Reinstalling the font and the software including its' folders didn't help to resolve the issue.
Why does the software not display the font? I would assume it caches it some place on the hard drive.
I'm uploading NAIP GEOTIFFS that I got from the USDA website. They are TIFFS with the coordinate system imbedded. They are loading correctly but the QGIS crashes when I try to get into the properties of the image layer. I would like to make some of them transparent. Originally this happened in version 3.22.5. Then I installed 3.22.10 and 3.26.2 and it still happens. Could it be related to my profile or plug-ins? Wonder if I should uninstall my plugins and then try. Uninstalling plug-ins would just be a pain.
Update-Took the plunge and unloaded all my plug-ins. This worked. I think I had some weird plug-ins that weren't working properly. So problem solved.
In my IntelliJ ultimate editions, shortcuts for comments do not work anymore on html files (and just on html files). It happened suddenly after a restart (I had maybe install a plugin, but I'm not sure).
I just updated to the last version (173.4548.28), but the problem persists.
In the settings I don't find anything defining in which types of file the shortcuts are available.
Where should I look to solve this problem?
I wonder if is possible to package into an executable in VA Smalltalk. Posts on this subject seem to have contradictory or old information. The README from Instantiations comments about splash screen and other resource tweaks for client installs, but is not clear about making an executable application for distribution.
In that case:
Does generating an exe file implies stripping an image?
Is the image bootstrapped, i.e. built from scratch?
so here is my attempt to give a short answer.
You do ship several components when you deploy your application as a runtime:
Your stripped down image (VA ST has a very powerful tool called Packaged Image Browser for this task)
The Virtual Machine (a .exe on Windows). You can customize this exe to display your splash screen or your window icon.
A number of additional files that are needed by the VM and/or your image. These are pictures, message catalogs, additional DLLs etc. VAST has an exhaustive list of which files you have to ship if you use some feature of the product in the VAST documentation
So there is no mechanism to bundle VM and Image together and turn them into a single .exe file, like in Dolphin Smalltalk and maybe more. What you ship is usually a Directory with a few subfolders in it.
There's no way to embed the image (.icx file) into the executable (.exe file) with VA Smalltalk. The best you can do is have an exe file for the VM and your own custom icx file for the image plus a .ini file for configuration. The "Make Executable" option in the organizer creates these files for you but you still have several files.
Here is a good resource for starting out making runtimes.
Although, as mentioned, you can "Make Executable" from the option menu, my experience is based on the runtime packaging.
I'm brand new to node-webkit and am very excited by the Chrome-level compliance with HTML5 and CSS3,
as well as the benfits of node, itself. I am experimenting with font usage in an ePub3 reading application
and have been able to easily embed .ttf, .woff and (even) .svg fonts by using the #font-face CSS3 mechanism.
Not so with .otf (and IE's .eot) fonts. With the nw inspector, the elements show the proper font-family, the
font seems to load (no error messages in console) and the font resource shows up -- but the font does not appear.
The fallback system font shows, instead. This is a concern, because the ePub3 specification for reading systems
requires handling TTF and OTF embedded fonts. Chrome, itself, has supported OTF fonts for some time, I believe.
(I am working on a Windows system.) Does anyone have any information with respect to OTF fonts in Node-Webkit?
Is this an expected deficit, a known issue, a bug, or something unrelated? Any light shed on this issue would
be appreciated.
Jonathan (neologis)
I am generating PDF file using Crystal report ExportToDisk method in VB.NET 3.5.
Locally and on integration environment generated PDF file is much readable i.e.font size is good.
But the PDF file generated on production environment is different in formatting.The lines are wrapping and font size is also little small.
There is not Adobe installed on integration.
What may be causing this issue.Any suggestion?
Most reporting tools try and default page sizes and setting to the local default printer, or set specifically through code if this is not present, you could check that for page size.
If you are using a specific font, you may need to install that on the server.
There should be no dependency to Adobe Acrobat/Reader.