER 'root'#'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
which will revert back to the native (old default) password authentication.
Now use password as the password whenever required by MySQL.

Forgot sonarqube password. Using it locally, No Database

I am using sonarqube from command line. I have a local server (sonarqube 64) on my windows 7 (x86-64). I successfully installed and I can open the web host http://localhost:9000/. but I cannot login the admin/admin login details are not working.
I know there is way of resetting the password but I need database that I don't have and i am the only user/admin.
Is there any way to recover the password or change it? should I uninstall the server and install it again?
It is not said how to properly unistall the server either
I'm running 8.5 and this appears to be different, I used:
Change directory to /opt/sonarqube/lib/jdbc/h2
cd /opt/sonarqube/lib/jdbc/h2
Run the command line below to open h2 shell
java -cp h2-1.4.199.jar
you will be prompted to fill the following:
URL jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost:9092/sonar
Driver org.h2.Driver
User [none]
Password [none]
You will be prompted now to sql command line (sql>), then type your query:
update users set crypted_password = '$2a$12$uCkkXmhW5ThVK8mpBvnXOOJRLd64LJeHTeCkSuB3lfaR2N0AYBaSi', salt=null, hash_method='BCRYPT' where login = 'admin'
There is no real "installation" for SonarQube; you explode the zip and run one of the start scripts. So if you do decide to scrap your current instance, all you need to do is shut it down, delete the directory and re-explode the zip. However, once you do that, you should seriously consider connecting it to a production database. So far you're running with the embedded H2 database, and that's not appropriate for long-term use. Among other things, migration to new versions is not supported for the H2 database.
Once you've done that, you can reset the admin password by executing the following query:
update users set crypted_password = '88c991e39bb88b94178123a849606905ebf440f5', salt='6522f3c5007ae910ad690bb1bdbf264a34884c6d' where login = 'admin'
That sets it back to 'admin'
For the config below (openjdk-11, sonarqube-8), follow the steps:
Change directory to /opt/sq/lib/jdbc/h2
cd /opt/sq/lib/jdbc/h2
Run the command line below to open h2 shell
java -cp h2-1.3.176.jar
you will be prompted to fill the following:
URL jdbc:h2:localhost:9000/data/sonar
Driver org.h2.Driver
User sonar
Password sonar
You will be prompted now to sql command line (sql>), then tap your query:
update users set crypted_password = '88c991e39bb88b94178123a849606905ebf440f5', salt='6522f3c5007ae910ad690bb1bdbf264a34884c6d' where login = 'admin'

Failed to login into Oracle 10g

Although the installation was successful, i have been trying to log in SQLPlus since 3 days. I've seen queries regarding Oracle 10 g log in on this site and elsewhere. Nothing worked. I tried logging in:
using sys, system, sysman, dbsnmp as usernames with and/or without password. (I had set a common password "tiger" during installation for all users)
through command prompt typing "sys/as sysdba". But it asks for the password, and again shows a failure message.
tried logging in with username "system" and password "manager".
The message that appears each time: ORA-12560: TNS protocol adapter error
I have windows 7 32-bit OS. And i tried the right-click drop-down menu's Properties option to change the setting : Run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 98/ Windows ME as well as for Windows 7.
Please help. Thanks in advance.
I tried starting the service from Services.msc, the OracleServiceORCL when started, shows "Error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly."
I could set the SID to ORCL at command prompt(however, it was already named so during installation). But the Net Start command is unrecognized.
Leniel's idea(as on the page : ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adaptor error ) too did not work with my pc.
The environment variables have in the PATH all the pathnames required in Oracle. Plus, I also added a TNS_ADMIN variable .
Could you please tell what the Host String could be? While trying to login, I leave it blank.

Openfire database settings issue in mac

I have Openfire 3.7.1 installed on my Mac and have XAMPP installed aswell. I am having trouble configuring OpenFire. In the server settings I have given san-imac.local.lan as the domain name. The selected Standard database connection and picked MySql Database Driver. This is the databse URL jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test and given the username password of XAMPP phpmyadmin. But it says
A connection to the database could not be made. View the error message by opening the "/logs/error.log" log file, then go back to fix the problem.
First of all there is no such file in the /logs folder. What should I do to get this working and follow the procedures to get OpenFire up and running.
I need to build an app to connect to openfire for IM chatting like Gmail, Facebook, Yahoo using XMPP. If anybody could provide any guidance aswell, it will be very helpful.
Make Sure that your database is setup correctly including the name of your database, database username, and user's password. If you have this correctly configured then your opens ire should work just fine. Note that it will not accept if the database username has an empty password or not enough access rights to the database.
I hope that those hints will solve your problem.
check your password and username, I had the same error and it took me a while to figure out that I had my username wrong.
Resolved the issue.
log file is not getting created due to file write permission. To resolve this run OF server as follows
Run the file from terminal with sudo. This will start the OF with root access Now the error log file will be created.
My log file has error message as access denied to user #localhost. As I kept the user field blank in db connection page of openfire set up.
Keep the user field as root#localhost if u are using localhost.