After rename column get keyerror - pandas

I have df:
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[7,8,9],
print (df)
a b c
0 7 1 5
1 8 3 3
2 9 5 6
Then rename first value by this:
df.columns.values[0] = 'f'
All seems very nice:
print (df)
f b c
0 7 1 5
1 8 3 3
2 9 5 6
print (df.columns)
Index(['f', 'b', 'c'], dtype='object')
print (df.columns.values)
['f' 'b' 'c']
If select b it works nice:
print (df['b'])
0 1
1 3
2 5
Name: b, dtype: int64
But if select a it return column f:
print (df['a'])
0 7
1 8
2 9
Name: f, dtype: int64
And if select f get keyerror.
print (df['f'])
#KeyError: 'f'
print (
#KeyError: 'f'
What is problem? Can somebody explain it? Or bug?

You aren't expected to alter the values attribute.
Try df.columns.values = ['a', 'b', 'c'] and you get:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-61-e7e440adc404> in <module>()
----> 1 df.columns.values = ['a', 'b', 'c']
AttributeError: can't set attribute
That's because pandas detects that you are trying to set the attribute and stops you.
However, it can't stop you from changing the underlying values object itself.
When you use rename, pandas follows up with a bunch of clean up stuff. I've pasted the source below.
Ultimately what you've done is altered the values without initiating the clean up. You can initiate it yourself with a followup call to _data.rename_axis (example can be seen in source below). This will force the clean up to be run and then you can access ['f']
df._data = df._data.rename_axis(lambda x: x, 0, True)
0 7
1 8
2 9
Name: f, dtype: int64
Moral of the story: probably not a great idea to rename a column this way.
but this story gets weirder
This is fine
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[7,8,9],
df.columns.values[0] = 'f'
0 7
1 8
2 9
Name: f, dtype: int64
This is not fine
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[7,8,9],
df.columns.values[0] = 'f'
Turns out, we can modify the values attribute prior to displaying df and it will apparently run all the initialization upon the first display. If you display it prior to changing the values attribute, it will error out.
weirder still
df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[7,8,9],
df.columns.values[0] = 'f'
df['f'] = 1
f f
0 7 1
1 8 1
2 9 1
As if we didn't already know that this was a bad idea...
source for rename
def rename(self, *args, **kwargs):
axes, kwargs = self._construct_axes_from_arguments(args, kwargs)
copy = kwargs.pop('copy', True)
inplace = kwargs.pop('inplace', False)
if kwargs:
raise TypeError('rename() got an unexpected keyword '
'argument "{0}"'.format(list(kwargs.keys())[0]))
if com._count_not_none(*axes.values()) == 0:
raise TypeError('must pass an index to rename')
# renamer function if passed a dict
def _get_rename_function(mapper):
if isinstance(mapper, (dict, ABCSeries)):
def f(x):
if x in mapper:
return mapper[x]
return x
f = mapper
return f
result = self if inplace else self.copy(deep=copy)
# start in the axis order to eliminate too many copies
for axis in lrange(self._AXIS_LEN):
v = axes.get(self._AXIS_NAMES[axis])
if v is None:
f = _get_rename_function(v)
baxis = self._get_block_manager_axis(axis)
result._data = result._data.rename_axis(f, axis=baxis, copy=copy)
if inplace:
return result.__finalize__(self)


Update categories in two Series / Columns for comparison

If I try to compare two Series with different categories I get an error:
a = pd.Categorical([1, 2, 3])
b = pd.Categorical([4, 5, 3])
df = pd.DataFrame([a, b], columns=['a', 'b'])
a b
0 1 4
1 2 5
2 3 3
df.a == df.b
# TypeError: Categoricals can only be compared if 'categories' are the same.
What is the best way to update categories in both Series? Thank you!
My solution:
df['b'] =
df['a'] =
df.a == df.b
0 False
1 False
2 True
dtype: bool
One idea with union_categoricals:
from pandas.api.types import union_categoricals
union = union_categoricals([df.a, df.b]).categories
df['a'] =
df['b'] =
print (df.a == df.b)
0 False
1 False
2 True
dtype: bool

why astype is not chance type of values?

df = pd.DataFrame({"A" : ["1", "7.0", "xyz"]})
the result is "str".
df.A = df.A.astype(int, errors = "ignore")
the result is also "str". I wanna convert "1" and "7.0" to 1 and 7.
where did i do wrong?
why astype is not chance type of values?
Because errors = "ignore" working different like you think.
If it failed, it return same values, so nothing change.
If want values in numeric and NaN if failed:
df['A'] = pd.to_numeric(df['A'], errors='coerce').astype('Int64')
print (df)
0 1
1 7
2 <NA>
For mixed values - numbers with strings:
def num(x):
return x
df['A'] = df['A'].apply(num)
print (df)
0 1
1 7
2 xyz

Pandas apply function on multiple columns

I am trying to apply a function to every column in a dataframe, when I try to do it on just a single fixed column name it works. I tried doing it on every column, but when I try passing the column name as an argument in the function I get an error.
How do you properly pass arguments to apply a function on a data frame?
def result(row,c):
if row[c] >=0 and row[c] <=1:
return 'c'
elif row[c] >1 and row[c] <=2:
return 'b'
return 'a'
cols = list(df.columns.values)
for c in cols
df[c] = df.apply(result, args = (c), axis=1)
TypeError: ('result() takes exactly 2 arguments (21 given)', u'occurred at index 0')
Input data frame format:
d = {'c1': [1, 2, 1, 0], 'c2': [3, 0, 1, 2]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)
c1 c2
0 1 3
1 2 0
2 1 1
3 0 2
You don't need to pass the column name to apply. As you only want to check if values of the columns are in certain range and should return a, b or c. You can make the following changes.
def result(val):
if 0<=val<=1:
return 'c'
elif 1<val<=2:
return 'b'
return 'a'
cols = list(df.columns.values)
for c in cols
df[c] = df[c].apply(result)
Note that this will replace your column values.
A faster way is
import numpy as np
values = ['c', 'b']
for col in df.columns:
df[col] =[0<=df[col]<=1, 1<df[col]<=2], values, default = 'a')

Return count for specific value in pandas .value_counts()?

Assume running pandas' dataframe['prod_code'].value_counts() and storing result as 'df'. The operation outputs:
125011 90300
762 72816
None 55512
7156 14892
75162 8825
How would I extract the count for None? I'd expect the result to be 55512.
I've tried
>>> df.loc[df.index.isin(['None'])]
>>> Series([], Name: prod_code, dtype: int64)
and also
>>> df.loc['None']
>>> KeyError: 'the label [None] is not in the [index]'
It seems you need None, not string 'None':
If need check where NaN in index:
print (s1.loc[np.nan])
print (df[pd.isnull(df.index)])
s = pd.Series(['90300', '90300', '8825', '8825', '8825', None, np.nan])
s1 = s.value_counts(dropna=False)
print (s1)
8825 3
90300 2
NaN 2
dtype: int64
print (s1[pd.isnull(s1.index)])
NaN 2
dtype: int64
print (s1.loc[np.nan])
print (s1.loc[None])
For stripping whitespaces:
s = pd.Series(['90300', '90300', '8825', '8825', '8825', 'None ', np.nan])
print (s)
0 90300
1 90300
2 8825
3 8825
4 8825
5 None
6 NaN
dtype: object
s1 = s.value_counts()
print (s1)
8825 3
90300 2
None 1
dtype: int64
s1.index = s1.index.str.strip()
print (s1.loc['None'])
Couple of things
pd.Series([None] * 2 + [1] * 3).value_counts() automatically drops the None.
pd.Series([None] * 2 + [1] * 3).value_counts(dropna=False) converts the None to np.NaN
That tells me that your None is a string. But since df.loc['None'] didn't work, I suspect your string has white space around it.
df.filter(regex='None', axis=0)
df.index = df.index.to_series().str.strip().combine_first(df.index.to_series())
All that said, I was curious how to reference np.NaN in the index
s = pd.Series([1, 2], [0, np.nan])

Defining a function to play a graph from CSV data - Python panda

I am trying to play around with data analysis, taking in data from a simple CSV file I have created with random values in it.
I have defined a function that should allow the user to type in a value3 then from the dataFrame, plot a bar graph. The below:
def analysis_currency_pair():
x=raw_input("what currency pair would you like to analysie ? :")
print type(x)
global dataFrame
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
When I call the function, the code returns my question, along with giving the output of the currency pair. However, it doesn't seem to put x (the value input by the user) into the later half of the function, and so no graph is produced.
Am I doing something wrong here?
This code works when we just put the value in, and not within a function.
I am confused!
I think you need rewrite your function with two parameters: x and df, which are passed to function analysis_currency_pair:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"currencyPair": pd.Series({1: 'EURUSD', 2: 'EURGBP', 3: 'CADUSD'}),
"amount": pd.Series({1: 2, 2: 2, 3: 3.5}),
"a": pd.Series({1: 7, 2: 8, 3: 9})})
print df
# a amount currencyPair
#1 7 2.0 EURUSD
#2 8 2.0 EURGBP
#3 9 3.5 CADUSD
def analysis_currency_pair(x, df1):
print type(x)
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
#raw input is EURUSD or EURGBP or CADUSD
pair=raw_input("what currency pair would you like to analysie ? :")
analysis_currency_pair(pair, df)
Or you can pass string to function analysis_currency_pair:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({"currencyPair": [ 'EURUSD', 'EURGBP', 'CADUSD', 'EURUSD', 'EURGBP'],
"amount": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
"amount1": [ 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]})
print df
# amount amount1 currencyPair
#0 1 5 EURUSD
#1 2 4 EURGBP
#2 3 3 CADUSD
#3 4 2 EURUSD
#4 5 1 EURGBP
def analysis_currency_pair(x, df1):
print type(x)
#<type 'str'>
df2 = df2.groupby(['currencyPair']).sum()
print df2
# amount
df2 = df2.loc[x].plot(kind = 'bar')
analysis_currency_pair('CADUSD', df)