how to fix vscode extension elixirls alert "OTP compiled without EEP48 documentation chunks"? - vscode-extensions

This is the alert I am getting and I don't know how to fix it...
I created new bug for it on their github (providing a bit more details in there), but I am not sure if it is bug, or I am doing sth wrong.

As nobody posted the answer from that Github issue yet, here it is (when using asdf):
Setting the environment variable KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes when installing the Erlang should fix it.
Example: KERL_BUILD_DOCS=yes asdf install erlang 25.1.2


IntelliJ-How to solve this problem about Git is not installed : Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)

Thank you for come in to my ask :)
I have a problem when I first installed intelliJ and tried to set path to Git executable.
intelliJ setting screenshot
**I tried to solve this problem like this
remove git and retry to install git for homebrew
retry to install git from intelliJ "Download and install"
set another path like this "/usr/bin/git" (it has same result too)
but it didn't help so I search in google but there is no about
***"Cannot invoke(class=Listener, method=beforeTaskStart,topic=ProgressManagerListener)"
This is my first question so maybe my writing is a little bit poor
I would appreciate it if you could take a good look :) Thank you
The Cannot invoke class error looks like some unhandled exception in the logic that runs git commands. There might be several reasons for that, one of which is actually a corrupted installation.
Please try doing a clean install by downloading dmg from the web site, and make sure to select the one corresponding your system Intel or Apple Silicon.
If this does not help, IDE logs might have more details on the exception, and an optimal way would be to report the error and share logs with IntelliJ Support

Extension host terminated unexpectedly while debugging React-native project

Developer console when the error occurs.
Any methods without disabling react-native-tool extension?
You give only very few Information... ...but I give it a try:
It's seems you use vscode, and the flow-Plugin is the cause of the issue.
So please uninstall (or disable) vscode-flow-ide and install Flow Language Support instead.
If this helps, don't miss to vote up for my answer, if not, describe in detail, what you've try and what's happend.
good luck

Phalcon install on CodeAnywhere

I have tried everything to install Phalcon in a stack of my CodeAnywhere account -- and cannot accomplish it. I was wondering if anyone here was successful in doing it, and if he/she can share how.
I am new in this community which has been extremely helpful to me, and I joined to contribute back in gratitude for all the answers I have read here.
I searched first for to see if others had the same issue (concerning installing in CodeAnywhere) but did not see any, so I posted this question.
use this help:
i just add apt source and install from package. works perfectly

Errors when installing fbctf

I'm trying to install Facebook Capture the flag. I get the errors show in screenshot.
The Server is the recommended Ubuntu 14.4. Server 64bit.
Does anyone know how to fix them? Thanks!
It seems like some kind of locale issue. Maybe you can check here:
"Do you have your locale settings configured correctly? The vendor folder won't get created properly if you don't. I recommend following the instructions on this thread:"
The install instructions have been updated and is working as expected now.

intellij unresolved symbol for go lang project

I am using go sdk 1.2.1 linux/386 in intellij 14.0.3. However, when I open a golang project many function and variable are unresolved. I do not what is wrong with intellij. Anything that I can do to make the unresolved symbol solved. I have met the problems before. but I do not know to to solve it. Anyone have met the same problem before? Please help.
As I have no information about which plugin version you are using I'm going to assume that you have release.
The fastest way to fix it would be to use one of the early releases for 1.0.0, available here: github releases page for go plugin for intellij idea
The plugin is currently under a major refactoring and we've started releasing preview builds for it. While the alpha name might be scary, I'm using it daily at work and it's very stable but not everything is up on par with the quality we want it to have.
If you have any further questions, either ask here or browse in the issue tracker
Also, there's a small community on Gitter and you may get answers from there as well.