Add IDE property run.processes.with.pty to a specific project in CLion - project

Is it possible to add an file to a project, so if the project is loaded in CLion the IDE settings are changed, and after closing the project the default settings are restored?


Module is not listed in IntelliJ "Run Configuration"

I have imported the Git project into IntelliJ.
I compiled the project using "make compile"
I tried to create a "Run Configuration". The Module is not listed in the drop-down window.
I compared it with a working setup wherein a project was created using "File->New Project" and wherein .iml was automatically created. I see that the problematic project does not have a .iml file. I could not make out any other differences.
Is the absence of .iml file the root-cause for the issue? If so, how to generate this .iml file? Rather than manual writing, I prefer to generate it using GUI to avoid any manual errors. Please suggest.
In Eclipse IDE, one can convert a project from one type to another. Ex: normal project to Maven project. A default project to Java project by editing .project file.

Intellij Idea Can't add Selenium sources.jar file

I started to learn Selenium.
After creating the project I tried to add some jar files.
As you see all required jars were added. But
looks like Empty Project. Why this is happening?
Probably this happening because ...source.jar file has a multiple files.
Click Libraries from Project Settings
+and add this .jar file here first.
When you added turn back to Modules
After these steps "Empty library" error is gone.

Intellij not detecting runConfigurations xml

I imported a simple sbt scala project in Intellij idea.
Once the project is imported, I create runConfigurations directory inside .idea directory and moved all the checked in runConfigurations inside
Still I am not able to see anu run configurations.
After you have imported the .run/****.xml file in the project folder, close the PyCharm project and reopen it.

Changing default settings for Cmake configuration in CLion

In the settings for CLion, CMake only appears in Build, Execution, Deployment under project specific settings. It does not exist under Default Settings. Is there a way I can specify a universal CMake configuration such that it is available to all projects by default for current and all future projects unless specified otherwise?
For example let's say I want to set the Generation path of all projects to a default location of build. Instead of manually editing the project settings for each project to include that, is there a workaround to set that as the default?
Please try to provide a solution that will only affect a local environment
Only starting from CLion 2019.3 there is ability to configure CMake defaults.
It will affect all new projects (without .idea config directory).
You can specify default build types/toolchains, CMake options, generation path etc.
Also there is pretty nice macro $PROJECT_NAME$.

How Add jar file to eclipse plugin?

I want to write a plugin in eclipse that sends active window title to a port when active window changes. For this purpose I have to add jna and jna-platform-win32 libraries to my plugin. This libraries add in compile time but when I want to use them in run time libraries not worked. How can I solve this problem in eclipse?
You must add the jars to the Bundle-Classpath in the plugin MANIFEST.MF and also include them in the '' file so they are included in the plugin build.
To add to the Bundle-Classpath open the plugin.xml editor and go to the 'Runtime' tab. Add the jars to the 'Classpath' section (you should also have a '.' entry for your normal plugin classes).
The 'Build' tab of the plugin.xml editor updates the file so make sure the jars are checked in the Binary Build section.