vkAllocateDescriptorSets returns VK_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY - vulkan

I wrote vulkan code on my laptop that worked, and then I got a new laptop and now running it, the program aborts because vkAllocateDescriptorSets() returns VK_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY.
I doubt that it is actually out of memory, and I know it can allocate some memory because VkCreateInstance() doesn't fail like in this stack overflow post: Vulkan create instance VK_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY.
EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention, vkAllocateDescriptorSets() only returns VK_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY the second time I run it.

vkAllocateDescriptorSets allocates descriptors from a pool. So while such allocation could fail due to a lack of host/device memory, there are two other things that could cause failure. There may simply not be enough memory in the pool to allocate the number of descriptors/sets you asked for. Or there could be enough memory, but repeated allocations/deallocations have fragmented the pool such that the allocations cannot be made.
The case of allocating more descriptors/sets than are available should never happen. After all, you know how many descriptors&sets you put into that pool, so you should know exactly when you'll run out. This is an error state that a working application can guarantee it will never encounter. Though the VK_KHR_maintenance1 extension did add support for this circumstance: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_POOL_MEMORY_KHR.
However, if you've screwed up your pool creation in some way, you will get this possibility. Of course, since there's no error code for it (outside of the extension), the implementation will have to provide a different error code: either host or device memory exhaustion.
But again, this is a programming error on your part, not something you should ever expect to see with working code. In particular, even if you request that extension, do not keep allocating from a pool until it stops giving you memory. That's just bad coding.
For the fragmentation case, they do have an error code: VK_ERROR_FRAGMENTED_POOL. However, the Khronos Group screwed up. See, the first few releases of Vulkan didn't include this error code; it was added later. Which means that implementations from before the adding of this error code (and likely afterwards) had to pick an inappropriate error code to return. Again, either host or device memory.
So you basically have to treat any failure of this function as either fragmentation, programming error (ie: you asked for more stuff than you put into the pool), or something else. In all cases, it's not something you can recover from at runtime.
Since it appeared to work once, odds are good that you probably just allocated more stuff than the pool contains. So you should make sure that you add enough stuff to the pool before allocating from it.

The problem was that I had not allocated enough memory in the pool. I solved it by creating multiple pools. One for each descriptor set.


Does class_getInstanceSize have a known bug about returning incorrect sizes?

Reading through the other questions that are similar to mine, I see that most people want to know why you would need to know the size of an instance, so I'll go ahead and tell you although it's not really central to the problem. I'm working on a project that requires allocating thousands to hundreds of thousands of very small objects, and the default allocation pattern for objects simply doesn't cut it. I've already worked around this issue by creating an object pool class, that allows a tremendous amount of objects to be allocated and initialized all at once; deallocation works flawlessly as well (objects are returned to the pool).
It actually works perfectly and isn't my issue, but I noticed class_getInstanceSize was returning unusually large sizes. For instance, a class that stores one size_t and two (including isA) Class instance variables is reported to be 40-52 bytes in size. I give a range because calling class_getInstanceSize multiple times, even in a row, has no guarantee of returning the same size. In fact, every object but NSObject seemingly reports random sizes that are far from what they should be.
As a test, I tried:
printf("Instance Size: %zu\n", class_getInstanceSize(objc_getClass("MyClassName"));
That line of code always returns a value that corresponds to the size that I've calculated by hand to be correct. For instance, the earlier example comes out to 12 bytes (32-bit) and 24 bytes (64-bit).
Thinking that the runtime may be doing something behind the scenes that requires more memory, I watched the actual memory use of each object. For the example given, the only memory read from or written to is in that 12/24 byte block that I've calculated to be the expected size.
class_getInstanceSize acts like this on both the Apple & GNU 2.0 runtime. So is there a known bug with class_getInstanceSize that causes this behavior, or am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Before you blame my object pool; I've tried this same test in a brand new project using both the traditional alloc class method and by allocating the object using class_createInstance(self, 0); in a custom class method.
Two things I forgot to mention before: I'm almost entirely testing this on my own custom classes, so I know the trickery isn't down to the class actually being a class cluster or any of that nonsense; second, class_getInstanceSize([MyClassName class]) and class_getInstanceSize(self) \\ Ran inside a class method rarely produce the same result, despite both simply referencing isA. Again, this happens in both runtimes.
I think I've solved the problem and it was due to possibly the dumbest reason ever.
I use a profiling/debugging library that is old; in fact, I don't know its actual name (the library is libcsuomm; the header for it has no identifying info). All I know about it is that it was a library available on the computers in the compsci labs (I did a year of Comp-Sci before switching to a Geology major, graduating and never looking back).
Anyway, the point of the library is that it provides a number of profiling and debugging functionalities; the one I use it most for is memory leak detection, since it actually tracks per object unlike my other favorite memory-leak library (now unsupported, MSS) which is based in C and not aware of objects outside of raw allocations.
Because I use it so much when debugging, I always set it up by default without even thinking about it. So even when creating my test projects to try and pinpoint the bug, I set it up without even putting any thought into it. Well, it turns out that the library works by pulling some runtime trickery, so it can properly track objects. Things seem to work correctly now that I've disabled it, so I believe that it was the source of my problems.
Now I feel bad about jumping to conclusions about it being a bug, but at the time I couldn't see anything in my own code that could possibly cause that problem.

NSZombies enabled, debug information

My Mac app is crashing with exc_bad_access on the run loops.
So I enabled NSZombies, and Now I don't see such error as expected ( As the objects are not de-allocated).
But, I don't find any useful NSZombie Log in the console.
Is there a way to identify the issue ?
It's challenging. The most common cause of this error in Cocoa is directly accessing your ivars rather than using accessors. Accessors make the vast majority of memory crashes go away.
That said, they're not the only cause of memory errors. You may be accessing memory other ways. NSZombie does one specific thing: When you deallocate an object, NSZombie says "don't actually deallocate the object." Instead it turns the object into a zombie object that prints an error if you send it messages. But that only helps if the crash is due to sending a message to a deallocated instance. It could be lots of other things.
You should start first with the crash stack itself. Look up the stack and see what kind of object it might be, or who might be calling it.
Read TN2124, particularly the section on the BSD Memory Allocator, and the Enabling the Malloc Debugging Features section of the memory Usage Performance Guidelines. There are lower-level tools than NSZombie that you can use. MallocScribble is often the most useful. It overwrites deallocated memory with 0x55 so that you're more likely to crash sooner, and to make it easier to detect deallocated memory in the debugger. MallocPreScribble is useful for finding uninitialized memory, but this really only helps if you do raw malloc calls. ObjC objects are always pre-initialized.
And of course you have to put on your detective hat. What parts of your program are most suspicious? Are you doing multi-threaded work (that can cause memory crashes if you don't lock correctly).
If it reproduces easily, then you'll figure it out. If it only happens occasionally, well... I've hunted bugs like that for many months sometimes. Sometimes it's just hard.
You need to use memory profiler for that. Just build with Profile option and select Leaks.

What do you think about this code in Objective-C that iterates through retain count and call release every iteration?

I'm still trying to understand this piece of code that I found in a project I'm working on where the guy that created it left the company before I could ask.
This is the code:
for (int i=myRetainCount; i>1; i--) {
[self release];
[self autorelease];
As far as I know, in Objective-C memory management model, the first rule is that the object that allocates another object, is also responsible to release it in the future. That's the reason I don't understand the meaning of this code. Is there is any meaning?
The author is trying to work around not understand memory management. He assumes that an object has a retain count that is increased by each retain and so tries to decrease it by calling that number of releases. Probably he has not implemented the "is also responsible to release it in the future." part of your understanding.
However see many answers here e.g. here and here and here.
Read Apple's memory management concepts.
The first link includes a quote from Apple
The retainCount method does not account for any pending autorelease
messages sent to the receiver.
Important: This method is typically of no value in debugging memory
management issues. Because any number of framework objects may have
retained an object in order to hold references to it, while at the
same time autorelease pools may be holding any number of deferred
releases on an object, it is very unlikely that you can get useful
information from this method. To understand the fundamental rules of
memory management that you must abide by, read “Memory Management
Rules”. To diagnose memory management problems, use a suitable tool:
The LLVM/Clang Static analyzer can typically find memory management
problems even before you run your program. The Object Alloc instrument
in the Instruments application (see Instruments User Guide) can track
object allocation and destruction. Shark (see Shark User Guide) also
profiles memory allocations (amongst numerous other aspects of your
Since all answers seem to misread myRetainCount as [self retainCount], let me offer a reason why this code could have been written: It could be that this code is somehow spawning threads or otherwise having clients register with it, and that myRetainCount is effectively the number of those clients, kept separately from the actual OS retain count. However, each of the clients might get its own ObjC-style retain as well.
So this function might be called in a case where a request is aborted, and could just dispose of all the clients at once, and afterwards perform all the releases. It's not a good design, but if that's how the code works, (and you didn't leave out an int myRetainCount = [self retainCount], or overrides of retain/release) at least it's not necessarily buggy.
It is, however, very likely a bad distribution of responsibilities or a kludgey and hackneyed attempt at avoiding retain circles without really improving anything.
This is a dirty hack to force a memory release: if the rest of your program is written correctly, you never need to do anything like this. Normally, your retains and releases are in balance, so you never need to look at the retain count. What this piece of code says is "I don't know who retained me and forgot to release, I just want my memory to get released; I don't care that the others references would be dangling from now on". This is not going to compile with ARC (oddly enough, switching to ARC may just fix the error the author was trying to work around).
The meaning of the code is to force the object to deallocate right now, no matter what the future consequences may be. (And there will be consequences!)
The code is fatally flawed because it doesn't account for the fact that someone else actually "owns" that object. In other words, something "alloced" that object, and any number of other things may have "retained" that object (maybe a data structure like NSArray, maybe an autorelease pool, maybe some code on the stackframe that just does a "retain"); all those things share ownership in this object. If the object commits suicide (which is what releaseMySelf does), these "owners" suddenly point to bad memory, and this will lead to unexpected behavior.
Hopefully code written like this will just crash. Perhaps the original author avoided these crashes by leaking memory elsewhere.

Can the try...catch mechanism be used to avoid memory crashes?

I am really interested to know that, Is it possible that using try ... catch mechanism, we can avoid memory crash of our application ... ??
Let say the program part that we are expecting a chance of memory leak is kept under try...catch block, if the program crashes (ie memory leak) occurs then catch statement execute. So we can prevent our program from being crashed.
Is it possible ? If yes, How Or If not , why not ??
A try/catch block is there to catch an exception and stop it from propagating upwards in your callstack.
The idea goes that you catch it at the place where you know how to handle it, and then you get a chance to execute code in response to the exception.
It is not a magical solution that will prevent anything, it is just what I said above. What you do with the exception is what matters.
And a memory leak and a crash is not the same thing, it is rare that a program crashes due to memory leaks, unless it actually runs out of memory. A memory leak is rarely "fixable" after the fact. The correct, and usually only, way to fix a memory leak is to avoid it happening in the first place.
Also, yes, in a way you can keep your program from crashing by adding try/catch blocks all over, but the only thing you've succeeded in is to hide the crash from the user, and then let the program continue running. "Crashes" are not always safe to ignore, or rather, they are usually not safe to ignore.
If you are looking for some catch-all advice on how to avoid a program crashing, here's my advice:
Write a program that works correctly
I think we need to know more about what kinds of problems you're having, or you need to post a clearer question.
I would not trust any in process system to do the right thing in case of an out of memory condition. We have systems which completely lock up when a PermGen exception occurs and need a kill -9 to get rid off.
If you want the system to self correct, wrap it in a script or a system which monitors the health, a heart beat or a diagnostics page or whatever makes sense. If you receive no health indication kill it (hard if necessary) and restart it.
Best of all is to use testing and validation to include monitoring the memory (and disk) usage and make sure you really know how your system behaves and is properly configured so it does not happen.
The restarting solution is a poor alternative, because you then must test and ascertain that you can kill your application at any time and be confident it can be restarted correctly, which might even be more difficult.
If you are asking "can I catch segmentation faults with try catch", the answer is no.
try catch is for handling Objective-C exceptions i.e. those raised by executing an #throw statement. Segmentation faults caused by e.g. null pointer dereferences are generated by the operating system and are examples of Unix signals and can only be caught and handled by OS level system calls e.g. the sigaction(2) system call. Even then, the only sane thing you can do is terminate the program immediately because you might have a corrupt heap or stack.

Does the .dispose() method do anything at all?

I was experimenting with ways to get rid of some memory leaks within my application the other day when I realized that I know virtually nothing about cleaning up my resources. I did some research, and hoped that just calling the .dispose() would solve all of my problems. We have a table in our database that contains about 65,000 records. Obviously when I fill my dataset from the data adapter, the memory usage can get pretty high. When I called the dispose method on the dataset, I was surprised to find out that NONE of the memory got released. Why did this happen? Clearing the dataset doesn't help either.
IDisposable and thus Dispose is not used to reduced memory pressure, although in some cases it might, but instead used for deterministic cleanup.
Consider this, you construct an object that maintains an active and open connection to your database server. This connection uses resources, both on your machine, and the server.
You could of course just leave the object be when you're done with it, and eventually it'll get picked up by the garbage collector, but suppose you want to make sure at least the resources gets freed, and thus the connection closed, when you're done with it. This is where IDisposable.Dispose comes into play.
It is used to clean up resources managed by the object.
It will, however, not free the managed memory allocated to the object. This is still left to the garbage collector, that will kick in at some later time to do that.
Do you actually have a memory problem, or do you just look at the memory usage in Task Manager or similar and go "that's a bit high."?
If the latter, then you should just leave it be for now. .NET will run garbage collection more often if you have less memory available, so unless you're in a situation where you get, or might suspect you will get soon, a memory overflow condition, you're probably not going to have any problems.
Let me explain what I mean by "run less often".
If you have 8GB of memory in your machine, and only have Windows and Notepad running, most of that memory will be available. When you now run your program, even if it loads minor data blocks into memory, you can keep doing that for a long time, and memory usage will steadily grow. Exactly when the GC will kick in and try to reduce your memory footprint I don't know, but I can almost guarantee you that you will wonder why it gets so high.
Let's just for the sake of the argument say that your program will eventually use 2GB of memory.
Now, if you run your program on a machine that has less memory available, GC will occur more often, and will kick in on a lower limit, which might keep the memory usage below 500MB or possibly even less.
The important part to note here is that in order for you to get an accurate picture of how much memory application actually requires, then you can't rely on Task Manager or similar ways to measure it, you need something more targetted.
Calling Dispose() will only release unmanaged resources, such as file handles, database connections, unmanaged memory, etc. It will not release garbage collected memory.
Garbage collected memory will only get released at the next collection. Usually when the application domain memory is deamed full.
I'm going to point out something here that hasn't been explicitly mentioned: calling Dispose() will only clean up (free) unmanaged resources if the developer of the component has coded it.
What I mean is this: if you suspect you have a memory leak, calling Dispose() is not going to fix it if the original developer has done a lousy job and not correctly freed up unmanaged resources. For a bit more info, check this blog post. Take note of the statement The behaviour of Dispose is defined by the developer.
Some objects will ask one or more other entities to do something on its behalf until further notice, to the detriment of other entities. If an object which did so were to disappear without informing the former entities that their services were no longer needed, those entities would continue to uselessly act on behalf of an object that no longer needed them, to the continuing detriment of other entities that would want to use them.
In many cases, for an object "George" to tell an outside entity "Joe" that its services were no longer needed, George would have to know that its services were no longer needed. There are two normal means via which that can happen in .NET, finalization and IDIsposable.
If an object overrides a method called Finalize, then when the object is created the .NET garbage collector will add it to a list of objects with registered finalizers. If the GC discovers that there exists no rooted reference to the object other than that list, the GC will remove the object from that list and add it to a strongly-rooted queue of objects which should have their Finalize method called as soon as possible. Such an object can then use its Finalize method to inform other entities that their services are no longer required.
Although finalization-based cleanup can sometimes work, there's no guarantee of timeliness. At one point during the design of .net Microsoft may have intended that finalization would be the primary cleanup method, but for a variety of reasons it cannot safely be relied upon.
The other cleanup approach, which should be the focus of one's efforts, is IDisposable. Basically, the idea behind IDisposable is simple: for every object that implements IDisposable, there should be one entity (generally either an object or a nested execution scope) which is responsible for ensuring that that object's IDisposable.Dispose method will get called sometime within the lifetime of the universe (which would imply sometime while a reference to the object still exists), and preferably as soon as code can tell that the object's services will no longer be required.
Note that IDisposable.Dispose generally promises that any outside entities which had been asked to do something on an object's behalf will be told that they no longer need to do so, but such a promise does not imply that the number of entities is non-zero. If an object hasn't asked any outside entities to do anything on its behalf, then delivering a message "all" such entities doesn't require doing anything at all. On the other hand, the fact that a Dispose method may do nothing in some cases doesn't mean that it's guaranteed never to do anything in any case, nor that failure to call it in those cases where it would do something won't have detrimental effects.