TypeORM activeRecord style query for "where (a & b) or (c & d)"? - sql

I want to use TypeORM to run a query like
... WHERE (a=1 && b=true) OR (a=2 && b=false)
I see a bunch of references to doing this in the QueryBuilder style, but I need to know how to do this using the ActiveRecord style.

You can do this by providing an array of objects to the where: property:
where: [
{ user: { id: userId }, confirmed: "true" },
{ user: { id: userId }, status: "active" }
The query above would find items that belong to a user where
user matches user id AND is confirmed, or...
user matches user id AND is active

I do not know about TypeORM, however I found this on ruby on rail active query methods:
raw code: ...where("orders_count = ? AND locked = ?", params[:orders], false)
Example Code: ...where(["(a= ? and b= ?) Or (a=? and b=?)", 1, true, 2, false])


TypeORM relationquerybuilder of remove with Not(IsNull()) not removing anything

Good day everyone,
I ran into a strange problem with typeORM. I have a many-to-many relation on Offer with User named pending, which creates a table offer_pending_user that looks like:
I basically want to completely clear this table. I tried to achieve this by using the RelationQueryBuilder like follows:
await Offer.createQueryBuilder()
.of({ id: Not(IsNull()) }) //offer id
.remove({ id: Not(IsNull()) }); //user id
For some reason. It does not clear the offer_pending_user table at all. The query that it is executing looks like:
DELETE FROM "offer_pending_user" WHERE ("offerId" = ? AND "userId" = ?) -- PARAMETERS:
"_value": {
"_value": {
I would like to use this RelationQueryBuilder, and would like to know what I'm missing here.

Sequelize raw query update array of objects as replacements

I am using sequelize (postgres) and I need to properly escape a query like this:
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
.map((pet) => `WHEN '${pet.name.toLowerCase()}' THEN '${pet.newName}'`)
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(${input.pets
.map((pet) => `'${pet.name.toLowerCase()}'`)
Sample input.pets:
[{ name: "rocky", newName: "leo" }]
Does anyone have an idea how to achieve this with replacements?
I have found a thread on github which suggested something like this:
let data = [ [ 252456, 1, 55, '0' ],
[ 357083, 1, 56, '0' ],
[ 316493, 1, 57, '0' ] ];
`INSERT INTO product (a, b) VALUES ${data.map(a => '(?)').join(',')};`,
replacements: data,
type: Sequelize.QueryTypes.INSERT
However, a 2d array is being used here not an array of objects. Is there a way to access individual properties from the array? When I try something like this
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
.map((_pet) => `WHEN ? THEN ?`)
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(${input.pets
.map((_pet) => `?`)
{ type: QueryTypes.UPDATE, replacements: input.pets },
The first ? turns out to be the whole object. Is there a way to access it's properties?
I also tried transforming input.pets into a 2d array but still couldn't get it to work as in example with insert above.
In advance thanks for your time
const names = input.pets.map((pet) => pet.name);
const newNames = input.pets.map((pet) => pet.newName);
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
${names.map((_) => `WHEN LOWER(:names) THEN :newNames`).join('\n')}
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(${names.map((_) => `LOWER(:names)`).join(',')});
{ replacements: { names, newNames } },
This works. In cases like this it's better to work with simpler data structures. Another option I found is using sequelize.escape() built-in function, but it's not documented so I decided not to
After some testing, this works but for only one object in the input
If the input looks something like this:
{ name: "rocky", newName: "fafik" }
{ name: "asd", newName: "qwerty" }
Then in resut I get queries like this:
WHEN LOWER('rocky', 'asd') THEN 'fafik', 'qwerty'
WHEN LOWER('rocky', 'asd') THEN 'fafik', 'qwerty'
So it doesn't loop over arrays. Still the problem remains, how to access individual properties, whether from array or an object?
SET "name" = CASE LOWER("name")
${input.pets.map(() => `WHEN ? THEN ?`).join('\n')}
ELSE "name"
WHERE LOWER("name") IN(?);
replacements: [
...input.pets.flatMap((x) => [x.name.toLocaleLowerCase(), x.newName]),
input.pets.map((x) => x.name.toLocaleLowerCase()),

Laravel where, orWhereHas and whereNotIn

Hello great people of SO!
I hope you all have a good day and have a good health
Note: I'm not good at SQL
Sorry for bad english, but I will try my best to explain my issue
I'm using Laravel v8.x for my app, and after setting up model relationships, events, queues, etc, now I'm working for SQL
ATM, I have 2 Models,
User hasMany Post
User belongsToMany User (Block)
User belongsToMany User (Follow)
Post belongsTo User
5 record for User
2 record for Block
3 records for Post
Table: (Using faker)
{ id: 1, name: 'Jonathan Beatrice', username: 'kiana.fay', ... },
{ id: 2, name: 'Lacey Kirlin', username: 'kenna.turner', ... },
{ id: 3, name: 'Alexander Schiller', username: 'cassandra95', ... },
{ id: 4, name: 'Daniel Wickozky', username: 'nkoepp', ... },
{ id: 5, name: 'Maymie Lehner', username: 'frami.felton', ... }
{ id: 1, by_id: 1, to_id: 2 }, // User #1 block user #2
{ id: 2, by_id: 4, to_id: 1 } // User #4 block user #1
{ id: 1, user_id: 2, body: 'Test post', ... },
{ id: 2, user_id: 5, body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...', ... },
{ id: 3, user_id: 4, body: 'ABCD festival soon! ...', ... },
Everything works fine and smooth
Now that I want to implement search system, I have a problem, since I'm not good with SQL
Here's my code
use ...;
use ...;
public function posts(Request $request)
// For testing purpose
$user = User::with(['userBlocks', 'blocksUser'])->find(1);
// Get all id of user that $user block
// return [2]
$user_blocks = $user->userBlocks->pluck('pivot')->pluck('to_id')->toArray();
// Get all id of user that block $user
// return [4]
$blocks_user = $user->blocksUser->pluck('pivot')->pluck('by_id')->toArray();
// Merge all ids above (must be unique())
// return [2, 4]
$blocks = array_merge($user_blocks, $blocks_user);
// .../search?q=xxx
$query = $request->query('q');
$sql = Post::query();
// Search for posts that has `posts`.`body` LIKE ? ($query)
$sql->where('body', 'LIKE', "%$query%");
// This is where I got confused
$sql->orWhereHas('user', function ($post_user) use ($blocks, $query) {
->whereNotIn('id', $blocks) // Exclude posts that has user and their id not in (x, x, x, x, ... ; $block variable above)
->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$query%") // Find user that has name LIKE ? ($query)
->orWhere('username', 'LIKE', "%$query%"); // or Find user that has username LIKE ? ($query)
$sql->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC');
$posts = $sql->simplePaginate(10, ['*'], 'p');
return $posts;
I run the code, .../search?q=e
All users has alphabet E in their names
And also all posts has alphabet E in their body
We (as User #1), block User #2, and User #4, block us (User #1)
Result: Controller returned all posts
This is the query when I use DB::enableQueryLog() and DB::getQueryLog()
WHERE `body` LIKE ?
WHERE `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
`id` NOT IN (?)
AND `username` LIKE ?
OR `name` LIKE ?
ORDER BY `created_at` ASC
Goal: Search all posts that has body LIKE ?, OR posts that has user; username LIKE ? or name LIKE ? (But also exclude the user we block and the user that block us
Thanks in advance
If there's any unclear explanation, I will edit it A.S.A.P
If I run on my recent laravel install, with my proposed change for one of your issues, version 7.19.1, I get this query:
WHERE `body` LIKE ?
OR EXISTS <- line of interest
WHERE `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`
`id` NOT IN (?)
AND (`username` LIKE ?
OR `name` LIKE ?) <- extra brackets ive added
ORDER BY `created_at` ASC
Have a look at the line of interest, and compare it with the query your version of laravel is running. The AND EXISTS line is being incorrectly generated by laravel. OrWhereHas isnt behaving correctly in your version, I can't find the release number to see where it was fixed.
Id recommend upgrading to latest if possible, but thats not always an option. I've had a dig around, and it looks like the user in this question here encountered a similar problem:
WhereHas() / orWhereHas not constraining the query as expected
You can try moving your $sql->with(['user']); to before you OrWhereHas clause. I'm not sure if that will change it to OR, but its worth a try.
Second thing, I've added whereNested to your OR clause to ensure the precedence is correct, which adds the extra brackets in the query above, as in you dont want:
(`id` NOT IN (1, 2, 3)
AND `name` LIKE % test %)
OR `username` LIKE % test %
Since then it would include your blocked posts in the exists clause.
So final changes look like this, which I think fufills your description:
$sql->with(['user']); //deleted from original position and move here
$sql->where('body', 'LIKE', "%$query%")->whereNotIn('id', $blocks); //additional line
$sql->orWhereHas('ambience', function ($post_user) use ($blocks, $query) {
->whereNotIn('id', $blocks);
$post_user->whereNested(function($post_user) use ($query) { //new bit
$post_user->where('name', 'LIKE', "%$query%")
->orWhere('username', 'LIKE', "%$query%");

How to make complex nested where conditions with typeORM?

I am having multiple nested where conditions and want to generate them without too much code duplication with typeORM.
The SQL where condition should be something like this:
WHERE "Table"."id" = $1
"Table"."notAvailable" IS NULL
"Table"."date" > $2
"Table"."date" = $2
"Table"."myId" > $3
"Table"."created" = $2
"Table"."updated" = $4
"Table"."text" ilike '%search%'
"Table"."name" ilike '%search%'
But with the FindConditions it seems not to be possible to make them nested and so I have to use all possible combinations of AND in an FindConditions array. And it isn't possible to split it to .where() and .andWhere() cause andWhere can't use an Object Literal.
Is there another possibility to achieve this query with typeORM without using Raw SQL?
When using the queryBuilder I would recommend using Brackets
as stated in the Typeorm doc: https://typeorm.io/#/select-query-builder/adding-where-expression
You could do something like:
.where("user.registered = :registered", { registered: true })
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
qb.where("user.firstName = :firstName", { firstName: "Timber" })
.orWhere("user.lastName = :lastName", { lastName: "Saw" })
that will result with:
FROM users user
WHERE user.registered = true
AND (user.firstName = 'Timber' OR user.lastName = 'Saw')
I think you are mixing 2 ways of retrieving entities from TypeORM, find from the repository and the query builder. The FindConditions are used in the find function. The andWhere function is use by the query builder. When building more complex queries it is generally better/easier to use the query builder.
Query builder
When using the query build you got much more freedom to make sure the query is what you need it to be. With the where you are free to add any SQL as you please:
const desiredEntity = await connection
.where("user.id = :id", { id: 1 })
.andWhere("user.date > :date OR (user.date = :date AND user.myId = :myId)",
date: specificCreatedAtDate,
myId: mysteryId,
Note that depending on your used database the actual SQL that you use here needs to be compatible. With that could also come a possible draw back of using this method. You will tie your project to a specific database. Make sure to read up about the aliases for tables you can set if you are using relations this would be handy.
You already saw that this is much less comfortable. This is because the find function or more specific the findOptions are using objects to build the where clause. This makes is harder to implement a proper interface to implement nested AND and OR clauses side by side. There for (I assume) they have chosen to split AND and OR clauses. This makes the interface much more declarative and means the you have to pull your OR clauses to the top:
const desiredEntity = await repository.find({
where: [{
id: id,
notAvailable: Not(IsNull()),
date: MoreThan(date)
id: id,
notAvailable: Not(IsNull()),
date: date
myId: myId
I cannot imagin looking a the size of the desired query that this code would be very performant.
Alternatively you could use the Raw find helper. This would require you to rewrite your clause per field, since you will only get access to the one alias at a time. You could guess the column names or aliases but this would be very poor practice and very unstable since you cannot directly control this easily.
if you want to nest andWhere statements if a condition is meet here is an example:
async getTasks(filterDto: GetTasksFilterDto, user: User): Promise<Task[]> {
const { status, search } = filterDto;
/* create a query using the query builder */
// task is what refer to the Task entity
const query = this.createQueryBuilder('task');
// only get the tasks that belong to the user
query.where('task.userId = :userId', { userId: user.id });
/* if status is defined then add a where clause to the query */
if (status) {
// :<variable-name> is a placeholder for the second object key value pair
query.andWhere('task.status = :status', { status });
/* if search is defined then add a where clause to the query */
if (search) {
LIKE: find a similar match (doesn't have to be exact)
- https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_like.asp
Lower is a sql method
- https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_lower.asp
* bug: search by pass where userId; fix: () whole addWhere statement
because andWhere stiches the where class together, add () to make andWhere with or and like into a single where statement
'(LOWER(task.title) LIKE LOWER(:search) OR LOWER(task.description) LIKE LOWER(:search))',
// :search is like a param variable, and the search object is the key value pair. Both have to match
{ search: `%${search}%` },
/* execute the query
- getMany means that you are expecting an array of results
let tasks;
try {
tasks = await query.getMany();
} catch (error) {
`Failed to get tasks for user "${
}", Filters: ${JSON.stringify(filterDto)}`,
throw new InternalServerErrorException();
return tasks;
I have a list of
date: specificCreatedAtDate,
userId: mysteryId
My solution is
new Brackets((qb) => {
'userTable.date = :date0 AND userTable.type = :userId0',
date0: dates[0].date,
userId0: dates[0].type,
for (let i = 1; i < dates.length; i++) {
`userTable.date = :date${i} AND userTable.userId = :userId${i}`,
[`date${i}`]: dates[i].date,
[`userId${i}`]: dates[i].userId,
That will produce something similar
const userEntity = await repository.find({
where: [{
userId: id0,
date: date0
id: id1,
userId: date1

Sequelize: $like though multiple included models

We have an endpoint in API which filters and return events.
event has following relations:
Which means that event is associated to one audio and one user, audio is associated to one device.
This is a shortened code snippet from the endpoint which filters events:
where: { /*...*/ },
include: [{
model: audioModel,
attributes: ['guid', 'measured_at'],
where: { /*...*/ },
include: [{
model: deviceModel,
attributes: ['guid', 'shortname'],
where: { /*...*/ },
model: userModel,
attributes: ['guid', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email'],
where: { /*...*/ },
Every model has where attribute which filter out items by dates, Nulls and some other stuff. I've cut, because it's not important in my case.
What I need is to add a search attribute which will filter events by multiple nested attributes:
eventModel.guid $like search OR
deviceModel.guid $like search OR
deviceModel.shortname $like search OR
userModel.firstname $like search OR
userModel.lastname $like search
My problem is that I cannot put $like into each where attribute inside included models, because in that case condition will work as AND but not OR.
Is there any way to implement such stuff without migrating to raw query?
There is a way to do that without using the RAW query. Find below :
var condition = " eventModel.guid like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' ";
condition += " OR deviceModel.guid like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
condition += " OR deviceModel.shortname like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
condition += " OR userModel.firstname like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
condition += " OR userModel.lastname like '%"+searck_keyword+"%' "
and pass the condition in where like where: [condition] and removed the where of all included models