Is there an API for the Amazon Vendor Central? [closed] - api

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In order to manage our products easier I would like to use an API if there is any. Is there any way to manage the products programmatically? Currently, my impression is that there is only the web access, which is quite cumbersome to use if there are hundreds of products. Our data comes from another system which I would like to integrate somehow.
I know that data can be imported via Excel files to create products. If products could be also updated this way, it would an (inferior) alternative. But this is not possible. Or am I wrong?
For Amazon MWS there is the Feed API to manage products. But is there no similar API at the Vendor Central?

Amazon Vendor Central works with EDI (electronic data interchange) and does not expose an API. However, there are a number of third party services that can make it easier. Google 'amazon edi integration'.


Looking for Ecommerce engine or service for sharing sales [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for the service or library to share the sales online. I am developging ecommerce site which will be selling media content. The content creator can upload their stuff and sell on our site. When he sells the product he will receive the 80% and I will receive 20%. Since the money is involved in I want this part to be as transparent as possible. Maybe there might be saas solution available so that I can call api to send sales and money can be split and he can get the moeny anytime he wants through paypal or some other method. Let me know if you know anything like that.
checkout the following links, I would recommend Stripe. Also if allowing payments via paypal the checkout the third link.

Is there any Video Rental VOD (video-on-demand) API's out there? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have been searching for this for a while and I can't find. I am searching for a video on demand APi but I can't find any. Please help.
Let me clarify one thing, I want to rent the movie THE MATRIX via API so I can show it to the user. That is what I pretend?
need to look into UltraViolet or Locker Access Streaming Provider Role (LASP).
check out UltraViolet for Business,
to connect your service to UltraViolet or to Develop Services or components you need a licence.
Download the licence package here:
hope this helps.
You need to look at solutions called "paywall" or "pay-per-view" for the media server which you decide to pick up.
There was a site called Popcorn Time which is similar to Netflix in number of ways. They made their source code available for every one by making the project open source after attracting huge media attention.

Does (vehicle marketplace) offer an API for posting vehicles? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anybody know if offers an API or something that would help with mass postings of vehicles?
Or does anybody have any idea of what to use to create something like this? I was thinking of maybe a mouse location and click over a browser window type of thing.
AutoTrader provides a bulk upload feature through a file feed process. The file runs through a set of processes to associate it with the proper listing tier (Premium, Feature or Standard) and in addition normalizes the information across vehicle make and models. This process runs several times daily and is being migrated to a near real-time solution for quicker add or updates.
I can find no documentation on it but I've come across this link which seems to provide a json response.

API for historical traffic data? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Does anyone know of a public API for historical traffic data?
Some quick googling pulls up an API from Yahoo which offers real-time data, but I'd be curious if anyone hosts a service for historical data - i.e., what was the "severity" (one of the attributes the Yahoo API returns) for a given location at a given date and time.
(I'm going to guess that such a thing doesn't exist today, or at least no public options, as this would be an immense amount of data to store, but it never hurts to ask...)
While yahoo has shut down its traffic apis, there are a number of companies providing traffic information.
HERE from Nokia
Traffic API from Microsoft
Traffic API from MapQuest
Predictive Traffic API from INRIX
These guys certainly have the data, but I don't know how easy it is to get access to the API:

Which (popular) websites support mashable APIs? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which popular websites out there support an HTTP based API?
I am looking for content of general public interest (hence, Amazon's RESTful API wouldn't qualify, for example).
Some sites which I am aware of:
Please note that
Although not a direct programming question, it will help programmers find some inspiration for new projects
A similar question has been asked but didn't get many responses probably because it was very specific about being RESTful.
The site (with blog) "Programmable Web" collects sites, apis and howtos to create mash-ups.
You can search by programming language, protocols, wether you want something with JSON or SOAP and so on and check out existing mash-ups.