I installed own build android image on Intel NUC mini-computer which doesn't include google play services by default. Android image build from [link][1].
can anyone tell me how to include google play service? i dont think [Gapp][1] work for me, i need another solution for this.
I create a nativescript-vue project which following the official start guide here
But when I try to start and preview it on the browser...Nothing I can get from the terminal except "Searching for devices..."
I'm new to it, can someone give me some help on it?
nativescript-vue is searching for a mobile devices connected to your environment (or emulators). Nothing will happen in the browser as this is a mobile development framework. To test it attach a real mobile device (Android or iOS but for iOS, you will need MAC and provision profiles & certificates) or create an emulator/simulator and give it a go.
I got the Key and set restrict, but I still cannot open map on the Emulator. On the build.gradle, I saw that the google play service is 9.8.0 now, and I think this is the newest one. However, when I run the sample-app, it say I need to update Google Play service?
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.4.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:9.+'
I check on the Android Emulator that it doesn't have Play store. Is it the missing one? I follow this link
to install Google Play services but I cannot found anything that can help. My Android studio version is 2.2.2.
I download the GooglePlayServices apk file (com.google.android.gms-9.8.77-440-135396225-APK4Fun.com), I dragged and dropped it into emulator to install, but it has error
W/GooglePlayServicesUtil: Google Play services out of date. Requires 9877000 but found 9683470
I need your help.
After 3 days of searching. I found out that the Maps is unavailable to display on Emulator this time. All we have to do is run app on physical device and it will work.
You need to change on build.gradle for the following:
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:9.0.2'
First, try to check your SDK Manager if the Google Play service there is updated. Also, try to open the stand alone SDK Manager and update the Android SDK Tools, The Android SDK Platform-tools and Android SDK Build-tools.
To update the Google Play service in the emulator itself, check this SO question. It will explain you on how to do this.
Another possible reason for this issue if you uses play-services:9.8.0 is found in this thread. It is stated here that the updated Android tools (which contains the Android Emulator system image) aren't out yet. So in the meantime, try to use downgrade version of play, service instead of 9.8.0.
For more information, check this documentation on how to setup Google Play Services
In the Android SDK Manager, you must install "Google APIs (x86 System Image)" under "Android 4.4.2 (API 19)". Quit Eclipse and restart it.
Then create a new android virtual device in AVD manager and choose "Google APIs x86 (Google Inc.) - API Level 19" as target. Check "Use Host GPU" to ensure the drawing of the map will be accelerated.
That's it, this new emulator will have Play Services preinstalled and it will run faster because it's a x86 image.
Yeah, Thank you guys. I can make it work on Emulator now. I use the
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-maps:9.6.0'
I am working on a test app to test an ane I have built with Google Play Services included. I had things working fine, but recently I updated the version of the Google Play Services library I was using, and now when I built the project in Adobe Flash CC, it seems to be stripping out the Google Play Services classes from the apk. When I decompile the apk I can see they are missing. When I put back the old version of GPlay, I can see it doesn't strip them out.
This post mentions a tool within the AIR needs updating (dx.jar) and this post seems to have the same message. I did update that file but it did not fix the issue.
The problem will be with the AIR SDK. You need to update the dx.jar in your AIR SDK, I've logged an issue with Adobe about this but they haven't updated the build tools as yet so we have to do it manually:
Have a look here for the details: http://airnativeextensions.com/knowledgebase/tutorial/5
It's important that you have a recent version of the Android SDK installed and updated for this to work.
Also rather than packaging the Google Play Libraries into your ANE I suggest you use a shared ANE, like this one:
Otherwise you can cause conflicts with other ANE's that use the Google Play Library.
I am developing a schedule app using Appcelerator, and I want to prevent a hacker from accessing any resources, assets or source code from the APK file.
If someone changes the .apk extension to .zip then they can unzip it and easily access all the app's resources and assets, and using dex2jar and a Java decompiler, they can also access the source code. It's very easy to reverse engineer an Android APK file.
Is there any functionality available in titanium SDK that prevent reverse engineering? I am using Titanium SDK Version 3.4.1.GA I tried following code but nothing works
<property name="ti.deploytype">distribution</property>
<property name="ti.android.compilejs" type="bool">true</property>
You'll drive yourself crazy trying to protect your code from someone determined to get into it. Generally, Appcelerator is getting you the ability to convert your code from JavaScript into something that resembles a mix of native with JavaScript controlling logic. If the Android platform doesn't accomplish what you want, I don't believe Appcelerator is attempting to do it either. I believe the JavaScript that doesn't get turned into native code is being obfuscated. I'm pretty sure that the Appcelerator project gets turned into an Android project. Perhaps you'll want to look for protections at that level and compile your app with the Android SDK tools.
I,m in process of developing GCM service in flex mobile project. I want to clear some things initialy.
1- I came up to some tutorials that help in achieving the task, but they require me to download their native extension (.ane file) and add it to the project lib and use it to achieve the task. what is this .ane file used for?
2- can i use the GCM service in flex mobile project without such .ane file?
kindly help
I suppose you need an ANE - unless Adobe extends flash.notifications one day to support Android too.
Az Alex said, you need an ANE because Adobe road map says that they will consentrate mainly on the Air itself and developers should build the extensions themselves... http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplatform/whitepapers/roadmap.html
for a GCM extension, I would suggest you to take a look at http://myappsnippet.com/gcm which supports custom notification icons and sounds...