How do you hide a button in Swift Xcode 8? - xcode8

I need help on how to hide a button in Swift I have tried to use
button.hide = true
button.isHidden = true
neither of these work for me. I would be gratefully appreciated if you can help. Thank you.

When you add a button in storyboard and connect its outlet, you should choose type as UIButton.


How do you disable a button in xcode 8 from inside another button?

How do you disable a button in xcode 8 from inside another button?
Check if you set outlet or not :).Use btn.isEnabled = false on tapping other button. YES/NO don't work if you are coding in swift. From ios 10 enabled or other bool getter method we need to add 'is' for prefix of object. example isHidden.
use myBtn.enabled = NO
on click event of other button.

UITextField Clear Button Does Not Show

I want to show a clear button always in a UITextField. I have tried to both set this in .xib Interface Builder:
and in code using this line: [_firstNameField setClearButtonMode:UITextFieldViewModeAlways];
Neither causes the button to show. Help please.
When you set it to UITextFieldViewModeAlways the clear button appears as long as there is text on the UITextField.
Hope this helps!

How to create a View Container within a UIViewController?

I can't seem to figure out how to create a container like the one in this answer:
Can anyone provide steps? Thanks in advance.
Create a project using storyboarding and in Object Library you will find the ContainerView, now just drag and drop it on your viewController and It will work for you. screenShot will help you

UIPopover from UIButton in UITableViewCell

I have a UIButton inside a cell that is inside a tableView.
When the button is clicked, I want a popover to show up at that button.
Are there any examples of this?
Note: I am new at this, and still not familiar with coding.
The View Controller Programming Guide is a good place to start:
And these example apps use popovers:

How to display NSPanel in front of Fullscreen-View?

My application rund modally in fullscreen, and I need something like iOS' UIPopoverController. The first idea was using an NSPanel, but I can't get it to show in front of the fullscreen view.
I need either a UIPopoverController-like class for Cocoa or a way to display a NSPanel in front of a fullscreen view. How can I accomplish this?
Sorry, none of them really worked.
The solution was:
[yourPanel setLevel:kCGMaximumWindowLevel];
However, Wevah and SphereCat1 helped me find the setLevel: method. Thanks.
Try this instead:
[yourPanel setLevel:NSMainMenuWindowLevel+1];
That should put it above everything on the screen. Happy Coding!
Something like
[yourPanel setLevel:[fullscreenWindow level] + 1];
should work.