Function not implemented - lotus-domino

I tried to authenticate the server with user name and password with the below url, there was error prompted in the server console.
HTTP Web Server: Function Not Implemented Exception
Please help me to fix this issue

You probably get this error because the server has been set up to use basic authentication (and not session-based authentication).
Try using http://<username>:<password>#servername/ instead.
See more here:


SSRS 2019 logon failure when accessing through HTTPS

I have a question regarding SQL Server Reporting Services 2019:
We have received a HTTPS-certificate and added a URL for both Web Service and Web Portal. When we try to access either /Reports or /ReportServer on HTTP we can get through with no problem, but when we try to access on HTTPS then we are met with a logon dialog which will give three attempts at log on before displaying a white page. All attempts at entering a valid combination of user name and password returns a 401 error.
We've tried removing and reinserting all bindings for HTTP, HTTPS, SSL, changing logon mechanism in the config file to use Kerberos, NTLM or a combination of those but nothing works.
Does anyone what the source of this problem might be and how to solve it?
We figured out what the problem was. Authentication issues did not behave the same for HTTP and HTTPS. My test user wasn't a member of the correct user group. Once we gave it "System User" access then we could log in.

Rally APIKEY with single sign using Pyral

Using Rally APIKEY in a single sign on environment with a proxy throws error that it can not reach
Tried setting HTTPS_PROXY As well, No result.
I can reach from browser and it auto signs me up via single signon.
Did anyone try apikey authorization in single sign on proxy environment using pyral, if so can u please share how u did it?—-thank you
Having as similar issue:
rally = Rally(server=server, apikey=apikey, workspace=workspace, project=project)
pyral.context.RallyRESTAPIError: SSL certificate verification failed
my organization is not ready to give the proxy server details any other work around for the issue.
sorry was not able to add a comment so posting as answer.

SonarLint in IntelliJ works with username and password but not with token

I configure the Server in IntelliJ like this:
Name: xsonar
Server URL:
Auth Type: Token
Token: my-on-sonar-created-token
Not using proxy
It says for the test connection:
Error testing connection: Not authorized. Please check server credentials.
However, if I use identical configuration but with my sonar login and password it works perfectly.
The documentation doesn't say anything about this:
And I didn't find similar issues.
The version of my SonarQube is 6.2.
How dangerous is it to use password and username instead of token?
We had a reversed proxy sitting in between which wouldn't let the request through using our normal proxy. So far I haven't found a good solution to work around the reversed proxy.

Intermittent "Authorization Required" exception when logging into servicem8 API from FileMaker

I have a FileMaker application which pulls Jobs (and clients etc) from servicem8 using the API. As its a private application I just use username/password in the GET_URL. It usually works, but now and then will not login correctly, and I get the message:
- "Authorisation Required"
Restarting FileMaker and/or pasting the URL directly into a browser then trying again seems to resolve the problem.
The only other consistent behaviour seems to be that once it fails once, it will not work again until I restart as above.
Anyone found similar issues or have any ideas?
For Private applications servicem8 uses HTTP Basic Authentication. You can try to reset cached request by calling the same url from FileMaker with a different, but incorrect username and password and then repeating the original request with correct credentials.
servicem8 documentation uses curl for authentication examples and I think this will work better. To implement curl you will need a plugin, like BaseElements or MBS, although on a mac curl could be called through AppleScript.
Try using
BE_Curl_Set_Option ( "CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH" ; 1 )
From This BaseElements help article, we can be sure that Basic clearly isn't the default method:
BE_Curl_Set_Option ( "CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH" ; 1 ) forces Basic auth for
some sites that won't work with the defaults.
ServiceM8 will work consistently with basic auth for private applications as you say, but there are other authentications that will only work when other valid session data is present, which can be misleading when it works at times and not others.

Configuring a custom port for the 'localhost' redirect URL in Google OAuth 2.0

I want to configure a custom port for the redirect URL in the Google Developer Console for the class of 'Installed Apps'.
Following the instructions in , it turns out that this should be possible:
Going to the Console (""), "Credentials", and "Create New Client Id", I cannot find the field, where to enter a custom port number. Does anyone know how to do this?
In fact, The document you've read has answered you question:
When you create a client ID in the Google Developers Console, two redirect_uris are created for you: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob and http://localhost. The value your application uses determines how the authorization code is returned to your application.
http://localhost signals to the Google Authorization Server that the authorization code should be returned as a query string parameter to the web server on the client. You may specify a port number without changing the Google Developers Console configuration.
I tried this idea and it works.
Give consecutive ports or probable ports in credentials as
**Redirect URIs**
and don't forget to give correct redirectURI with port(anyone above) while calling the authentication process.