Does browserify work on Chrome OS? - browserify

I am making a chrome app that uses a NodeJS library but I'm wondering if I use browserify to convert the Node library (avrgirl-arduino) to JS, will it work on ChromeOS? I don't have a Chrome OS device to test this on, as my school chromebook doesn't allow me to load unpacked extensions.


Metro bundler user interface not displayed in browser (only json)

I'm a beginner React Native developer. In order to create apps faster, I use Expo 6.0.1 on Mac OS. I've installed it easily (with Yarn) and I can run my apps in browser and emulators. But I have an issue with Metro Bundler.
In the terminal, when I type w in order to access the web interface, the browser opens the app itself on port 19006. I should also be able to access the Metro Bundler UI on port 19000. But rather than having this expected UI on http://localhost:19000, I have the following kind of json displayed in the browser:
{"name":"project","slug":"project","version":"1.0.0","orientation":"portrait","icon":"./assets/icon.png","userInterfaceStyle":"light","splash":{"image":"./assets/splash.png","resizeMode":"contain","backgroundColor":"#ffffff","imageUrl":""},"updates":{"fallbackToCacheTimeout":0},"assetBundlePatterns":["**/*"],"ios":{"supportsTablet":true},"android":{"adaptiveIcon":{"foregroundImage":"./assets/adaptive-icon.png","backgroundColor":"#FFFFFF","foregroundImageUrl":""}},"web":{"favicon":"./assets/favicon.png"},"_internal":{"isDebug":false,"projectRoot":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project","dynamicConfigPath":null,"staticConfigPath":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project/app.json","packageJsonPath":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project/package.json"},"sdkVersion":"45.0.0","platforms":["ios","android","web"],"developer":{"tool":"expo-cli","projectRoot":"/Users/me/Documents/projects/project"},"packagerOpts":{"scheme":null,"hostType":"lan","lanType":"ip","devClient":false,"dev":true,"minify":false,"urlRandomness":null,"https":false},"mainModuleName":"node_modules/expo/AppEntry","__flipperHack":"React Native packager is running","debuggerHost":"","logUrl":"","hostUri":"","bundleUrl":"","iconUrl":"","id":"#anonymous/project-bc40e47a-ee01-4104-9895-13fa07b1c8f4"}
I work on Mac OS with expo-cli version 6.0.1 (installed globally with Yarn) and working on Node 16.16.0.
I have already tried :
to uninstall then reinstall. With node 18.x.y and then node 16.16.0
delete the metro folder in the node_modules of the project and reinstall everything with Yarn
But no matter what I try, I can't get the UI :(
Any idea ?
Just came across your post as have the same issue but have now found out it is now excluded!
expo-cli#6.0.0 has been released with the web UI removed. The last release to include the web UI is expo-cli#

Safari 12 Extensions and NativeMessaging

With the release of Safari 12, Safari will no longer support NPAPI plugins. My use case is to be able to launch a java application located on a client from a browser extension which I can currently do in Chrome and Firefox with NativeMessaging. From my reasearch, I do not see a way to do this in Safari 12. The closest I can see is their "Safari App Extension" project but this looks like it requires that you package up your native app with the extension and distribute it through the App Store. I am not at all a Mac developer so I am looking for some advice. Does anyone know if Safari supports my use case?
We can create a extension that will download our dmg app with the native code.And run the dmg app after it is getting downloaded.
Then we can place our extension in the safari extension gallery.
We have implemented it in the similar way where our extension look for the json file which in turns download the DMG app that we have kept in the server.

Apache Cordova: Difference between browser and www platform

If I type on my console:
cordova platform ls
I get the following list for platforms:
Installed platforms:
Available platforms:
android ~6.3.0
blackberry10 ~3.8.0 (deprecated)
browser ~5.0.0
ios ~4.5.1
osx ~4.0.1
ubuntu ~4.3.4 (deprecated)
webos ~3.7.0
windows ~5.0.0
www ^3.12.0
But I cannot understand the difference between www platform and browser platform. The both seem to me that serve the very same purpose: Run cordova apps via the web.
But on a second thought it may be something slightly different. What is the reason for the two platforms? As fas as I look on documentation it says-documents mostly mobile platforms such as:
Windows phone
Blackberry 10
I don't think www is a valid platform and it shows up in the list of available platforms because of a bug somewhere in the cordova-cli.
If you have a look at the supported platforms of the latest docs there is no mention of www. I do not know where version 3.12.0 comes from exactly, but one thing related to cordova and this version I found is that the latest version of cordova-app-hello-world is 3.12.0. If it would be a valid platform there would also be a github repo for it which is not present. So I suggest you just use the browser platform.
It could show if you are using ionic, www is the ionic build for ionic serve

Can react native be installed in AMD processor?

I use a laptop with AMD processor. I've tried install react, but problematic on its haxm. Is there any other way for me to install react-native on AMD?
You can install all the dependencies needed to use React-Native on a computer with AMD processors. The problem is that, at the moment, Android Studio has no emulators running the requiered version of Android that are also compatible with AMD architecture; so you won't be able to test your application on the Virtual Device provided by Android Studio.
You may either:
A) Use a physical device (mobile phone) to run your application
B) Download a different emulator and use it as if it was connected through USB
As you won't be using Android Studio emulator, you donĀ“t need to install HAXM

Android build: Fennec with chromium rendering Engine

I built the chromium for android following these instructions .
I got the content shell only not the full browser.
Then, I built the Firefox for Android. I successfully got the Full web browser. But the performance of the chrome content shell was much much better than that of Firefox Android build. Now, I want to try building the Firefox Android using chromium rendering Engine, Blink replacing the Gecko rendering Engine. How much is the difficulty level and how can I start.
Chromium uses Blink (earlier Webkit) as its rendering, and V8 for Javascript interpretation along with various 3rd party dependencies. Even though Content shell is a small browser (sans complex UI of Chromium) it is functional and a wrapper over Blink. Having said that fitting Blink with Firefox (instead of Gecko) will be a new project by itself, probably you can try building Webview, so that you can build a simple browser itself in android.
Chromium - Open Source project
Chrome- Google's proprietary software + Chromium
In Android only Google Chrome can be installed as APK, wherease Chromium can be built as content shell or used through WebView!topic/chromium-dev/zMDKC2x9o5w