I need help in how to put this in a restrict syntax. the original restrict works:
Set myTasks = Fldr.Items.Restrict("[ReceivedTime]>'" & Format(Date - daysAgo, "DDDDD HH:NN") & "'")
Now i was told that it's possible to put 2 filter in a restrict so i tried:
Set myTasks = Fldr.Items.Restrict("[ReceivedTime]>'" & Format(Date - daysAgo, "DDDDD HH:NN") & "' And Not [Subject] like '%Undeliverable%'")
I tried the code above but i'm getting an error "Condition is not Valid". Basically, condition 1 filters emails based on the date it was received which does work alone. The 2nd condition that i need is to make sure that the loop will ignore emails that has "Undeliverable" in the subject line. Please help on how to put the correct syntax.
To answer the question you asked, rather than the question you want answered.
Two restricts can be applied one after the other but both have to work. In this case it appears the Not Subject filter may not be possible.
You can first filter the items in the folder, if it is possible, with a Not version of this filter "#SQL=" & Chr(34) & "urn:schemas:httpmail:subject" & Chr(34) & "like '%Undeliverable%'" as described in the comments. https://stackoverflow.com/a/27350173/1571407
Set myTasks = Fldr.Items.Restrict(Not .... '%Undeliverable%'")
Second, filter Mytasks, not Fldr:
Set myTasks = myTasks.Restrict("[ReceivedTime]>'" & Format(Date - daysAgo, "DDDDD HH:NN") & "'")
I have a form, with a data sheet subform. This subform has rows with WageDate and TipDate. I have the follwing bit of code to filter the the records to display the records with the WageDate that falls in the range:
Private Sub btnDateRange_Click()
Dim Filter As String
Filter = "[WageDate] Between #" & Format(Me!TxtStartDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# And #" & Format(Me!txtEndDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#"
Me!sbfrm_qryDeliveries.Form.Filter = Filter
Me!sbfrm_qryDeliveries.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
My question is how do I change this up so that it also filters the TipDate at the same time, so that the resulting records would be those with both WageDate AND TipDate that fall in the selected range? the records might not be equal. That is, one record may have a WageDate that falls out of the range, but a TipDate that does.
And once I get that figured out, is there a way to selectively SUM a column based on that date? For instance. Let's say I filter a date range and four records are returned two have WageDates that fall in the criteria, and two have TipDates thats fall in the criteria. WageDate and TipDate are both in the same datasheet. So if I were to just do a SUM of Wage and TipAmount columns I'd get a sum which would include numbers in those columns that don't really belong. The TipAmount column might have an amount come up because the WageDate fell in the range but not the TipDate. So I need to be able to SUM just the rows in each of those columns that ONLY fall within the selected date range. I hope this wasn't too confusing. Maybe there's a better way to do this completely than the way I have it, I don't know. Oh, for information, the subform is based from a query, and both wages and tips are in their own separate tables. tblWages, tblTips
the resulting records would be those with both WageDate AND TipDate
that fall in the selected range?
Private Sub btnDateRange_Click()
Dim Filter As String
Filter = "([WageDate] Between #" & Format(Me!TxtStartDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# And #" & Format(Me!txtEndDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#) " & _
"And ([TipDate] Between #" & Format(Me!TxtStartDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# And #" & Format(Me!txtEndDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#)"
Me!sbfrm_qryDeliveries.Form.Filter = Filter
Me!sbfrm_qryDeliveries.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
However, though not clear, you probably mean OR here:
one record may have a WageDate that falls out of the range, but a
TipDate that does.
Filter = "([WageDate] Between #" & Format(Me!TxtStartDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# And #" & Format(Me!txtEndDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#) " & _
"Or ([TipDate] Between #" & Format(Me!TxtStartDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "# And #" & Format(Me!txtEndDate.Value, "yyyy\/mm\/dd") & "#)"
You only need to Format data you plan on displaying.
This is a plain wrong statement. You must format a date value as a string expression to concatenate it with the SQL command. If you don't, an implicit cast will be forced on you using whatever the local settings might be, and you loose control. Applying CDate or DateValue doesn't change that and will here be superfluous or even a source of error as they don't accept Null values.
I'm attempting to pull data from my MS Access database via an Excel SQL statement. It does NOT give me any errors, however it also does not pull the data I'm searching for.
If items(u, 1) is text (ex. 308-203BL), then it works perfectly.
I've tried both comparing them as text and as numerical, but neither way find any matches when items(u, 1) is 19310.
This compares it as text...
LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1)) & ") = '" & items(u, 1) & "'"
this compares it as numerical...
VAL(LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1))) & ") = " & items(u, 1)
I have verified that there are records in the DB that match the given criteria.
items() is an array populated from a 1 column table on the sheet by items = Range("Items").Value.
Using these two SKU's as examples, the first working, the second not, the array would be as follows. .
SKU by SKU, they're fed into the SQL as below.
With the input in the example, the output I receive is an array populated only the sales for the second item. The order I put the SKU's in the table doesn't change that result. I have tested it with multiple SKU's, and no matter how many I use, it returns the proper information, with the exception of not returning any results for any numerical SKU's.
The field for Item in the DB is a short text, which is why I used '" & items(u, 1) & "'" to convert the SKU to text when I was trying to match it as text, and Val() to convert the field to a value when trying to match it as a number. Both gave me 0 record counts in the function, but did not give me a data type error.
Below is the portion of my code which determines the SQL string, and a bit afterwords which basically stuffs it into a UDF which pulls the info from the DB and puts it into an array for me. Aside from not finding a match when items(u,1) is numerical, it works perfectly.
DBString = "SELECT Invoice, Line, Inv_Date, Sales_Order, SOLine, SO_Date, CustID, Item, Part_Description, Ship_Qty, Price, Ext_Sales FROM `" & Year(tabledate) & "-" & Format(tabledate, "mm") & "` WHERE Inv_Date BETWEEN #" & Sdate & "# AND #" & Edate & "# AND LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1)) & ") = '" & items(u, 1) & "'"
SalesHolder = PullFromDB(DBString, SGMDB)
I've also tried the below code instead, to force it to compare as a number instead of text, which also doesn't give me any errors, but doesn't find a match.
DBString = "SELECT Invoice, Line, Inv_Date, Sales_Order, SOLine, SO_Date, CustID, Item, Part_Description, Ship_Qty, Price, Ext_Sales FROM `" & Year(tabledate) & "-" & Format(tabledate, "mm") & "` WHERE Inv_Date BETWEEN #" & Sdate & "# AND #" & Edate & "# AND VAL(LEFT(Item," & Len(items(u, 1))) & ") = " & items(u, 1)
SalesHolder = PullFromDB(DBString, SGMDB)
Below is the UDF itself which pulls the info from the DB. It works quite nicely.
Function PullFromDB(DBStr As String, DBLoc As String) As Variant
Dim TheDB As Recordset, DBHolder() As Variant
Set TheDB = OpenDatabase(DBLoc).OpenRecordset(DBStr)
If TheDB.RecordCount = 0 Then GoTo theexit
ReDim DBHolder(0 To TheDB.RecordCount, 1 To TheDB.Fields.Count) As Variant
For k = 1 To UBound(DBHolder, 2)
For j = 0 To UBound(DBHolder)
If j = 0 Then
DBHolder(j, k) = TheDB.Fields(k - 1).Name
DBHolder(j, k) = TheDB.Fields(k - 1).Value
End If
Next j
Next k
Set TheDB = Nothing
PullFromDB = DBHolder
On Error GoTo -1
End Function
The expected result is to populate the array SalesHolder with the information that matches the criteria.
What am I missing? I'm going blind trying to find it.
Thank you all for your responses to this, it turns out I was completely hunting for the wrong problem. The code I posted was actually correct, the issue was with the format of Inv_Date field in the DB. I had mistakenly entered the last couple of months as text instead of date, so the WHERE Inv_Date BETWEEN #" & Sdate & "# AND #" & Edate & "# portion of my SQL didn't match anything.
I hadn't identified that this was the issue earlier due to the timing of the sales of the SKU's themselves, which was purely coincidence. When I expanded the dates range, I found that it did return results for the numerical SKU, but both numerical and text SKU's cut off two months ago.
Thank you again!
I know this question gets asked a lot but I haven't been able to find the answer I'm looking for. I'm trying to write a code that will be able to find a key term and then sum that column for a certain amount of rows.
I've tried simply replacing "G" in this code with my variable for the correct column (col) and I've made sure that my column variable is matching to the correct column.
Cells(subRow, col).Formula = "=SUM(G" & row & ":G" & subRow & ")"
The above, for example, works; but I would like it to look like this:
Cells(subRow, col).Formula = "=SUM(col" & row & ":col" & subRow & ")"
I've tried moving the col variable around in and outside of the quotes, and I can't seem to find a way to do it.
Thanks in advance.
Based on the case you have described, you would have to use R1C1 Reference Style:
Cells(subRow, col).FormulaR1C1 = _
"=SUM(R" & row & "C" & col & ":R" & subRow & "C" & col")"
There is also a Cells(row, column).Resize(number of rows, number of columns) option :
Cells(subRow, col).Formula = "=SUM(" & Cells(row, col).Resize(subRow - row, 1).Address(0, 0) & ")"
Recently you guys helped me solve looping through a pivot table by inserting a dynamic formula next to a pivot table and auto filling down.
frml = "=if(" & myrange.Address(0, 0) & ">0.3%," & myrange2.Address(0, 0) & ","""")"
'where i want the formula to go
pt.ColumnRange.End(xlToRight).Offset(1, 0).End(xlToLeft).Offset(1, 1).formula = frml
I've tried updating this formula by adding
and then also adding in another range. Problem is the additional ( never shows up. I've also tried just adding "(" as it's own part but then the next part (the 'where the formula goes) stops working which makes no sense to me.
Can someone help me convert this formula into an ifand statement and also explain why the 'where the formula should go' part all of the sudden stops working?
In total, the new addition would look like this:
"if(and(" & myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.3%," & myrange3.address(0,0) & ">$100," & myrange2.address(0,0) & ","""")
to output this formula in the corresponding cell by the pivot table
the problem right now is adding that and part to the formula which would be d3. If those 2 statements work, then it should bring out a3, if not it will return nothing.
A couple of notes:
#Jeeped already answered the reason to your error - you need to add closing bracket ) to your AND.
I like to use Chr(34) to write down " inside formula strings.
I like to avoid comparing the formats inside the cell, just the values. So instead of myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.3%" I like using myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.003".
frml = "=IF(AND(" & myrange.Address(0, 0) & ">0.003," & myrange3.Address(0, 0) & ">100)," & myrange2.Address(0, 0) & "," & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & ")"
You aren't closing off the AND clause with a ).
frml = "=if(and(" & myrange.address(0,0) & ">0.3%, " & myrange3.address(0,0) & ">$100), " & myrange2.address(0,0) & ", text(,))
text(,) is a good substitute for """" in a quoted string formula.
I tried doing
senddate.Value = Format(senddate.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")
sstartdate.Value = Format(sstartdate.Value, "mm/dd/yyyy")
MsgBox(senddate.Value & " " & sstartdate.Value)
but the messagebox still returns the time as well. (message box is there for diagnostic purposes, though it also passes the time to the SQL string as well.)
I tried switching the date time pickers to custom format and it didn't work. Any ideas?
I need to turn it into a short, simple date so that I can input it into an SQL Access BETWEEN query
senddate.Value = Format(senddate.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy")
sstartdate.Value = Format(sstartdate.Value, "MM/dd/yyyy")
MsgBox(senddate.Value & " " & sstartdate.Value).ToString
the month part should be in capital lettrs.