Extract 4 parts of string - vba

I have the following string:
21||10/04/2017||34390136||SOME TEXT
How can I extract, in vba, the four values divided by "||" ? (21 , 10/04/2017 , 34390136 , Some Text)
I need four string with each one of the values.

Use the SPLIT command to split by the delimeter:
Sub Test()
Dim MyString As String
Dim MySplit As Variant
Dim x As Long
MyString = "21||10/04/2017||34390136||SOME TEXT"
MySplit = Split(MyString, "||")
For x = LBound(MySplit) To UBound(MySplit)
MsgBox MySplit(x)
Next x
End Sub
or as single lines:
split("21||10/04/2017||34390136||SOME TEXT","||")(0)
split("21||10/04/2017||34390136||SOME TEXT","||")(1)
split("21||10/04/2017||34390136||SOME TEXT","||")(2)
split("21||10/04/2017||34390136||SOME TEXT","||")(3)


Separate a String into Two parts 'name' and 'number' using VBA

I need to separate following strings into Name and Number: e.g.
evil333 into evil and 333
bili454 into bili and 454
elvis04 into elvis and 04
Split(String, "#") ' don't work here because numbers are unknown
Mid(String, 1, String - #) ' don't work because Numbers length is unknown
so what should be the best way to start? Just want to keep it simple as possible
For further info follow - https://youtu.be/zjF7oLLgtms
Two more ways for solving this:
Sub test()
Dim sInputString As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim lFirstNumberPos As Long
sInputString = "evil333"
'loop through text in input string
'if value IsNumeric (digit), stop looping
For i = 1 To Len(sInputString)
If IsNumeric(Mid(sInputString, i, 1)) Then
lFirstNumberPos = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
Dim Name As String
Dim Number As String
'return result
Name = Left$(sInputString, lFirstNumberPos - 1)
Number = Mid$(sInputString, lFirstNumberPos)
End Sub
Or another method:
Sub test2()
'if you are going to have too long string it would maybe better to use "instr" method
Dim sInputString As String
Dim lFirstNumberPos As Long
Dim i As Integer
sInputString = "evil333"
Dim lLoopedNumber as Long
LoopedNumber = 0
lFirstNumberPos = Len(sInputString) + 1
'loop through digits 0-9 and stop when any of the digits will be found
For i = 0 To 9
LoopedNumber = InStr(1, sInputString, cstr(i), vbTextCompare)
If LoopedNumber > 0 Then
lFirstNumberPos = Application.Min(LoopedNumber,lFirstNumberPos)
End If
Next i
Dim Name As String
Dim Number As String
'return result
Name = Left$(sInputString, lFirstNumberPos - 1)
Number = Mid$(sInputString, lFirstNumberPos)
End Sub
You should regular expressions (regex) to match the two parts of your strings. The following regex describes how to match the two parts:
Their use in VBA is thorougly explained in Portland Runner's answer to How to use Regular Expressions (Regex) in Microsoft Excel both in-cell and loops

Using multiple language (english, chinese, japanese) in VBA [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Unicode string literals in VBA
(3 answers)
How to type Unicode currency character in Visual Basic Editor
(2 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I need to be able to use strings of multiple languages (english, chinese and japanese) in VBA. Changing the region/locale setting of the computer only works if there is one language. Could someone help?
Example code
dim x as string
dim y as string
dim z as string
x = "English text"
y = "尊敬的"
z = "こんにちは"
There's a simple alternative to ashleedawg's suggestion:
Use bytearrays instead of strings to declare the strings. That way, the VBA IDE can store the data independent of locale settings.
I use the following function to declare bytearrays in VBA (Note: errors if you pass anything else than a byte):
Public Function ByteArray(ParamArray bytes() As Variant) As Byte()
Dim output() As Byte
ReDim output(LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes))
Dim l As Long
For l = LBound(bytes) To UBound(bytes)
output(l) = bytes(l)
ByteArray = output
End Function
If you have this, you can do the following:
dim x as string
dim y as string
dim z as string
x = "English text"
'Or: x = ByteArray(&H45,&H0,&H6E,&H0,&H67,&H0,&H6C,&H0,&H69,&H0,&H73,&H0,&H68,&H0,&H20,&H0,&H74,&H0,&H65,&H0,&H78,&H0,&H74,&H0)
y = ByteArray(&HA,&H5C,&H6C,&H65,&H84,&H76)
z = ByteArray(&H53,&H30,&H93,&H30,&H6B,&H30,&H61,&H30,&H6F,&H30)
To get these bytearrays, I use the following worksheet function:
Public Function UnicodeToByteArray(str As String) As String
If Len(str) = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim bytes() As Byte
bytes = str
Dim l As Long
For l = 0 To UBound(bytes) - 1
UnicodeToByteArray = UnicodeToByteArray & "&H" & Hex(bytes(l)) & ","
UnicodeToByteArray = UnicodeToByteArray & "&H" & Hex(bytes(UBound(bytes)))
End Function
You can use this in a worksheet (e.g. =UnicodeToByteArray(A1) where A1 contains the string), and then copy-paste the result to VBA.
You can directly assign strings to bytearrays and reversed.
Note that unicode support varies throughout VBA. E.g. MsgBox z will result in questionmarks, while Cells(1,1).Value = z will set A1 to the desired string.

Count all Comma In Selection or selected text

I want to count all Commas "," that occur only in selected text after that I will use Count as Integer to run the loop
My question is how do i Count , as following Image shows:
I Don't know how to use split and ubound. what is wrong with following code?
Sub CountComma()
Dim x As String, count As Integer, myRange As Range
Set myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.Range.Start, Selection.Range.End)
x = Split(myRange, ",")
count = UBound(x)
Debug.Print count
End Sub
A simple split will work.
x = Split("XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX,XX,XX", ",")
Count = UBound(x)
Debug.Print Count
B/c the array starts at zero you can take to Ubound number as is.
To use a range .
x = Split(Range("A1").Value, ",")
To break down the code.
Split("A string value","Delimiter to split the string by")
And if you want a single line of code than,
x = UBound(Split(myRange, ","))
your code is wrong in the initial declaration statement of x variable as of string type , since in the subsequent statement
with x = Split(myRange, ",")
you'd want x hold the return value of Split() function which is an array (see here), thus of Variant type
so you have to use
Dim x As Variant
But you can simplify your code as follows
Option Explicit
Sub CountComma()
Dim count As Integer
count = UBound(Split(Selection, ","))
Debug.Print count
End Sub
you don't need any Range type variable to store Selection object into, being Selection the selected range already (see here)
you don't need the x Variant variable neither, feeding UBound()function (which expects an array as its first argument) directly with the Split() function which, as we saw above, returns just an array!
Finally I'd give out an alternative method of counting commas in a range
Sub CountComma()
Dim countAs Integer
count = Len(Selection) - Len(Replace(Selection, ",", ""))
Debug.Print count
End Sub
Thanks to KyloRen and Cindy Meister, Now I can use split and Ubound for Counting , in selection.text.
Following is working Code:
Sub Count_Words()
Dim WrdArray() As String, myRange As String
myRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Selection.Range.Start, Selection.Range.End)
WrdArray() = Split(myRange, ", ")
MsgBox ("Total , in the string : " & UBound(WrdArray()))
End Sub

Read all unique values from cells in a range and create a comma separated string from them?

I have written the following function to read all unique values from cells in a range and create a comma separated string from them? Is there a better, simpler way to do this?
Private Sub CsvUniqueValues(r As Excel.Range)
Dim c As Excel.Range
Dim s As String = ""
For Each c In r.Cells
If ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, c.Value) = 1 Then
s = s & ","
End If
If s.Length > 0 Then
s = s.Substring(0, s.Length - 1)
End If
End Sub
You could use LINQ to get a list of only the unique values, like this:
Dim uniqueValues As IEnumerable = r.Cells.Where(Function(x) ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, x.Value) = 1))
Then, you could use LINQ to convert all of those unique values to strings:
Dim uniqueStrings As IEnumerable(Of String) = uniqueValues.Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.ToString())
Then you can use LINQ to convert the resulting list to an array:
Dim uniqueArray() As String = uniqueStrings.ToArray()
Then, you could use the String.Join method to combine them into a single CSV string:
Dim csv As String = String.Join(",", uniqueArray)
You could, of course, do all of this in a single command, like this:
Dim csv As String = String.Join(",",
r.Cells.Where(Function(x) ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, x.Value) = 1))
.Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.ToString())
The question, though, is whether or not you would call that "easier". LINQ is useful because it makes code easier to to read and write, but when it's taken too far, it can become less readable, thereby defeating the purpose of using it. At the very least, to make your code more clear, I would move the first part into a named function so it's more self-documenting:
Public Function GetUniqueCellValuesAsString(r As Excel.Range) As IEnumerable(Of String)
Return r.Cells.Where(
Function(x) ExcelApp.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, x.Value) = 1))
.Select(Of String)(Function(x) x.ToString())
End Function
Then you could just build the CSV string like this:
Dim csv As String = String.Join(",", GetUniqueCellValuesAsString(r).ToArray())
I would make use of the collection object. Since collections can only contain unique values, trying to add all of your input data to a collection will result in an array of unique values. The following modification lets CsvUniqueValues return a comma separated string from the values in any given range.
'Test function and return result in MsgBox
Sub ReturnUnique()
MsgBox CsvUniqueValues(Selection)
End Sub
'Function will return csv-string from input range
Function CsvUniqueValues(r As Range) As String
Dim Cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim DistCol As New Collection
Dim s As String
'Add all distinct values to collection
On Error Resume Next
For Each Cell In r
DistCol.Add Cell.Value, Cell.Value
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
'Write collection to comma seperated list
For i = 1 To DistCol.Count
s = s & DistCol.Item(i) & "; "
Next i
s = Left(s, Len(s) - 2)
CsvUniqueValues = s
End Function

VBA String Delimiter

How can I split a string in VBA after a certain amount of the same delimiter?
For example : {"Josh","Green"},{"Peter","John"}.
Here I would like {"Josh","Green"} as the first record in an array and {"Peter","John"} as the second. I want to avoid parsing the string character by character.
There are several ways to do this, my suggestion:
Replace },{ with something else before the split, to create a new delimiter.
For example:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Const c As String = "{""Josh"",""Green""},{""Peter"",""John""}"
Dim s As String
Dim v As Variant
s = Replace(c, "},{", "}#,#{", 1)
v = Split(s, "#,#")
Debug.Print v(0) '{"Josh","Green"}
Debug.Print v(1) '{"Peter","John"}
End Sub
That will split s into a Variant-array v with two strings, v(0) and v(1), instead of four strings, which you would get if you split the original string with just , as a delimiter.