SonarLint in IntelliJ works with username and password but not with token - intellij-idea

I configure the Server in IntelliJ like this:
Name: xsonar
Server URL:
Auth Type: Token
Token: my-on-sonar-created-token
Not using proxy
It says for the test connection:
Error testing connection: Not authorized. Please check server credentials.
However, if I use identical configuration but with my sonar login and password it works perfectly.
The documentation doesn't say anything about this:
And I didn't find similar issues.
The version of my SonarQube is 6.2.
How dangerous is it to use password and username instead of token?

We had a reversed proxy sitting in between which wouldn't let the request through using our normal proxy. So far I haven't found a good solution to work around the reversed proxy.


Unable to login with YouTrack Integration in IntelliJ

How can I "debug" how why I can't login with the YouTrack integration plugin with IntelliJ?
I've set the following:
Username: My_Name
*(Taken from, I also tried my email address as username)*
Password: perm:*** (the permanent token generated from the dashboard)
But it just keeps on throwing the same "Unable to login" error.
Please make sure to spell the server URL in full, as seen in the browser address bar:
I'd also recommend trying instead, as it has more features and can handle cases like that on its own.

Rally APIKEY with single sign using Pyral

Using Rally APIKEY in a single sign on environment with a proxy throws error that it can not reach
Tried setting HTTPS_PROXY As well, No result.
I can reach from browser and it auto signs me up via single signon.
Did anyone try apikey authorization in single sign on proxy environment using pyral, if so can u please share how u did it?—-thank you
Having as similar issue:
rally = Rally(server=server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
pyral.context.RallyRESTAPIError: SSL certificate verification failed
my organization is not ready to give the proxy server details any other work around for the issue.
sorry was not able to add a comment so posting as answer.

Unable to create a branch in subversion using TortoiseSVN

Unable to create a branch in subversion using TortoiseSVN.
I get the following error message:
SVN authorization failed: could not authenticate to proxy server: ignored basic challenge, GSSAPI authentication error
Source URL:
Traget URL:
TortoiseSVN was not passing my credentials to proxy server, hence the request was being blocked there. Supplying credentials in Network > Proxy Settings resolved the issue.
Make sure You have the read/write access for Both trunk and Branch location.

SBT proxy repository authentication

I'm trying to use an Artifactory server as proxy for the resolution of java/scala artifacts.
I'm referring to this documentation, where the suggestion is to put the following lines in ~/.sbt/repositories:
my-ivy-proxy-releases:, [organization]/[module]/(scala_[scalaVersion]/)(sbt_[sbtVersion]/)[revision]/[type]s/[artifact](-[classifier]).[ext]
Unfortunaely there's no mention on where I should put my authentication credentials, and
Any clue?
In the buid.sbt put the following:
credentials += Credentials("Artifactory Realm", "", "username", "password")
The Artifactory Realm string is required as it is.

Function not implemented

I tried to authenticate the server with user name and password with the below url, there was error prompted in the server console.
HTTP Web Server: Function Not Implemented Exception
Please help me to fix this issue
You probably get this error because the server has been set up to use basic authentication (and not session-based authentication).
Try using http://<username>:<password>#servername/ instead.
See more here: