Phalcon install on CodeAnywhere - phalcon

I have tried everything to install Phalcon in a stack of my CodeAnywhere account -- and cannot accomplish it. I was wondering if anyone here was successful in doing it, and if he/she can share how.
I am new in this community which has been extremely helpful to me, and I joined to contribute back in gratitude for all the answers I have read here.
I searched first for to see if others had the same issue (concerning installing in CodeAnywhere) but did not see any, so I posted this question.

use this help:
i just add apt source and install from package. works perfectly


IntelliJ-How to solve this problem about Git is not installed : Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)

Thank you for come in to my ask :)
I have a problem when I first installed intelliJ and tried to set path to Git executable.
intelliJ setting screenshot
**I tried to solve this problem like this
remove git and retry to install git for homebrew
retry to install git from intelliJ "Download and install"
set another path like this "/usr/bin/git" (it has same result too)
but it didn't help so I search in google but there is no about
***"Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)"
This is my first question so maybe my writing is a little bit poor
I would appreciate it if you could take a good look :) Thank you
The Cannot invoke class error looks like some unhandled exception in the logic that runs git commands. There might be several reasons for that, one of which is actually a corrupted installation.
Please try doing a clean install by downloading dmg from the web site, and make sure to select the one corresponding your system Intel or Apple Silicon.
If this does not help, IDE logs might have more details on the exception, and an optimal way would be to report the error and share logs with IntelliJ Support

how to fix vscode extension elixirls alert "OTP compiled without EEP48 documentation chunks"?

This is the alert I am getting and I don't know how to fix it...
I created new bug for it on their github (providing a bit more details in there), but I am not sure if it is bug, or I am doing sth wrong.
As nobody posted the answer from that Github issue yet, here it is (when using asdf):
Setting the environment variable KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes when installing the Erlang should fix it.
Example: KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes asdf install erlang 25.1.2

Cannot import/use packages in Python

I'm aware that this question has been asked before, but after doing quite a bit of research, I find myself stuck with my problem.
I'm currently comfortable in R, and would like to gradually learn Python basics. I've installed python from the official website, and opted for the Spyder IDE. I ran a few basic Python commands such a printing hello. So far so good. Now I'd like to learn by working with datasets.
My understanding is that you need the Pandas package for that (or it is at least recommended). And here start the many, many issues. I read that you need pip to install packages. To my surprise, I had to install that through the windows command prompt. After many failed attempts, I managed, and later even managed installing the packages. However, when I go back to the Spyder IDE and try to run the generic commands, it always returns invalid syntax to me.
I'm happy to share screenshots, or more details if the problem isn't clear enough. I expected to find a steep learning curve at the very beginning, but not to struggle with packages.
Any help greatly appreciated

DNN 9 Persona Bar not visible after login

I am using DNN 9. I recently upgraded DNN from version 9.1.1 to 9.3.2. When I Login, the left side of DNN disappears with only the logo od DNN. Other options like settings,edit etc are not seen. Any Idea as to what the issue might be?
If you search the forums at, you'll probably find the solution. I'm afraid that I don't recall what it is.
I think, though, that upgrading to 9.4.4 will fix it, too. You'll want to do that in a test environment to make sure that your upgrade will work. There may be some third party modules that need to be upgraded before you upgrade to 9.4.4, so check with module vendors.
As an addition to Joe's answer: There were Problems with the Newtonsoft JSON versions. Maybe this thread is helpful:
" check with module vendors": There are known issues with DNNSharp modules. See - but better check with all vendors of third party extensions, if you use any.
Read a few things, tried this and it worked. Delete all from the Bin directory, grab and copy all from another bin directory from a currently working site with the exact version. You may need to install a demo/test site and spin it up to get a good working copy, but this worked for me.
Restoring the bin folder was the solution for me

Ubuntu Server 64bit 11.04: setting up as "Ruby on Rails" server with SQLite3

I have looked so long for nice tutorials, but still couldn't find any for Ubuntu 11.04. I wan't to set it up to learn by this book:
The tutorials I found are not quite up to date and also doesn't aren't for 11.04 Ubuntu.
I am asking for quick tutorial, what's the best way to set up RoR server.
Also if you know any other great Ruby on Rails tutorials, as the link I wrote above, please don't hold back and definitely share the link to it.
Ty in advance!
PS! I already messed up one of my Virtual Machines, but luckily I had made snapshot of clean install.
Ubuntu has Rails packages already. It should be as simple as doing apt-get install rails-ruby1.8, which'll install Ruby as a dependency as well.
Ryan Bigg has a very nice tutorial called Ubuntu, Ruby, RVM, Rails and You. Since you're configuring a server you will probably have a look at some tips about deployment & best practices written by the creator of RVM himself.
I'm sure you have it done already though since it's an old question, but I the links will be of use to someone else.