Calculate SUM Column Wise using dinaymic query in SQL Server - sql

id varname 1area 2area 3area 4area
1 abc 345 3.7 34 87
1 pqr 46 67 78 55
1 lmn 67 99 33 44
2 xyz 78 78 33 32
I need to calculate SUM of column query.
Is it possible to get column count using while loop?

You probably want to do a SUM() of the Narea column group by your id column like
select id, sum(1area),
sum(2area), sum(3area), sum(4area)
from tbl1
group by id;


how to add a constant value (1) in an empty column in snowflake-matillion

my table looks like
id total avg test_no
1 445 89
2 434 85
3 378 75
4 421 84
I'm working on matillion-snowflake
I need my result to look like
id total avg test_no
1 445 89 1
2 434 85 1
3 378 75 1
4 421 84 1
Just use a Calculator component and set the value of the calculated column to 1
In Snowflake, you would modify the table using:
update t
set test_no = 1;
I assume that Matillion supports this as well.

how to concat corresponding rows value to make column name in pandas?

I have the below dataframe has in a messy way and I need to club row 0 and 1 to make that as columns and keep rest rows from 3 asis:
Start Date 2005-01-01 Unnamed: 3 Unnamed: 4 Unnamed: 5
Dat an_1 an_2 an_3 an_4 an_5
mt mt s t inch km
23 45 67 78 89 9000
change to below dataframe :
Dat_mt an_1_mt an_2 _s an_3_t an_4_inch an_5_km
23 45 67 78 89 9000
Dat_mt an_1_mt an_2_s an_3_t an_4_inch an_5_km
2 23 45 67 78 89 9000

hive sql get min and max values of multiple records

I have a query which results are
fruit street inventory need to_buy
banana 123 15 99 22
apple 4 32 68 44
banana 789 01 32 11
apple 9832 0 99 94
apple 85 839 12 48
banana 832 77 05 55
I want to get the minimum values for inventory, and need, and get the max to_buy value. but only have one record of each 'fruit'. the 'street' column is irrelevant and is not needed in the final result. The final result should look like
fruit inventory(min) need(min) to_buy(max)
banana 01 05 55
apple 0 12 94
Also the initial records may not be ordered at first so there are more 'fruits' inserted at random How can i achieve the desired result above?
Try this:
SELECT MIN(inventory), MIN(need), MAX(to_buy)
FROM tableName
GROUP BY fruits
This one should work:
SELECT fruits, MIN(inventory), MIN(need), MAX(to_buy)
FROM <table_name>
GROUP BY fruits

how to order student rank on the basis of obtain marks on different subject in sql

Here is our table
name math physics chemistry hindi english
pk 85 65 45 54 40
ashis 87 44 87 78 74
rohit 77 47 68 63 59
mayank 91 81 78 47 84
komal 47 51 73 61 55
we want to result show as (summing the grades essentially)
rank name total
1 mayank 381
2 ashis 370
3 rohit 314
4 pk 289
5 komal 287
SET #rank=0;
SELECT #rank:=#rank+1 AS rank,name,(math+physics+chemistry+hindi+english) as total
FROM tablename ORDER BY total DESC
this will produce your desired result as
rank | name | total
1 | mayank | 381
2 | ashis | 370
for more details take a look mysql ranking results
Try this
SELECT #curRank := #curRank + 1 AS rank, name, (math + physics + chemistry + hindi + history) AS total FROM table, (SELECT #curRank := 0) r ORDER BY total DESC;
This will sum all the fields and sort them by descending order and add a rank.
By doing SELECT #curRank := 0 you can keep it all in one SQL statement without having to do a SET first.

adding columns to get total and ranking total

this my table
2 amit 11 91 91 81
3 anirudh 11 88 87 81
4 akash 11 82 81 85
5 pratik 10 81 99 98
7 rekha 10 79 97 82
6 neha 10 89 91 90
8 kamal 10 66 68 69
1 ankit 11 97 98 87
i want to add last three columns and rank on that total partitioned by class
this is what i tried
select roll_no,name,class,total,
rank() over (partition by class order by total desc) as rank
from student_numbers,(select hindi+maths+science total from student_numbers)
but this is showing a very large table,with duplicate student name having different total .
I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to accomplish -- order the highest grades by class? If so, something like this should work:
FROM Student_Numbers SN
Roll_no, hindi+maths+science as Total
FROM Student_Numbers
) SN2 ON SN.Roll_No = SN2.Roll_No
Here is the SQL Fiddle.
Good luck.