Execute SQL-Query stored in column while selecting - sql

I have two tables:
Table A contains the columns ID and Query.
Table B contains the columns ID, Value and Category.
In every row of table A (without any exceptions) the column Query contains an SQL query as nvarchar, which looks something like SELECT * FROM B WHERE Category = 1.
I cannot figure out, how i can execute all Queries of table A and merge those results and return them (inside a select statement).
I already tried to iterate through all rows in table A, inserting the results of EXEC(Query) into a temporary table #C and finally execute SELECT * FROM #C. But i was not successful with this solution.
Just for clarification: The columns and their data types of the resultsets of the queries - stored in table A - are identical. Table B just has a column with datatype [timestamp]. The exception i receive is:
Cannot insert an explicit value into a timestamp column. Use INSERT with a column list to exclude the timestamp column, or insert a DEFAULT into the timestamp column

This is too long for a comment.
You can run all the queries using a T-SQL statement. That is, a WHILE loop with a cursor or similar mechanism to run each query using dynamic SQL.
Putting the results into a single table is problematic. All the queries would need to return the same columns in the same order with the same types. It doesn't look to me like SELECT * FROM B and SELECT * FROM #C would meet these conditions.
You probably need to think more about what you really need to accomplish.

I think this should get you what you want if I understand the question.
DECLARE #sqlStatement NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';
SELECT #sqlStatement += CONCAT(Query,' UNION ALL ')
SET #sqlStatement = LEFT(#sqlStatement, LEN(#sqlStatement) - 10 );
EXEC sp_executesql #sqlStatement;


SQL insert from select, but set some values by hand

Let's say that I have table with A LOT of columns. I have one column with primary key that has autoincrement set to 1. I want to insert a new row and in this new row I have following requirements:
The row must have generated ID
All non-specified columns have to be copied from row with id='9999'
I have to be able to set some values of columns by hand (for example columns name and age
I have tried:
Insert Into demo_table
Select * From demo_table Where id='9999';
However, I get this error:
An explicit value for the identity column in table 'demo_table' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON.
What do I need:
I want to duplicate a row -> let the id be set by database (I have PK and autoincrement configured) -> set some columns by hand -> have other column's values duplicated, without specifying column names (as I have a lot of columns and their names could change in future.)
Form of solution:
I would prefer if I was able to achive this using only one query. If necessary, I have stored procedures available.
My question:
Is this even possible? How could I achive such query/procedure?
There is a way to build sql query by table schema:
USE <databaseName>
#SourceTableName NVARCHAR(255) = <TableName>,
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#IdentityCols', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #IdentityCols;
CREATE TABLE #IdentityCols(
ColumnName NVARCHAR(255)
INSERT INTO #IdentityCols
sys.objects o inner join
sys.columns c on o.object_id = c.object_id
c.is_identity = 1 AND o.name = #SourceTableName
--STRING_AGG in SQL SERVER 2017 and greater. As aproach for early versions is cursor or loop
SELECT #SqlQuery = 'SELECT ' + STRING_AGG(COLUMN_NAME, ',') + ' FROM ' + #SourceTableName
WHERE TABLE_NAME=#SourceTableName AND COLUMN_NAME NOT IN (Select ColumnName FROM #IdentityCols)
exec sp_executesql #SqlQuery
For more information you can see this questions:
How can I show the table structure in SQL Server query?
How do you determine what SQL Tables have an identity column programmatically
How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL Server
SQL Server Loop through Table Rows without Cursor
SQL Server loop - how do I loop through a set of records
For anyone interested, how I've solved this problem:
After I've read your comments (thanks btw) and some threads online, I've realized why I cannot do what I asked. However, I've come seen solution to similar problem somewhere, where they wanted to select * except one specific column, they solved it like this:
copied the entire table
selected from there.
I've come up with similar solution to my problem
-- check data, remove after testing
select * from demo_table order by ID desc;
-- create table with one column I want to duplicate
select * into Temp_demo_table from demo_table where ID=9999;
-- drop id, so it does not get included in the inter-table insert
alter table Temp_demo_table
drop column ID;
-- update columns that I need to modify, doesn't have to have WHERE clause, becuase there's only one row there
update Temp_demo_table set MyCustomProperty='abc', name=NULL, age=NULL
-- insert the desired and edited row
insert into demo_table
select * from Temp_demo_table;
-- drop the temp table
drop table Temp_demo_table;
-- check data, remove after testing
select * from demo_table order by ID desc;
I realize how inefficient this is, however the function (on my api) executing this command will not be called so often (max 100 times per day). I believe that this query could be optimized, however I do not have sufficient knowledge to do it at this moment (100% going to put it in my TODO :D).
Just found out that you can write queries in oracle db like this:
(select * from demo_table) - (select name, age from demo_table)
I currentlly don't know if I can apply this to sql server, however as soon as I have an access to mssql, I'll try it out and keep this answear updated!

SQL Server - Select INTO statement stored in sys.tables

I know how to find the CREATE statement for a table in SQL Server but is there any place that stores the actual SQL code if I use SELECT INTO ... to create a table and if so how do I access it?
I see two ways of creating tables with SELECT INTO.
First: You know the Schema, then you can declare a #Table Variable and perform the Select INSERT
Second: You can create a temp table:
SELECT * INTO #TempTable FROM Customer
There are some limitations on the second choice:
- You need to drop the temp table afterwards.
- If there is a VARCHAR Column and the maximum number of characters of that given SELECT is 123 characters (example), and then you try to insert into the TEMP table afterwards with a greater number of characters, it will throw an error.
My recommendation is always declare a table in order to use, it makes it clear what is the intentions and increases readability.

store query result, with multiple results as list variable to use later

I want to put the results of a select statement into an #variable to use later on in the query. I dont know how many results there are going to be.
I have tried;
SET #variable = SELECT column FROM table
#variable=( 123213,321312,321321)
I want to then use the results as
UPDATE table SET column=1 WHERE column in #variable
Just use a temporary table:
SELECT column
INTO #tmp
FROM table;
UPDATE table
SET column = 1
WHERE column in (SELECT column FROM #tmp);
You can also use a table variable but that requires specifying the types of the columns to define the variable.
If you really want it to be in the form of a variable (available only at execution time), then you can declare a TABLE variable.
DECLARE #variable TABLE (Column1 INT);
INSERT INTO #variable
SELECT Column FROM Table
The better way would be to create a temporary table with SELECT INTO:
INTO #variable
FROM table;
The you can use the #variable or #variable as a regular table in any query.
UPDATE table
SET Column = 1
WHERE column IN (SELECT COLUMN FROM #variable)
UPDATE table
SET Column = 1
WHERE column IN (SELECT COLUMN FROM #variable)
Although I would prefer / recommend the JOIN style:
SET column = 1
FROM table t
INNER JOIN #variable v on t.column = v.column
There are numerous reasons why I don't recommend using a table variable but one of the most important is for performance reasons.
The Query Optimizer will always generate an estimate of 1 for when reading data from a table variable, which will generate a less than optimal execution plan for the scenario in which #variable has a large number of rows.
If you are dealing with multiple values then you should be using TABLE VARIABLE
Something like.......
Declare #t TABLE (Value INT)
INSERT INTO #t (Value)
SELECT column FROM table
Now use this Table variable in your update , something like.....
UPDATE table
SET column=1
WHERE column in (Select Value from #t)
But why cant you just simply select from the table directly when updating records, why do you even need to put it into any kind of variable anyway
UPDATE table
SET column=1
WHERE column in (SELECT column FROM table)
OR better way of doing this would be something like.....
SET t1.column=1
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN Table2 ON t1.Column = t2.column

OUTPUT Clause in Sql Server (Transact-SQL)

I Know that OUTPUT Clause can be used in INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statement. The results of an OUTPUT clause in a INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statements can be stored into a target table.
But, when i run this query
select * from <Tablename> output
I didn't get any error. The query executed as like select * from tablename with out any error and with same no. of rows
So what is the exact use of output clause in select statement. If any then how it can be used?
I searched for the answer but i couldn't find a answer!!
The query in your question is in the same category of errors as the following (that I have also seen on this site)
ON X = Y
The first one just ends up aliasing T1 AS NOLOCK. The correct syntax for the hint would be (NOLOCK) or ideally WITH(NOLOCK).
The second one aliases T1 AS LOOP. To request a nested loops join the syntax would need to be INNER LOOP JOIN
Similarly in your question it just ends up applying the table alias of OUTPUT to your table.
None of OUTPUT, LOOP, NOLOCK are actually reversed keywords in TSQL so it is valid to use them as a table alias without needing to quote them, e.g. in square brackets.
OUTPUT clause return information about the rows affected by a statement. OUTPUT Clause is used along with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statements as you mentioned. The reason it is used is because these statements themselves just return the number of rows effected not the rows effected. Thus the usage of OUTPUT with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE statements helps the user by returning actual rows effected.
SELECT statement itself returns the rows and SELECT doesn't effect any rows. Thus the usage of OUTPUT clause with SELECT is not required or supported. If you want to store the results of a SELECT statement into a target table use SELECT INTO or the standard INSERT along with the SELECT statement.
I guess I misunderstood your question. AS #Martin Smith mentioned its is acting an alias in the SELECT statement you mentioned.
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdelete') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE tempdelete
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#asd') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #asd
CREATE TABLE tempdelete (
name NVARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO tempdelete VALUES ('a'),('b'),('c')
--Creating empty temp table with the same columns as tempdelete
SELECT * INTO #asd FROM tempdelete WHERE 1 = 0
DELETE FROM tempdelete
OUTPUT deleted.* INTO #asd
This is how you can put all the deleted records in to a table. The problem with that is that you have to define the table with all the columns matching the table from which you are deleting. This is how i do it.

Return multiple tables from a T-SQL function in SQL Server 2008

You can return a single table from a T-SQL Function in SQL Server 2008.
I am wondering if it is possible to return more than one table.
The scenario is that I have three queries that filter 3 different tables. Each table is filtered against 5 filter tables that I would like to return from a function; rather than copy and paste their creation in each query.
An simplified example of what this would look like with copy and paste:
FUNCTION GetValuesA(#SomeParameter int) RETURNS #ids TABLE (ID int) AS
WITH Filter1 As ( Select id FROM FilterTable1 WHERE Attribute=SomeParameter )
, Filter2 As ( Select id FROM FilterTable2 WHERE Attribute=SomeParameter )
AND ColB IN (SELECT id FROM Filter2)
FUNCTION GetValuesB(#SomeParameter int) RETURNS #ids TABLE (ID int) AS
WITH Filter1 As ( Select id FROM FilterTable1 WHERE Attribute=SomeParameter )
, Filter2 As ( Select id FROM FilterTable2 WHERE Attribute=SomeParameter )
AND ColB IN (SELECT id FROM Filter2)
AND ColC IN (SELECT id FROM Filter2)
So, the only difference between the two queries is the Table being filtered, and HOW (the Where clause).
I would like to know if I could return Filter1 & Filter2 from a function. I am also open to suggestions on different ways to approach this problem.
Conceptually, how would you expect to handle a function that returned a variable number of tables? You would JOIN on two tables at once? What if the returned fields don't line up?
Is there some reason you can't have a TVF for each filter?
As others say, NO. A function in TSQL must return exactly one result (although that result can come in the form of a table with numerous values).
There are a couple of ways you could achieve something similar though. A stored procedure can execute multiple select statements and deliver the results up to whatever called it, whether that be an application layer or something like SSMS. Many libraries require you to add additional commands to access more result sets though. For instance, in Pyodbc to access result sets after the first one you need to call cursor.nextset()
Also, inside a function you could UNION several result sets together although that would require each result set to have the same columns. One way to achieve that if they have a different column structure is to add in nulls for the missing columns for each select statement. If you needed to know which select statement returned the value, you could also add a column which indicated that. This should work with your simplified example since in each case it is just returning a single ID column, but it could get awkward very quickly if the column names or types are radically different.