Form dictionary as a parameter in PUT API request - AFNetworking - objective-c

Hi I have to update my records to the server using REST API.
I'm using AFNetworking Library and forming the PUT request parameter format as below
"field_weight_goal": {
"und": [
"value": "60"
"field_weight_actual": {
"und": [
"value": "90"
"field_weight_date": {
"und": [
"value": "05-10-2017",
"format": null,
"safe_value": "05-10-2017"
Below is my code.
NSDictionary *params = #{#"type": #"goal",
#"field_weight_goal" : #{#"und": #[ #{#"value": self.goalWeightTextField.text } ] },
#"field_weight_actual" : #{#"und": #[ #{#"value": self.currentWeightTextField.text } ] },
#"field_weight_date" : #{#"und": #[ #{#"value": currentDate, #"format" : [NSNull null] , #"safe_value" : currentDate } ] }
The value is not updating in the server and I'm getting error ... Request failed: unacceptable (406). Please help me to correct my dictionary format.
while debugging in xcode my parameter format as below
"field_weight_actual" = {
und = (
value = "100.0";
"field_weight_date" = {
und = (
format = "<null>";
"safe_value" = "04-18-2017";
value = "04-18-2017";
"field_weight_goal" = {
und = (
value = "90.0";
type = goal;


GraphQL pagination partial response with error array

I have a query like below
query {
heroes {
node {
I am trying to understand how GraphQL can handle the error handling and return partial response. I looked at and tried to create a resolver like below;
Query: {
heroes: async (_) => {
const heroesData = await loadHeroesFromDataWarehouse();
return {
endCursor: heroesData.endCursor;
node: => === 'hulk' ? new ApolloError('Hulk is too powerful') : h)
I was hoping it would resolve something like below;
"errors": [
"message": "Hulk is too powerful",
"path": [
"heroes", "1"
"data": {
"heroes": [
"name": "spiderman"
"name": "ironman"
but it is completely failing making the heroes itself null like below;
"errors": [
"message": "Hulk is too powerful",
"path": [
"data": {
"heroes": null
How can I make resolver to return me the desired partial response?
Found the solution, basically we need a resolver to resolve the edge model itself;
Query: {
heroes: (_) => loadHeroesFromDataWarehouse()
HeroesEdge {
node: async (hero) => === 'hulk' ? new ApolloError('Hulk is too powerful') : hero

suitescript 2.0 unable to search inventorydetails subrecord from saved search data

I have created one saved search, and I am fetching data from by suitescript and here is the demo data response which I am getting this result from saved search response
"results": [
"recordType": "itemreceipt",
"id": "2572118",
"values": {
"trandate": "2021-3-25",
"type": [
"value": "ItemRcpt",
"text": "Item Receipt"
"tranid": "RCV123",
"salesrep": [
"value": "16018",
"text": "MXZ"
"entity": [
"value": "16993",
"text": "ABC"
"memo": "",
"amount": "1218.00",
"location": [
"value": "1",
"text": "XYZ"
"inventoryDetail.inventorynumber": [
"value": "10504",
"text": "3566044578"
AND I AM USING BELOW CODE TO MAKE FILTER BY inventoryDetail.inventorynumber FIELD WHICH IT MENTIONED IN SAVED SEARCH RESPONSE DATA AND IT THROWS ERROR "An nlobjSearchFilter contains invalid search criteria: inventoryDetail.issueinventorynumber."
but if I used tranid instead of inventoryDetail.issueinventorynumber then it does not throw the error, why I can not filter by inventoryDetail.inventorynumber I am trying since two days but no luck, please help me guys
* #NApiVersion 2.1
* #NScriptType Restlet
* #NModuleScope Public
Script Information
Saved Search API
response = new Object();
define( [ 'N/log', 'N/search' ], main );
function main( logModule, searchModule ) {
log = logModule;
search = searchModule;
return { post: postProcess }
function postProcess( request ) {
try {
var searchObj = search.load( { id: 1234 } );//saved search id
// Copy the filters from rs into defaultFilters.
var defaultFilters = searchObj.filters;
// below code works
name: "tranid",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: ["RCV123"]
// but this code does not works and it throws error "An nlobjSearchFilter contains invalid search criteria: inventoryDetail.issueinventorynumber."
name: "inventoryDetail.inventorynumber",
operator: search.Operator.IS,
values: ["3566044578"]
searchObj.filters = defaultFilters;
searchObj.filters = defaultFilters;
response.results = [];
var resultSet =;
var start = 0;
var results = [];
do {
results = resultSet.getRange( { start: start, end: start + 1000 } );
start += 1000;
response.results = response.results.concat( results ) ;
response.count =results.length;
} while ( results.length );
return response;
} catch( e ) {
log.debug( { 'title': 'error', 'details': e } );
return { 'error': { 'type': e.type, 'name':, 'message': e.message } }
issueinventorynumber is not a valid search Column on the inventorydetail record. You are probably looking for inventorydetail.inventorynumber. You can reference the Search Columns section for the Inventory Detail within the Records Browser.
Be aware that Search Column names are not always the same as the field ID in the UI, as is the case here. The ID in the UI is issueinventorynumber, while the ID for the Search Column is inventorynumber.
Finally I found the solution
var transactionSearchObj = search.create({
type: "transaction",
["formulatext: {inventorydetail.inventorynumber}","contains","30124578547"]
search.createColumn({name: "trandate", label: "Date"}),
search.createColumn({name: "type", label: "Type"}),
search.createColumn({name: "tranid", label: "Document Number"}),
search.createColumn({name: "salesrep", label: "Sales Rep"}),
search.createColumn({name: "memo", label: "Memo"}),
search.createColumn({name: "amount", label: "Amount"}),
search.createColumn({name: "location", label: "Location"}),
name: "itemid",
join: "item",
label: "Name"
name: "inventorynumber",
join: "inventoryDetail",
label: " Number"
return { start: 0, end: 0 + 1000 } );

Karate - filter a specific json key from response based on another static array

I have the following JSON response (reference name: "list") and
"key": "101",
"val": {
"portCall": {
"id": 12664978
"status": "in-port"
"key": "102",
"val": {
"portCall": {
"id": 12415798
"status": "in-port"
"key": "103",
"val": {
"status": "on-voyage",
"voyage": {
"id": "7kynv-7lq85"
"key": "104",
"val": {
"status": "on-voyage",
"voyage": {
"id": "7kynv-2385"
also, I have an array list of few key values, evImos = [101,102,104]
In that, I have to identify the first key in the "list" response that has status as "on-voyage". So, the result should be "104".
I have tried the following and I need some help to make it work. Any help would be appreciated.
* def function getFirst = function(evImos) { for (let num of evImos) { let results = list.filter(d => d["key"] === num && d["val"]["status"] === "on-voyage"); if(results.length === 1) { karate.log(num); return num; } } }
* list.forEach(getFirst(evImos))
I'll just give you one hint. This one line will convert the whole thing in to a form that is much easier for you to validate:
* def temp = {}
* list.forEach(x => temp[x.key] = x.val.status)
Which gives you:
"101": "in-port",
"102": "in-port",
"103": "on-voyage",
"104": "on-voyage"
Now you can do:
* def isOnVoyage = function(key){ return temp[key] == 'on-voyage' }
Also read this:
Thanks, to #Peter.
Based on his hint, I just tweaked it a little bit to match my requirement and it worked for me.
Here is the working copy for anyone to refer in the future.
* def temp = {}
* list.forEach(x => temp[x.key] = x.val.status)
* def isOnVoyage = function(keys){ for (let key of keys) { if(temp[key] == 'on-voyage'){ karate.log(key); karate.set('num', key); break; }}}
* isOnVoyage(evImos)

How to only include a key if the value meets a certain criteria

I have this piece of Dataweave code
list_of_orders: {
order: payload map ((payload01 , indexOfPayload01) -> {
"" when payload01[30] == "S"
"" when payload01[30] == "C"
data: some_data
order_hdr: {
data: some_data
This code will output the following data
"list_of_orders": {
"order": [
"order_dtl": [
"data": "some_data"
"order_hdr": {
"data": "some_data"
But it will only do this if payload01[30] != "S" or "C"
If payload01[30] is equal to "S" or "C" then it does this
"list_of_orders": {
"order": [
"order_dtl": "",
"order_hdr": {
"data": "some_data"
The reason I have done this is because I have been asked to only include the DETAIL line if the order_type is not "C" or "S".
The problem is that the actual key - order_dtl - is still present and I don't want anything there at all.
How do I make a KEY conditional?
Any help appreciated
What you are looking is called conditional elements
list_of_orders: {
order: payload map ((payload01 , indexOfPayload01) -> {
data: some_data
}]) when((payload01[30] != "S") and (payload01[30] != "C")),
order_hdr: {
data: some_data

Correlation Expression with WSO2 ESB Aggregate Mediator

I have two responses as below:
Response 1:
Response 2:
I want to aggregate these both responses into a response by checking the id is same.
Aggregated response:
How can I check both response's hotelSet/id? How to use the correlation expression in this case? Or else is there any other way?