I am loading hbase table using pig.
product = LOAD 'hbase://product' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('a:*', '-loadKey true') AS (id:bytearray, a:map[])
The relation product has a tuple that has map in it. I want to convert the map data into tuple
Here is the sample..
grunt>dump product;
I want to convert each tuple into individual records like below
I am pretty new to pig and perhaps this is my first time to do something with Pig Latin. Any help is much appreciated.
I was able to find a fix for my problem.
I used a UDF called MapEntriesToBag which will convert all the maps into bags.
Here is my code.
>register /your/path/to/this/Jar/Pigitos-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
>DEFINE MapEntriesToBag pl.ceon.research.pigitos.pig.udf.MapEntriesToBag();
>product = LOAD 'hbase://product' USING org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.hbase.HBaseStorage('a:*', '-loadKey true') AS (id:bytearray, a:map[])
>b = foreach product generate flatten(SUBSTRING($0,3,12)), flatten(MapEntriesToBag($1));
The UDF is available in the Jar Pigitos-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar. You can download this jar from here
For more information you can refer to this link. It has more interesting UDF's related to Map datatype.
I have got requirement saying, blob storage has multiple files with names file_1.csv,file_2.csv,file_3.csv,file_4.csv,file_5.csv,file_6.csv,file_7.csv. From these i have to read only filenames from 5 to 7.
how we can achieve this in ADF/Synapse pipeline.
I have repro’d in my lab, please see the below repro steps.
Using the Get Metadata activity, get a list of all files.
(Parameterize the source file name in the source dataset to pass ‘*’ in the dataset parameters to get all files.)
Get Metadata output:
Pass the Get Metadata output child items to ForEach activity.
#activity('Get Metadata1').output.childItems
Add If Condition activity inside ForEach and add the true case expression to copy only required files to sink.
When the If Condition is True, add copy data activity to copy the current item (file) to sink.
I took a slightly different approaching using a Filter activity and the endsWith function:
The filter expression is:
#or(or(endsWith(item().name, '_5.csv'),endsWith(item().name, '_6.csv')),endsWith(item().name, '_7.csv'))
Slightly different approaches, similar results, it depends what you need.
You can always do what #NiharikaMoola-MT suggested . But since you already know the range of the files ( 5-7) , I suggest
Declare two paramter as an upper and lower range
Create a Foreach loop and pass the parameter and to create a range[lowerlimit,upperlimit]
Create a paramterized dataset for source .
Use the fileNumber from the FE loop to create a dynamic expression like
I am using Spark 3.x in Python. I have some data (in millions) in CSV files that I have to index in Apache Solr.
I have deployed pysolr module for this purpose
import pysolr
def index_module(row ):
solr_client = pysolr.Solr(SOLR_URI)
df = spark.read.format("csv").option("sep", ",").option("quote", "\"").option("escape", "\\").option("header", "true").load("sample.csv")
index_module module simply get one row of data frame as json and then index in Solr via pysolr module. Pysolr support to index list of documents instead of one. I have to update my logic so that instead of sending one document in each request, I'll send a list of document. Definatelty, it will improve the performance.
How can I achieve this in PySpark ? Is there any alternative or best approach instead of map and toJSON ?
Also, My all activities are completed in transformation functions. I am using count just to start the job. Is there any alternative dummy function (of action type) in spark to do the same?
Finally, I have to create Solr Object each time, is there any alternative for this ?
I have tried using the JsonTimePartitioning class in apache beam JAVA sdk to write data to dynamic tables in bigquery but i get "cannot find symbol" for the class JsonTimePartitioning.
this is how i try to import the class
import com.google.api.services.bigquery.model.JsonTimePartitioning;
and this is how i try to use it in my pipeline
.withJsonTimePartitioningTo(new JsonTimePartitioning().setType("DAY")));
I can't seem to find the JsonTimePartitioning anywhere. Can you point to an example that you are trying to follow? The existing methods on BigQueryIO either accept an instance of TimePartiotioning, or a value-provider for a String that is actually a JSON-serialized instance of the same TimePartitioning. And in fact, when calling the TimePartitioning version of the method, you still end up just serializing it into string internally:. You can find an example of how it's used here:
Loading historical data into time-partitioned BigQuery tables To load
historical data into a time-partitioned BigQuery table, specify
with a field used for column-based partitioning. For example:
PCollection<Quote> quotes = ...;
.withFormatFunction(quote -> new TableRow()
.set("timestamp", quote.getTimestamp())
.set(..other columns..))
.withTimePartitioning(new TimePartitioning().setField("time"))); ```
I've got a pig-latin script that takes in some xml, uses the XPath UDF to pull out some fields and then stores the resulting fields:
REGISTER udf-lib-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
DEFINE XPath com.blah.udfs.XPath();
docs = LOAD '$input' USING com.blah.storage.XMLLoader('root') as (content:chararray);
results = FOREACH docs GENERATE XPath(content, 'root/id'), XPath(content, 'root/otherField'), content;
store results into '$output';
Note that we're using pig-0.12.0 on our cluster, so I ripped the XPath/XMLLoader classes out of pig-0.14.0 and put them in my own jar so that I could use them in 0.12.
This above script works fine and produces the data that I'm looking for. However, it generates over 1,900 partfiles with only a few mbs in each file. I learned about the default_parallel option, so I set that to 128 to try and get 128 partfiles. I ended up having to add a piece to force a reduce phase to achieve this. My script now looks like:
set default_parallel 128;
REGISTER udf-lib-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
DEFINE XPath com.blah.udfs.XPath();
docs = LOAD '$input' USING com.blah.storage.XMLLoader('root') as (content:chararray);
results = FOREACH docs GENERATE XPath(content, 'root/id'), XPath(content, 'root/otherField'), content;
forced_reduce = FOREACH (GROUP results BY RANDOM()) GENERATE FLATTEN(results);
store forced_reduce into '$output';
Again, this produces the expected data. Also, I now get 128 part-files. My problem now is that the data is not evenly distributed among the part-files. Some have 8 gigs, others have 100 mb. I should have expected this when grouping them by RANDOM() :).
My question is what would be the preferred way to limit the number of part-files yet still have them evenly-sized? I'm new to pig/pig latin and assume I'm going about this in the completely wrong way.
p.s. the reason I care about the number of part-files is because I'd like to process the output with spark and our spark cluster seems to do a lot better with a smaller number of files.
I'm still looking for a way to do this directly from the pig script but for now my "solution" is to repartition the data within the spark process that works on the output of the pig script. I use the RDD.coalesce function to rebalance the data.
From the first code snippet, I am assuming it is map only job since you are not using any aggregates.
Instead of using reducers, set the property pig.maxCombinedSplitSize
REGISTER udf-lib-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar;
DEFINE XPath com.blah.udfs.XPath();
docs = LOAD '$input' USING com.blah.storage.XMLLoader('root') as (content:chararray);
results = FOREACH docs GENERATE XPath(content, 'root/id'), XPath(content, 'root/otherField'), content;
store results into '$output';
set pig.maxCombinedSplitSize 1000000000; -- 1 GB(given size in bytes)
x = load '$output' using PigStorage();
store x into '$output2' using PigStorage();
pig.maxCombinedSplitSize - setting this property will make sure each mapper reads around 1 GB data and above code works as identity mapper job, which helps you write data in 1GB part file chunks.
I receive data in the form
I'm trying to merge it all into a form where I just have a bag of tuples of an id field followed by a tuple containing a list of all my other fields merged together.
Currently I fetch it like
my_data = load '$input' USING PigStorage(|) as
(id:chararray, attribute1:chararray, attribute2:chararray)...
then I've tried all combinations of FLATTEN, TOKENIZE, GENERATE, TOTUPLE, BagConcat, etc. to massage it into the form I want, but I'm new to pig and just can't figure it out. Can anyone help? Any open source UDF libraries are fair game.
Load each line as an entire string, and then use the features of the built-in STRPLIT UDF to achieve the desired result. This relies on there being no tabs in your list of attributes, and assumes that | and , are not to be treated any differently in separating out the different attributes. Also, I modified your input a little bit to show more edge cases.
my_data = LOAD '$input' AS (str:chararray);
split1 = FOREACH my_data GENERATE FLATTEN(STRSPLIT(str, '\\|', 2)) AS (id:chararray, attr:chararray);
split2 = FOREACH split1 GENERATE id, STRSPLIT(attr, '[,|]') AS attributes;
DUMP split2;
Output of pig -x local -p input=input.txt test.pig: