How to Remove Google Add when I add Google Custom Search Eng - seo

I have query related to Google Custom Search Eng
I have added Google Custom Search Eng to my website..when i search for things its display result well.But its also comes with Some add..
I dont wana this Google add ! (I dont go with payment option )
Let me know if is there any way !
please see the bellow image! enter image description here

#Varma Amit For not showing Ads just go to Business option in left menu and select do not show ad option.Refer the below image
Hope you get your answer.


Access the dp of a instagram account and show it dynamically in instagram story

Ok so i have no idea how this guy did this or is there a possible explanation to this but ill link to his IG account just check the story highlights and make sure that you're in a mobile. What it does is , it takes ur instagram dp and shows it as the most useless person, its fun but a cool trick, im pretty sure he uses some kind of code cause i think its dynamically entered(the dp?) into the story? but does instagram support this? Is there a way to do this ? Pls suggest. Thanks in advance :)
URl -
There is a new sticker called "comment sticker" that is already available in some countries like Indonesia and this sticker has the viewer dp on the left

How to implement instagrams location search

Please point me to the right directions, I want to implement this on my app:
The image above came from instagram app after tapping on Add to Photo Map option, 3rd page when adding a new image.
From what I understand so far, core location can give me the exact position of the device but not
the other locations I see on the page above as suggestions.
Those location names come from facebook places, you have call the facebook graph API for places and then find the corresponding instagram location id, here is related question with the answer:
So we decided to use foursquare's api.

How can i give my developer his own login to my FB APP

I've got a developer who's working on my FB APP, how can i give him access? At this moment everything still has to be done through me.
Regards , Rene
First things first, you're going to want to log in to and select the app you want to add the developer to at the top. You need to have the developer in your friends list or have their Facebook username handy.
So click on the Roles section, and you should see a section called "Developers":
Go ahead and click "Add Developers", and you'll be able to add the developer to your app.

How to create custom camera with user specified buttons in Android

I have created FB app in that i need Camera option. of course i want 3 buttons, one to take a picture and 2nd to save and Main thing is 3rd button that is to directly upload images to facebook without saving to specified location im Mobile. I searched a lot but cant get like this.So please help me out. Thanks in Advance

Google Chart API & GeoMaps

I'm stuck with an issue.
Hope someone already faced it and fixed it.
I would like to create a interactive geo maps like in Google Analytics. I mean a zoomable map from world to country to display geo infos.
I already have all the data split by regions, country and cities.
I'm able to put them on a Google geomap at one level. But when the user clicks on a country, I would like he can get more in Analytics at the end.
I have tried to add listeners on the geomap to get the event and I hoped to change the options of the geomap on the fly but no luck...
Does anyone have an idea ?
Thanks for your help.
I'll share it in case someone is interested.
In javascript,
You need to catch the region click event.
To be able to do this, you need to change the options of the geomap by speficying the region you're zooming in.
In it, you need to get the e['region'] value and to adapt your geo data accordingly.
Pass them to your geomap, redraw it and that's it.