Using vue.js with Phoenix failed so far - vue.js

I follow this tutorial to learn to use vue.js in a Phoenix web app.
So far I made until I should get the word Vuechat in browser, but I didn't. Instead I got error message in iex console like below:
05 May 13:19:52 - info: compiling
05 May 13:19:54 - error: Resolving deps of web\static\js\app.js failed. Could not load module 'my-app.vue' from 'c:\Users\sadmin\Documents\Elixir\vuechat\web\static\js'. Possible solution: add 'my-app.vue' to package.json and `npm install`.
I thought I did everything according to that tutorial, but still not getting it works. I don't know much about using brunch or npm too, so please help
Location of my-app.vue is shows in below image
P.S. I'm working under Windows 10 os and using Visual Studio Code


GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY not letting me build Electron Pacakge

the problem
npm init -y
npm i path electron request http
npx electron-packager . --arch=ia32 --platform=win32 --out=release --electron-version=13.1.9
to build an electron project found in the current directory. Previous to reformatting my OS, I never had issues with this. However, now every time I execute these commands, after the last one electron-packager.
the error
In the console, I see Unsupported GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY configuration value: URL protocol must be "http:"
I cannot find any help on Google, or Stackoverflow about why this is occurring.
what i tried
I tried commenting out all parts of code in my relatively small project, to try to figure out what is giving me this issue.
I also tried repackaging the same project on my MacOS & Windows 10/11 machines, nothing works.
I am really frustrated/confused as to why this is happening, especially since I was able to use electron-packager a while back on the exact same project with no issues.
project dependencies
Actually this is a bug, has been fixed 5 hours ago (Mar 14, 2022, 9:55 PM GMT)
GLOBAL_AGENT.HTTP_PROXY configuration value: URL protocol must be http
Just do:
npm update

Missing config.json stencil CLI

I'm trying to do some work for a client, but cannot get their bigcommerce site running locally. I have installed stencil CLI (v3.1.1) and downloaded the theme from the bigcommerce dashboard (all files). from the root of the theme i ran "stencil init", then "npm i" and "stencil start".
when i run stencil start, it throws an error saying there's no config.json file.
this is the error i get
How do i generate the config.json file?
The only config file I see is config.stencil.json.
I have also tried running "stencil pull" in hopes that it would pull the config, but it throws another error: "not ok -- Error: Could not fetch active theme details for channel 1: Request failed with status code 404"
Stencil-cli version:
Node version:
NPM version:
mac big sur
Stencil 3.1.1 has been deprecated for some time now. I believe the current version is 3.8. As of 4 months ago, anything below 3.5 will not run (
If you don't have a config.json file in your project, you will need to get the one from the client's store. Try downloading their theme again. It should come through.
Edit: It is possibly the case that you need a new API token. Try making a new one for your store. Make sure the following scopes are set:
Themes: Modify
Settings & Information: Modify
Sites & Routes: Read-only (or Modify)
Documentation for creating a new API account:

“Page Not Found” when navigating to site created with Gridsome & deployed on Netlify

I've created a new site using Gridsome deployed with Netlify, but I can't get the site to appear when accessed. Instead, Netlify says:
Page Not Found
Looks like you've followed a broken link or entered a URL that doesn't exist on this site.
< Back to our site
I tried updating my build settings based on the instructions of the creator of the Gridsome starter template I'm using, but the site still doesn't display. I've also updated the js-yaml version.
I've gone through the questions/answers for similar questions on here, but I haven't been able to figure this out. I'm new to web development, and I'm sure I'm missing one or more things contributing to the issue.
My GitHub repo for this site.
The site.
I have the build log from Netlify. There are some errors in it. I don't want to put too much here, so here's a part from the end of the log.
12:18:36 PM: failed during stage 'building site': Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:18:36 PM: Error running command: Build script returned non-zero exit code: 1
12:18:36 PM: Failing build: Failed to build site
12:18:36 PM: Finished processing build request in 55.729813394s
A Gist for the whole build log.
Thanks so much for your help, #talves!
I was having trouble using the build commands because of being new to cli stuff and a permissions issue. I asked a friend about the build errors I was getting from Netlify, and he recommended I try removing and re-installing my node modules. Did that, still didn't work. I tried removing anything in the repo having to do with "journal" since Failed to render /journal kept appearing in the build log, but that didn't work either.
I googled ReferenceError: _objectSpread is not defined after update since that was in the build log after the journal error. I found a comment on an issue noting the same error message in the main Babel GitHub repo that suggested adding the following to the package.json file:
"resolutions": {
"#babel/core": "^7.5.4"
I added it, tried to build again, and it still failed but only gave me one error message it didn't show before—Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected string in JSON at position. I googled that message and got another issue on GitHub. A comment on the issue noted a missing comma.
I went back to my package.json file and found that I didn't add a comma to the bracket above the new "resolutions" snippet. I added the comma, tried to build again, and it worked 🤜💥✨ !
Sorry if this is long-winded! I thought it might be good to include my process on figuring this out in case others run into the same issues.

Couchapp - default template not found when running `couchapp generate ...` on Windows

After thorough browsing I decided to post here as I could not find a working prompt on the problem.
I installed CouchDB and Couchapp (in version 1.0.0, freshest one on Github) on Win8 machine and when I try to run couchapp generate app contacts I get:
2014-11-21 22:01:00 [ERROR] couchapp error: Can't create a CouchApp in C:\Users\
Michal\Desktop\contacts: default template not found.
I have not so far dug deeper into the Couchapp code to see if I can fix it. Fixes applied by Couchapp creator, Benoit, don't work for me.
All advice/constructive criticism much appreciated.
OK, I got it working - all that was needed was to include an environment variable for couchapp.exe. So, if you are installing a standalone version of Couchapp from the downloads section (, e.g. ) you NEED TO MAKE SURE that you first of all execute the installer and then point you environment variables Path to it, that's all. Hope it helps.

Library not loaded - ogr2ogr - topojson (Mike Bostock's d3.js map tutorial)

I'm trying to use ogr2ogr to filter a shapefile. I'm working through Mike Bostock's Let's Make a Map tutorial. A bit of googling - including here - hasn't led to any solutions yet. I'm also VERY new to topojson (and shapefiles in general; my background is in economics/statistical software like Stata), so I'm not sure what I'm doing and where things are going wrong. Either way - here's the error result I'm getting:
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/liblwgeom-2.1.1.dylib
Referenced from: /usr/local/Cellar/libspatialite/4.1.1/lib/libspatialite.5.dylib
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5
No idea what liblwgeom-2.1.1.dylib is, what it does, where I get it, etc. Google hasn't helped much on defining it either.
FWIW, I'm on a Mac, I brew installed npm and gdal, and then npm installed topojson.
Edited to add: I just brew reinstalled gdal, because I remembered getting a warning (Caveats). See below:
==> Caveats
For non-homebrew python (2.x), you need to amend your PYTHONPATH like so:
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
This version of GDAL was built with Python support. In addition to providing
modules that makes GDAL functions available to Python scripts, the Python
binding provides additional command line tools.
I actually tried to run export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH literally as-is, and it returned nothing. (Not sure if something happened in the background?) Basically fumbling in the dark!