I want to combine shapes based on range selection. Like this picture. Is it possible?
Here I attached the images:
Here I attached my code
Sub cohabitationButton_Click()
'''''split range
Dim s() As String
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Long
s = Split(Selection.Address(False, False), ",")
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
Dim r As range: Set r = range(s(i))
With r
l = .Left - 5
t = .Top - 5
w = .Width + 10
h = .Height + 10
End With
ShapeName = "ex"
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeFlowchartTerminator, l, t, w, h)
.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
.Line.Weight = 1
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineDash
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = BASICCOLOR
.Name = ShapeName
End With
Next i
End Sub
There is no possibility to combine shapes in Excel. But here is an example how you can draw combined borders around your selections. This might be an option for you.
So with the selection of your example we end up with this:
Sub DrawCombinedBordersOnly()
'''''split range
Dim s() As String
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Long
Dim rngOverlappings As Range
'Draw borders around all selected ranges
Selection.BorderAround LineStyle:=xlDot, Weight:=xlThin
s = Split(Selection.Address(False, False), ",")
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
Dim r As Range: Set r = Range(s(i))
Dim j As Long
For j = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
'find overlapping areas
If i <> j And Not Application.Intersect(r, Range(s(j))) Is Nothing Then
If rngOverlappings Is Nothing Then
Set rngOverlappings = Application.Intersect(r, Range(s(j)))
Set rngOverlappings = Union(rngOverlappings, Application.Intersect(r, Range(s(j))))
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
' remove borders from overlappings
If Not rngOverlappings Is Nothing Then
rngOverlappings.Borders.LineStyle = xlNone
End If
End Sub
Try This and remove apostrophe ' before ' Range("D5:F9,F8:H12,H11:J15").Select 'for test
Sub cohabitationButton_Click()
'''''split range
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim WS As Worksheet
Dim s() As String
Dim txt As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Shp As Shape
Dim L As Single, T As Single, Lft As Single, Tp As Single
Set WB = ThisWorkbook 'Set WB = Workbooks("WorkbookName")
Set WS = WB.ActiveSheet 'Set WS = WB.WorkSheets("WorkSheetName")
With WS
For Each Shp In .Shapes
If Shp.Type = 5 Then Shp.Delete
' Range("D5:F9,F8:H12,H11:J15").Select 'for test***
MyRange = Selection.Address
s = Split(Selection.Address(False, False), ",")
Dim Names(1 To 100) As Variant
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
Dim r As Range: Set r = Range(s(i))
With r
L = .Left - 5
T = .Top - 5
w = .Width + 10
h = .Height + 10
If i = LBound(s) Then
Lft = L
Tp = T
End If
If Lft > L Then Lft = L
If Tp > T Then Tp = T
End With
ShapeName = "ex"
With .Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeFlowchartTerminator, L, T, w, h)
.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
.Line.Weight = 1
.Line.DashStyle = msoLineDash
.Line.ForeColor.RGB = BASICCOLOR
.Name = Replace(.Name, "Flowchart: Terminator", ShapeName)
Names(i + 1) = .Name
End With
Next i
Call MangeCombinePPTFromExcel(WS, Lft, Tp)
End With 'WS
End Sub
Public Sub MangeCombinePPTFromExcel(WS As Worksheet, Lft As Single, Tp As Single)
Dim PPT As Object
Dim Pres As Object
Dim Sld As Object
Dim Shp As Shape, Rctangl As Shape, Rctangll As Shape, MergeShape As Shape
Set PPT = CreateObject("Powerpoint.Application")
Set Pres = PPT.Presentations.Add
Set Sld = Pres.Slides.Add(1, 12)
ShapeName = "ex"
With Sld
On Error Resume Next
PPT.CommandBars.ExecuteMso ("ShapesUnion")
On Error GoTo 0
End With
With WS 'back to Excel
With .Shapes(.Shapes.Count)
.Name = ShapeName
.Left = Lft
.Top = Tp
End With
End With
End Sub
Click to see Picture
enter image description here
I am trying to create a macro which copies the text from all the tables in a slide. I can select the tables but failed to copy text entries from tables. I need to paste the copied text to a excel spreadsheet.
Here is the script:
Option Explicit
Sub GetTableNames()
Dim pptpres As Presentation
Set pptpres = ActivePresentation
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Set pptSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Dim pptShapes As Shape
Dim pptTable As Table
For Each pptSlide In pptpres.Slides
For Each pptShapes In pptSlide.Shapes
If pptShapes.HasTable Then
Set pptTable = pptShapes.Table
pptShapes.Select msoFalse
End If
End Sub
enter image description here
enter image description here
Try this code:
Sub GetTableNames()
Dim pptpres As Presentation
Set pptpres = ActivePresentation
Dim pptSlide As Slide
Set pptSlide = Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide
Dim pptShapes As Shape, pptTable As Table
Dim XL As Object, WS As Object
Dim arr As Variant, nextTablePlace As Integer, cnt As Integer
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With XL.Workbooks.Add
Set WS = .Worksheets(1)
End With
nextTablePlace = 1 ' to output first table content into Worksheet
For Each pptSlide In pptpres.Slides
For Each pptShapes In pptSlide.Shapes
If pptShapes.HasTable Then
cnt = cnt + 1
Set pptTable = pptShapes.Table
WS.Cells(nextTablePlace, 1) = "Table #: " & cnt ' caption for each table
nextTablePlace = nextTablePlace + 1
ReDim arr(1 To pptTable.Rows.Count, 1 To pptTable.Columns.Count) ' resize array to table dimensions
For rr = 1 To pptTable.Rows.Count
For cc = 1 To pptTable.Columns.Count
arr(rr, cc) = pptTable.Cell(rr, cc).Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text 'get text from each cell into array
' flush the arr to Worksheet
WS.Cells(nextTablePlace, 1).Resize(pptTable.Rows.Count, pptTable.Columns.Count) = arr
' to next place with gap
nextTablePlace = nextTablePlace + pptTable.Rows.Count + 2
End If
XL.Visible = True
End Sub
I have a script which transfer all my charts to PPT perfectly but the issue is all chart paste in different slides. I have small charts that mean in a single slide can be store 4 charts. Is there any kind of script which arrange the charts as well in PPT slide and paste at least 4 charts in single slide of PPT.
Currently I'm using the below code
Sub Chart_TRF()
Dim PApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim slide_index As Integer
Dim Chrt As ChartObject
Set PApp = New PowerPoint.Application
PApp.Visible = True
Set PPres = PApp.Presentations.Add
slide_index = 1
For Each Chrt In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
Set PSlide = PPres.Slides.Add(slide_index, ppLayoutBlank)
slide_index = slide_index + 1
Next Chrt
MsgBox ("PPT is created for all Charts")
End Sub
Please let me know if you have any query on this.
I have amended your code so that each slide will contain 4 charts. You can change the starting left and top positions, along with the gap between charts, as desired.
Sub Chart_TRF()
Const START_LEFT_POS As Long = 20 'change the starting left position as desired
Const START_TOP_POS As Long = 20 'change the starting top position as desired
Const GAP As Long = 30 'change the gap between charts as desired
Dim PApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim PShape As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim slide_index As Integer
Dim chart_index As Integer
Dim left_pos As Integer
Dim top_pos As Integer
Dim Chrt As ChartObject
Set PApp = New PowerPoint.Application
PApp.Visible = True
Set PPres = PApp.Presentations.Add
slide_index = 0
chart_index = 0
left_pos = START_LEFT_POS
top_pos = START_TOP_POS
For Each Chrt In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
chart_index = chart_index + 1
If chart_index Mod 4 = 1 Then
slide_index = slide_index + 1
Set PSlide = PPres.Slides.Add(slide_index, ppLayoutBlank)
top_pos = START_TOP_POS
End If
Set PShape = PSlide.Shapes.Paste(1)
If chart_index Mod 2 = 1 Then
With PShape
.Left = left_pos
.Top = top_pos
left_pos = left_pos + .Width + GAP
End With
With PShape
.Left = left_pos
.Top = top_pos
left_pos = START_LEFT_POS
top_pos = top_pos + .Height + GAP
End With
End If
Next Chrt
MsgBox ("PPT is created for all Charts")
End Sub
Here's the code that will copy the charts from all worksheets in the active workbook.
Sub Chart_TRF()
Const START_LEFT_POS As Long = 20 'change the starting left position as desired
Const START_TOP_POS As Long = 20 'change the starting top position as desired
Const GAP As Long = 30 'change the gap between charts as desired
Dim PApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim PShape As PowerPoint.Shape
Dim slide_index As Integer
Dim chart_index As Integer
Dim left_pos As Integer
Dim top_pos As Integer
Dim Chrt As ChartObject
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set PApp = New PowerPoint.Application
PApp.Visible = True
Set PPres = PApp.Presentations.Add
slide_index = 0
chart_index = 0
left_pos = START_LEFT_POS
top_pos = START_TOP_POS
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each Chrt In ws.ChartObjects
chart_index = chart_index + 1
If chart_index Mod 4 = 1 Then
slide_index = slide_index + 1
Set PSlide = PPres.Slides.Add(slide_index, ppLayoutBlank)
top_pos = START_TOP_POS
End If
Set PShape = PSlide.Shapes.Paste(1)
If chart_index Mod 2 = 1 Then
With PShape
.Left = left_pos
.Top = top_pos
left_pos = left_pos + .Width + GAP
End With
With PShape
.Left = left_pos
.Top = top_pos
left_pos = START_LEFT_POS
top_pos = top_pos + .Height + GAP
End With
End If
Next Chrt
Next ws
MsgBox ("PPT is created for all Charts")
End Sub
I have PPTs that are being generated via software that I have no control over. Upon generation, the software puts all text into TextBoxes instead of my Placeholders.
I created a script to move the text from the TextBoxes into the placeholders and this works great; however, I am unable to maintain the links and the lists are always showing as Bulleted despite some being numbers. Basically, if there is a link in the textbox, it should still be a link in the Placeholder. FYI, this script also changes shape 3 on each slide into the Title Placeholder
How can I preserve the formatting when I am moving the text over? I attempted to use pastespecial, but that still was only moving the text into the format of the placeholder.
Sub TextBoxFix()
Dim osld As Slide, oshp As Shape, oTxR As TextRange, SlideIndex As Long, myCount As Integer, numShapesOnSlide As Integer
Dim tempBulletFormat As PowerPoint.PpBulletType
For Each osld In ActivePresentation.Slides
myCount = 1
With ActivePresentation
'For Each oshp In osld.Shapes
osld.CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(2)
For i = osld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Set oshp = osld.Shapes(i)
If i = 3 Then
osld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(1).TextFrame.TextRange = oshp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters
osld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(1).Visible = msoTrue
ElseIf i > 3 And oshp.Type = msoTextBox Then
osld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(2).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertBefore(oshp.TextFrame.TextRange.TrimText).ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = oshp.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type
End If
Next i
End With
Next osld
End Sub
This may have some formatting issues that need to be addressed, but this will insert the hyperlinks that you are looking for. Code is likely not the cleanest, but it works. You will also need to set the vba to break only on unhandled errors, or it will break in the middle of the code. See here.
Class Module - Hyper
Private shp As Shape
Private chrStart As Integer
Private hypAddr As String
Private hypText As String
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
End Sub
Public Sub InitializeWithValues(newShp As Shape, newChrStart As Integer, newHypAddress As String, newHypText As String)
Set shp = newShp
chrStart = newChrStart
hypAddr = newHypAddress
hypText = newHypText
End Sub
Public Function getShape() As Shape
Set getShape = shp
End Function
Public Function getchrStart() As Integer
getchrStart = chrStart
End Function
Public Function getHypAddr() As String
getHypAddr = hypAddr
End Function
Public Function getHypText() As String
getHypText = hypText
End Function
Class Module - hyperColl
Private myCollection As Collection
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set myCollection = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub Add_Item(newHyper As Hyper)
Dim newArray() As Hyper
If Me.Exists(newHyper.getShape().Name) Then
newArray = myCollection(newHyper.getShape().Name)
ReDim Preserve newArray(0 To UBound(newArray) + 1)
Set newArray(UBound(newArray)) = newHyper
myCollection.Remove (newHyper.getShape().Name)
myCollection.Add newArray, newHyper.getShape().Name
ReDim newArray(0)
Set newArray(0) = newHyper
myCollection.Add newArray, newHyper.getShape().Name
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetArray(shapeName As String) As Hyper()
GetArray = myCollection(shapeName)
End Function
Public Function Exists(shapeName As String) As Boolean
Dim myHyper() As Hyper
On Error Resume Next
myHyper = myCollection(shapeName)
On Error GoTo 0
If Err.Number = 5 Then 'Not found in collection
Exists = False
Exists = True
End If
End Function
Regular Module (Call it whatever you want)
Sub textBoxFix()
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim shp2 As Shape
Dim oHl As Hyperlink
Dim hypAddr As String
Dim hypText As String
Dim hypTextLen As Integer
Dim hypTextStart As Integer
Dim hypShape As Shape
Dim hypCollection As hyperColl
Dim newHyper As Hyper
Dim hypArray() As Hyper
Dim hypToAdd As Hyper
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim bolCopy As Boolean
Set sld = ActivePresentation.Slides(1)
sld.CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(2)
Set hypCollection = New hyperColl 'Set the collection of arrays - 1 for each shape
Set shp = sld.Shapes(1)
For Each oHl In sld.Hyperlinks
If oHl.Type = msoHyperlinkRange Then 'Hyperlink is associated with part of a TextRange, not a whole shape
hypAddr = oHl.Address
hypText = oHl.TextToDisplay
hypTextLen = Len(hypText)
If TypeName(oHl.Parent.Parent) = "TextRange" Then
hypTextStart = oHl.Parent.Parent.start
Set hypShape = oHl.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
End If
Set newHyper = New Hyper
newHyper.InitializeWithValues hypShape, hypTextStart, hypAddr, hypText
hypCollection.Add_Item newHyper
End If
Next oHl
For j = sld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Set shp = sld.Shapes(j)
bolCopy = False
If j = 3 Then
Set shp2 = sld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(1)
bolCopy = True
ElseIf j > 3 And shp.Type = msoTextBox Then
Set shp2 = sld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(2)
bolCopy = True
End If
If bolCopy = True Then
shp2.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertBefore(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.TrimText).ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type
If hypCollection.Exists(shp.Name) Then
hypArray = hypCollection.GetArray(shp.Name)
For i = LBound(hypArray) To UBound(hypArray)
Set hypToAdd = hypArray(i)
With shp2.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(hypToAdd.getchrStart, Len(hypToAdd.getHypText)).ActionSettings.Item(1)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = hypToAdd.getHypAddr
End With
Next i
End If
End If
Next j
End Sub
I used OpiesDad's code as a starting point, and made some minor modifications. I was getting an error related to the GetArray function when textboxes didn't exist. In addition, I modified the code to run on all slides of the PPT. I also had to make some modifications to the TextBoxFix Sub because the content was being deleted, but wasn't populating in my Placeholders.
See my updates below:
Reused Class Module - Hyper
Removed "On Error GoTo 0" from the Exists Function in hyperColl
Revised TextBoxFix below:
Sub TextBoxFix()
Dim shp As Shape
Dim shp2 As Shape
Dim oHl As Hyperlink
Dim hypAddr As String
Dim hypText As String
Dim hypTextLen As Integer
Dim hypTextStart As Integer
Dim hypShape As Shape
Dim hypCollection As hyperColl
Dim newHyper As Hyper
Dim hypArray() As Hyper
Dim hypToAdd As Hyper
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim bolCopy As Boolean
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
With ActivePresentation
sld.CustomLayout = ActivePresentation.Designs(1).SlideMaster.CustomLayouts(2)
Set hypCollection = New hyperColl 'Set the collection of arrays - 1 for each shape
Set shp = sld.Shapes(1)
For Each oHl In sld.Hyperlinks
If oHl.Type = msoHyperlinkRange Then 'Hyperlink is associated with part of a TextRange, not a whole shape
hypAddr = oHl.Address
hypText = oHl.TextToDisplay
hypTextLen = Len(hypText)
If TypeName(oHl.Parent.Parent) = "TextRange" Then
hypTextStart = oHl.Parent.Parent.Start
Set hypShape = oHl.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent
End If
Set newHyper = New Hyper
newHyper.InitializeWithValues hypShape, hypTextStart, hypAddr, hypText
hypCollection.Add_Item newHyper
End If
Next oHl
For j = sld.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1
Set shp = sld.Shapes(j)
bolCopy = False
If j = 3 Then
sld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(1).TextFrame.TextRange = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters
sld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(1).Visible = msoTrue
ElseIf j > 3 And shp.Type = msoTextBox Then
sld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(2).TextFrame.TextRange.InsertBefore(shp.TextFrame.TextRange.TrimText).ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type = shp.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Type
If hypCollection.Exists(shp.Name) Then
hypArray = hypCollection.GetArray(shp.Name)
For i = LBound(hypArray) To UBound(hypArray)
Set hypToAdd = hypArray(i)
With sld.Shapes.Placeholders.Item(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(hypToAdd.getchrStart, Len(hypToAdd.getHypText)).ActionSettings.Item(1)
.Action = ppActionHyperlink
.Hyperlink.Address = hypToAdd.getHypAddr
End With
Next i
End If
End If
Next j
End With
Next sld
End Sub
Sub ExampleUsage()
Dim myPicture As String, myRange As Range
myPicture = Application.GetOpenFilename _
("Pictures (*.gif; *.jpg; *.bmp; *.tif),*.gif; *.jpg; *.bmp; *.tif", _
, "Select Picture to Import")
Set myRange = Selection
InsertAndSizePic myRange, myPicture
End Sub
Sub InsertAndSizePic(Target As Range, PicPath As String)
Dim p As Object
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set p = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PicPath)
If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then Set Target = Target.MergeArea
With Target
p.Top = .Top
p.Left = .Left
p.Width = .Width
p.Height = .Height
End With
End Sub
This is my code for Microsoft Excel. I want to have the aspect ratio unlock so that I can fill the entire merged cell. Thanks in advance.
This is how you'll set the Aspect Ratio. It is a Property of the Shape Object. p is of Picture Object Type. You can use it's name to access it via Shapes which has the Aspect Ratio property:
Sub InsertAndSizePic(Target As Range, PicPath As String)
Dim p As Object
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim sh As Worksheet: Set sh = ActiveSheet
Set p = sh.Pictures.Insert(PicPath)
sh.Shapes(p.Name).LockAspectRatio = False
If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then Set Target = Target.MergeArea
With Target
p.Top = .Top
p.Left = .Left
p.Width = .Width
p.Height = .Height
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
I declared and set variable for Worksheet Object just to have Intellisense kick in to get the arguments.
Another way is to use Shape Object AddPicture Method like below.
Sub InsertAndSizePic(Target As Range, PicPath As String)
Dim s As Shape
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim sh As Worksheet: Set sh = ActiveSheet
If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then Set Target = Target.MergeArea
With Target
Set s = sh.Shapes.AddPicture(PicPath, True, True, .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height)
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
This code will also accomplish what the first code does. HTH.
I have a powerpoint presentation with 100 slides and most of them have linked excel charts. I am trying to run a macro that will cycle through the slides and then the shapes on the slides and find the linked chart/graph, copy it, and paste it into the same position as a metafile so that I can make an emailable pdf file. However, the macro is skipping over the chart or not recognizing it as a chart. I searched and searched, any help would be much appreciated.
Sub Select_All()
Dim oPresentation As Presentation
Set oPresentation = ActivePresentation
Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oSlides As SlideRange
Dim oShape As Shape
Dim slideNumber As Integer
Dim shapeNumber As Integer
Dim lastslideNumber As Integer
Dim lastshapeNumber As Integer, i As Integer
Dim w As Double
Dim h As Double
Dim l As Double
Dim t As Double
For slideNumber = 14 To 100
For i = 1 To oPresentation.Slides(slideNumber).Shapes.Count
If oPresentation.Slides(slideNumber).Shapes(i).HasChart Then
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
w = .Width
h = .Height
l = .Left
t = .Top
End With
oPresentation.Slides(slideNumber).Shapes.PasteSpecial (ppPasteEnhancedMetafile)
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange
'.Width = w
'.Height = h
.Left = l
.Top = t
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End If
Next i
Next slideNumber
End Sub
This should be cleaner but you can save the copy/paste step if you simply ungroup the chart shape. That'll give you a metafile directly.
Sub Select_All()
Dim oPresentation As Presentation
Set oPresentation = ActivePresentation
Dim oSlide As Slide
Dim oSlides As SlideRange
Dim oShape As Shape
' These should be Longs
Dim slideNumber As Long
Dim shapeNumber As Long
Dim lastslideNumber As Long
Dim lastshapeNumber As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim w As Double
Dim h As Double
Dim l As Double
Dim t As Double
For slideNumber = 14 To 100
' never select anything unless you absolutely must
Set oSlide = oPresentation.Slides(slidenumber)
For i = oSlide.Shapes.Count to 1 step -1
' Step through shapes backward, else you'll run into weird
' side effects when deleting shapes
If oSlide.Shapes(i).HasChart Then
' don't select anything etc etc
With oSlide.Shapes(i)
w = .Width
h = .Height
l = .Left
t = .Top
End With
set oShape = oSlide.Shapes.PasteSpecial (ppPasteEnhancedMetafile)(1)
With oShape
'.Width = w
'.Height = h
.Left = l
.Top = t
.ZOrder msoSendToBack
End With
End If
Next i
Next slideNumber