Sequelize: $like though multiple included models - where-clause

We have an endpoint in API which filters and return events.
event has following relations:
Which means that event is associated to one audio and one user, audio is associated to one device.
This is a shortened code snippet from the endpoint which filters events:
where: { /*...*/ },
include: [{
model: audioModel,
attributes: ['guid', 'measured_at'],
where: { /*...*/ },
include: [{
model: deviceModel,
attributes: ['guid', 'shortname'],
where: { /*...*/ },
model: userModel,
attributes: ['guid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email'],
where: { /*...*/ },
Every model has where attribute which filter out items by dates, Nulls and some other stuff. I've cut, because it's not important in my case.
What I need is to add a search attribute which will filter events by multiple nested attributes:
eventModel.guid $like search OR
deviceModel.guid $like search OR
deviceModel.shortname $like search OR
userModel.firstname $like search OR
userModel.lastname $like search
My problem is that I cannot put $like into each where attribute inside included models, because in that case condition will work as AND but not OR.
Is there any way to implement such stuff without migrating to raw query?

There is a way to do that without using the RAW query. Find below :
var condition = " eventModel.guid like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' ";
condition += " OR deviceModel.guid like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
condition += " OR deviceModel.shortname like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
condition += " OR userModel.firstname like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
condition += " OR userModel.lastname like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
and pass the condition in where like where: [condition] and removed the where of all included models


How to use gt/le operator in aurelia slickgrid with Odata

I want to send my own operator in odata request and not use the aurelia slickgrid inbuilt "eq" operator.
This is my column definition
id: 'LockoutEndDateUtc', name: 'Status', field: 'LockoutEndDateUtc', minWidth: 85, maxWidth: 95,
type: FieldType.boolean,
sortable: true,
formatter: Formatters.multiple,
params: { formatters: [this.StatusFormatter, Formatters.checkmark] },
filterable: true,
filter: {
collection: [
{ value: 'le ' + (() => {const dt = new Date(); return dt.toISOString().split('.')[0] + "Z";})(), label: 'True' },
{ value: 'gt ' + (() => {const dt = new Date(); return dt.toISOString().split('.')[0] + "Z";})(), label: 'False' }
], //['', 'True', 'False'],
model: Filters.singleSelect,//multipleSelect//singleSelect,
This is the UI
This is how the request filter looks like..
If i remove %20eq from the above request, everything else works. So my question is how to i remove %20eq. Or how do i send my own gt, le in the request.
You can't really do that on a boolean filter (you could however do it on a date filter with operator) and I don't think I've added any ways to provide a custom filter search the way you want to do it, but since you're using OData, you have a bit more control and you could change the query string yourself. To be clear, it's not at all recommended to change the OData query string, it's a last solution trick and at your own risk, but for your use case it might be the only way to achieve what you want.
prepareGrid() {
this.gridOptions = {
// ...
backendServiceApi: {
service: new GridOdataService(),
process: (query) => this.getCustomerApiCall(query),
} as OdataServiceApi
getCustomerApiCall(query: string) {
let finalQuery = query;
// in your case, find the boolean value from the column and modify query
// your logic to modify the query string
// untested code, but it would probably look similar
if (query.includes('LockoutEndDateUtc%20eq%20true')) {
// calculate new date and replace boolean with new date
finalQuery = query.replace('LockoutEndDateUtc%20eq%20true', 'LockoutEndDateUtc%20le%202022-06-28T12%3A59%3A25Z');
return finalQuery;
Another possible solution but requires a bit more work.
If I'd be using a regular grid, without backend service and without access to the query string, I would probably add an external drop down outside of the grid and also add the date column and then control filters in the grid by using dynamic filtering. You can see a demo at Example 23, the principle is that you keep the column's real nature (date in your case) and filter it, if you want something like a "below today's date" then add an external way of filtering dynamically (a button or a drop down) and control the filter dynamically as shown below (from Example 23)

How to display two column values in a single ag-grid cell?

I have a record of First_Name and Second_Name stored in MySql DB. Currently I am displaying it in 2 different columns of Ag-Grid. I need those data to be combined together as Name and to be displayed in Ag-Grid's single column. Please help!
I am using Vue.Js
You should use a valueGetter in your columnDef like this -
headerName: 'Name',
colId: 'name',
valueGetter: function(params) {
return + " " +;
Example from docs here
The ans stated by Pratik is right. Maybe you can use arrow functions for valueGetter so that the code looks more concise and simplify function scoping.
headerName: 'Name',
valueGetter: params => {
return ${} ${};

TypeORM activeRecord style query for "where (a & b) or (c & d)"?

I want to use TypeORM to run a query like
... WHERE (a=1 && b=true) OR (a=2 && b=false)
I see a bunch of references to doing this in the QueryBuilder style, but I need to know how to do this using the ActiveRecord style.
You can do this by providing an array of objects to the where: property:
where: [
{ user: { id: userId }, confirmed: "true" },
{ user: { id: userId }, status: "active" }
The query above would find items that belong to a user where
user matches user id AND is confirmed, or...
user matches user id AND is active
I do not know about TypeORM, however I found this on ruby on rail active query methods:
raw code: ...where("orders_count = ? AND locked = ?", params[:orders], false)
Example Code: ...where(["(a= ? and b= ?) Or (a=? and b=?)", 1, true, 2, false])

MongoDB like statement with multiple fields

With SQL we can do the following :
select * from x where concat(x.y ," ",x.z) like "%find m%"
when x.y = "find" and x.z = "me".
How do I do the same thing with MongoDB, When I use a JSON structure similar to this:
value : "find"
value : "me"
The comparison to SQL here is not valid since no relational database has the same concept of embedded arrays that MongoDB has, and is provided in your example. You can only "concat" between "fields in a row" of a table. Basically not the same thing.
You can do this with the JavaScript evaluation of $where, which is not optimal, but it's a start. And you can add some extra "smarts" to the match as well with caution:
"$or": [
{ "data.value": /^f/ },
{ "data.value": /^m/ }
"$where": function() {
var items = []; {
var myString = items.join(" ");
if ( myString.match(/find m/) != null )
return 1;
So there you go. We optimized this a bit by taking the first characters from your "test string" in each word and compared the tokens to each element of the array in the document.
The next part "concatenates" the array elements into a string and then does a "regex" comparison ( same as "like" ) on the concatenated result to see if it matches. Where it does then the document is considered a match and returned.
Not optimal, but these are the options available to MongoDB on a structure like this. Perhaps the structure should be different. But you don't specify why you want this so we can't advise a better solution to what you want to achieve.

Dojo DGrid RQL Search

I am working with a dgrid where I want to find a search term in my grid on two columns.
For instance, I want to see if the scientific name and commonName columns contain the string "Aca" (I want my search to be case insensitive)
My Grid definition:
var CustomGrid = declare([Grid, Pagination ]);
var gridStore = new Memory({ idProperty: 'tsn', data: null });
gridStore.queryEngine = rql.query;
grid = new CustomGrid({
store: gridStore,
{ field: "tsn", label: "TSN #"},
{ field: "scientificName", label: "Scientific Name"},
{ field: "commonName", label: "Common Name",},
autoHeight: 'true',
firstLastArrows: 'true',
pageSizeOptions: [50, 100],
}, id);
With the built in query language (I think simple query language), I was able to find the term in one column or the other, but I couldn't do a complex search that would return results for both columns.
grid.set("query", { scientificName : new RegExp(speciesKeyword, "i") });
I started reading and I think RQL can solve this problem, however, I am struggling with the syntax.
I have been looking at these pages:
And I am able to understand basic queries, however the "contains" syntax eludes me.
For instance if I had this simple data set and wanted to find the entries with scientific and common names that contain the string "Aca" I would think my contains query would look like this:
However, this results in no matches.
"tsn": 1,
"scientificName": "Acalypha ostryifolia",
"commonName": "Rough-pod Copperleaf",
"tsn": 2,
"scientificName": "Aegalius acadicus",
"commonName": "Northern Saw-whet Owl",
"tsn": 3,
"scientificName": "Portulaca pilosa",
"commonName": "2012-02-01",
"tsn": 4,
"scientificName": "Accipiter striatus",
"commonName": "Kiss-me-quick",
"tsn": 5,
"scientificName": "Acorus americanus",
"commonName": "American Sweetflag",
Can someone guide me in how to formulate the correct syntax? Thank you.
From what I'm briefly reading, it appears that:
contains was replaced by any and all
these are meant for array comparisons, not string comparisons
I'm not sure offhand whether RegExps can just be handed to other operations e.g. eq.
With dojo/store/Memory, you can also pass a query function which will allow you to do whatever you want, so if you wanted to compare for a match in one field or the other you could do something like this:
grid.set('query', function (item) {
var scientificRx = new RegExp(speciesKeyword, 'i');
var commonRx = new RegExp(...);
return scientificRx.test(item.scientificName) || commonRx.test(item.commonName);
Of course, if you want to filter only items that match both, you can do that with simple object syntax:
grid.set('query', {
scientificName: scientificRx,
commonName: commonRx