How to store millions of statistics records efficiently? - sql

We have about 1.7 million products in our eshop, we want to keep record of how many views this products had for 1 year long period, we want to record the views every atleast 2 hours, the question is what structure to use for this task?
Right now we tried keeping stats for 30 days back in records that have 2 columns classified_id,stats where stats is like a stripped json with format date:views,date:views... for example a record would look like
345422,{051216:23212,051217:64233} where 051216,051217=mm/dd/yy and 23212,64233=number of views
This of course is kinda stupid if you want to go 1 year back since if you want to get the sum of views of say 1000 products you need to fetch like 30mb from the database and calculate it your self.
The other way we think of going right now is just to have a massive table with 3 columns classified_id,date,view and store its recording on its own row, this of course will result in a huge table with hundred of millions of rows , for example if we have 1.8 millions of classifieds and keep records 24/7 for one year every 2 hours we need
1800000*365*12=7.884.000.000(billions with a B) rows which while it is way inside the theoritical limit of postgres I imagine the queries on it(say for updating the views), even with the correct indices, will be taking some time.
Any suggestions? I can't even imagine how google analytics stores the stats...

This number is not as high as you think. In current work we store metrics data for websites and total amount of rows we have is much higher. And in previous job I worked with pg database which collected metrics from mobile network and it collected ~2 billions of records per day. So do not be afraid of billions in number of records.
You will definitely need to partition data - most probably by day. With this amount of data you can find indexes quite useless. Depends on planes you will see in EXPLAIN command output. For example that telco app did not use any indexes at all because they would just slow down whole engine.
Another question is how quick responses for queries you will need. And which steps in granularity (sums over hours/days/weeks etc) for queries you will allow for users. You may even need to make some aggregations for granularities like week or month or quarter.
Those ~2billions of records per day in that telco app took ~290GB per day. And it meant inserts of ~23000 records per second using bulk inserts with COPY command. Every bulk was several thousands of records. Raw data were partitioned by minutes. To avoid disk waits db had 4 tablespaces on 4 different disks/ arrays and partitions were distributed over them. PostreSQL was able to handle it all without any problems. So you should think about proper HW configuration too.
Good idea also is to move pg_xlog directory to separate disk or array. No just different filesystem. It all must be separate HW. SSDs I can recommend only in arrays with proper error check. Lately we had problems with corrupted database on single SSD.

First, do not use the database for recording statistics. Or, at the very least, use a different database. The write overhead of the logs will degrade the responsiveness of your webapp. And your daily backups will take much longer because of big tables that do not need to be backed up so frequently.
The "do it yourself" solution of my choice would be to write asynchronously to log files and then process these files afterwards to construct the statistics in your analytics database. There is good code snippet of async write in this response. Or you can benchmark any of the many loggers available for Java.
Also note that there are products like Apache Kafka specifically designed to collect this kind of information.
Another possibility is to create a time series in column oriented database like HBase or Cassandra. In this case you'd have one row per product and as many columns as hits.
Last, if you are going to do it with the database, as #JosMac pointed, create partitions, avoid indexes as much as you can. Set fillfactor storage parameter to 100. You can also consider UNLOGGED tables. But read thoroughly PostgreSQL documentation before turning off the write-ahead log.

Just to raise another non-RDBMS option for you (so a little off topic), you could send text files (CSV, TSV, JSON, Parquet, ORC) to Amazon S3 and use AWS Athena to query it directly using SQL.
Since it will query free text files, you may be able to just send it unfiltered weblogs, and query them through JDBC.


Bigquery partitioning table performance

I've got a question about BQ performance in various scenarios, especially revolving around parallelization "under the hood".
I am saving 100M records on a daily basis. At the moment, I am rotating tables every 5 days to avoid high charges due to full table scans.
If I were to run a query with a date range of "last 30 days" (for example), I would be scanning between 6 (if I am at the last day of the partition) and 7 tables.
I could, as an alternative, partition my data into a new table daily. In this case, I will optimize my expenses - as I'm never querying more data than I have too. The question is, will be suffering a performance penalty in terms of getting the results back to the client, because I am now querying potentially 30 or 90 or 365 tables in parallel (Union).
To summarize:
More tables = less data scanned
Less tables =(?) longer response time to the client
Can anyone shed some light on how to find the balance between cost and performance?
A lot depends how you write your queries and how much development costs, but that amount of data doesn't seam like a barrier, and thus you are trying to optimize too early.
When you JOIN tables larger than 8MB, you need to use the EACH modifier, and that query is internally paralleled.
This partitioning means that you can get higher effective read bandwidth because you can read from many of these disks in parallel. Dremel takes advantage of this; when you run a query, it can read your data from thousands of disks at once.
Internally, BigQuery stores tables in
shards; these are discrete chunks of data that can be processed in parallel. If
you have a 100 GB table, it might be stored in 5000 shards, which allows it to be
processed by up to 5000 workers in parallel. You shouldn’t make any assumptions
about the size of number of shards in a table. BigQuery will repartition
data periodically to optimize the storage and query behavior.
Go ahead and create tables for every day, one recommendation is that write your create/patch script that creates tables for far in the future when it runs eg: I create the next 12 months of tables for every day now. This is better than having a script that creates tables each day. And make it part of your deploy/provisioning script.
To read more check out Chapter 11 ■ Managing Data Stored in BigQuery from the book.

What would be the most efficient method for storing/updating Interval based data in SQL?

I have a database table with about 700 millions rows plus (growing exponentially) of time based data.
I also have 3 other tables grouping this data into Days, Months, Years which contains the sum of the value for each ID in that time period. These tables are updated nightly by a SQL job, the situation has arisen where by the tables will need to updated on the fly when the data in the base table is updated, this can be however up to 2.5 million rows at a time (not very often, typically around 200-500k up to every 5 minutes), is this possible without causing massive performance hits or what would be the best method for achieving this?
The daily, monthly, year tables can be changed if needed, they are used to speed up queries such as 'Get the monthly totals for these 5 ids for the last 5 years', in raw data this is about 13 million rows of data, from the monthly table its 300 rows.
I do have SSIS available to me.
I cant afford to lock any tables during the process.
700M recors in 5 months mean 8.4B in 5 years (assuming data inflow doesn't grow).
Welcome to the world of big data. It's exciting here and we welcome more and more new residents every day :)
I'll describe three incremental steps that you can take. The first two are just temporary - at some point you'll have too much data and will have to move on. However, each one takes more work and/or more money so it makes sense to take it a step at a time.
Step 1: Better Hardware - Scale up
Faster disks, RAID, and much more RAM will take you some of the way. Scaling up, as this is called, breaks down eventually, but if you data is growing linearly and not exponentially, then it'll keep you floating for a while.
You can also use SQL Server replication to create a copy of your database on another server. Replication works by reading transaction logs and sending them to your replica. Then you can run the scripts that create your aggregate (daily, monthly, annual) tables on a secondary server that won't kill the performance of your primary one.
Step 2: OLAP
Since you have SSIS at your disposal, start discussing multidimensional data. With good design, OLAP Cubes will take you a long way. They may even be enough to manage billions of records and you'll be able to stop there for several years (been there done that, and it carried us for two years or so).
Step 3: Scale Out
Handle more data by distributing the data and its processing over multiple machines. When done right this allows you to scale almost linearly - have more data then add more machines to keep processing time constant.
If you have the $$$, use solutions from Vertica or Greenplum (there may be other options, these are the ones that I'm familiar with).
If you prefer open source / byo, use Hadoop, log event data to files, use MapReduce to process them, store results to HBase or Hypertable. There are many different configurations and solutions here - the whole field is still in its infancy.
Indexed views.
Indexed views will allow you to store and index aggregated data. One of the most useful aspects of them is that you don't even need to directly reference the view in any of your queries. If someone queries an aggregate that's in the view, the query engine will pull data from the view instead of checking the underlying table.
You will pay some overhead to update the view as data changes, but from your scenario it sounds like this would be acceptable.
Why don't you create monthly tables, just to save the info you need for that months. It'd be like simulating multidimensional tables. Or, if you have access to multidimensional systems (oracle, db2 or so), just work with multidimensionality. That works fine with time period problems like yours. At this moment I don't have enough info to give you, but you can learn a lot about it just googling.
Just as an idea.

What is the maximum recommended number of rows that a SQL 2008 R2 standalone server should store in a single table?

I'm designing my DB for functionality and performance for realtime AJAX web applications, and I don't currently have the resources to add DB server redundancy or load-balancing.
Unfortunately, I have a table in my DB that could potentially end up storing hundreds of millions of rows, and will need to read and write quickly to prevent lagging the web-interface.
Most, if not all, of the columns in this table are individually indexed, and I'd love to know if there are other ways to ease the burden on the server when running querys on large tables. But is there eventually a cap for the size (in rows or GB) of a table before a single unclustered SQL server starts to choke?
My DB only has a dozen tables, with maybe a couple dozen foriegn key relationships. None of my tables have more than 8 or so columns, and only one or two of these tables will end up storing a large number of rows. Hopefully the simplicity of my DB will make up for the massive amounts of data in these couple tables ...
Rows are limited strictly by the amount of disk space you have available. We have SQL Servers with hundreds of millions of rows of data in them. Of course, those servers are rather large.
In order to keep the web interface snappy you will need to think about how you access that data.
One example is to stay away from any type of aggregate queries which require processing large swaths of data. Things like SUM() can be a killer depending on how much data it's trying to process. In these situations you are much better off calculating any summary or grouped data ahead of time and letting your site query these analytic tables.
Next you'll need to partition the data. Split those partitions across different drive arrays. When SQL needs to go to disk it makes it easier to parallelize the reads. (#Simon touched on this).
Basically, the problem boils down to how much data you need to access at any one time. This is the main problem regardless of the amount of data you have on disk. Even small databases can be choked if the drives are slow and the amount of available RAM in the DB server isn't enough to keep enough of the DB in memory.
Usually for systems like this large amounts of data are basically inert, meaning that it's rarely accessed. For example, a PO system might maintain a history of all invoices ever created, but they really only deal with any active ones.
If your system has similar requirements, then you might have a table that is for active records and simply archive them to another table as part of a nightly process. You could even have statistics like monthly averages (as an example) recomputed as part of that archival.
Just some thoughts.
The only limit is the size of your primary key. Is it an INT or a BIGINT?
SQL will happily store the data without a problem. However, with 100 millions of rows, your best off partitioning the data. There are many good articles on this such as this article.
With partitions, you can have 1 thread per partition working at the same time to parallelise the query even more than is possible without paritioning.
My gut tells me that you will probably be okay, but you'll have to deal with performance. It's going to depend on the acceptable time-to-retrieve results from queries.
For your table with the "hundreds of millions of rows", what percentage of the data is accessed regularly? Is some of the data, rarely accessed? Do some users access selected data and other users select different data? You may benefit from data partitioning.

Aggregates on large databases: best platform?

I have a postgres database with several million rows, which drives a web app. The data is static: users don't write to it.
I would like to be able to offer users query-able aggregates (e.g. the sum of all rows with a certain foreign key value), but the size of the database now means it takes 10-15 minutes to calculate such aggregates.
Should I:
start pre-calculating aggregates in the database (since the data is static)
move away from postgres and use something else?
The only problem with 1. is that I don't necessarily know which aggregates users will want, and it will obviously increase the size of the database even further.
If there was a better solution than postgres for such problems, then I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.
You are trying to solve an OLAP (On-Line Analytical Process) data base structure problem with an OLTP (On-Line Transactional Process) database structure.
You should build another set of tables that store just the aggregates and update these tables in the middle of the night. That way your customers can query the aggregate set of tables and it won't interfere with the on-line transation proceessing system at all.
The only caveate is the aggregate data will always be one day behind.
Possibly. Presumably there are a whole heap of things you would need to consider before changing your RDBMS. If you moved to SQL Server, you would use Indexed views to accomplish this: Improving Performance with SQL Server 2008 Indexed Views
If you store the aggregates in an intermediate Object (something like MyAggragatedResult), you could consider a caching proxy:
class ResultsProxy {
calculateResult(param1, param2) {
.. retrieve from cache
.. if not found, calculate and store in cache
There are quite a few caching frameworks for java, and most like for other languages/environments such as .Net as well. These solution can take care of invalidation (how long should a result be stored in memory), and memory-management (remove old cache items when reaching memory limit, etc.).
If you have a set of commonly-queried aggregates, it might be best to create an aggregate table that is maintained by triggers (or an observer pattern tied to your OR/M).
Example: say you're writing an accounting system. You keep all the debits and credits in a General Ledger table (GL). Such a table can quickly accumulate tens of millions of rows in a busy organization. To find the balance of a particular account on the balance sheet as of a given day, you would normally have to calculate the sum of all debits and credits to that account up to that date, a calculation that could take several seconds even with a properly indexed table. Calculating all figures of a balance sheet could take minutes.
Instead, you could define an account_balance table. For each account and dates or date ranges of interest (usually each month's end), you maintain a balance figure by using a trigger on the GL table to update balances by adding each delta individually to all applicable balances. This spreads the cost of aggregating these figures over each individual persistence to the database, which will likely reduce it to a negligible performance hit when saving, and will decrease the cost of getting the data from a massive linear operation to a near-constant one.
For that data volume you shouldn't have to move off Postgres.
I'd look to tuning first - 10-15 minutes seems pretty excessive for 'a few million rows'. This ought to be just a few seconds. Note that the out-of-the box config settings for Postgres don't (or at least didn't) allocate much disk buffer memory. You might look at that also.
More complex solutions involve implementing some sort of data mart or an OLAP front-end such as Mondrian over the database. The latter does pre-calculate aggregates and caches them.
If you have a set of common aggregates you can calculate it before hand (like, well, once a week) in a separate table and/or columns and users get it fast.
But I'd seeking the tuning way too - revise your indexing strategy. As your database is read only, you don't need to worry about index updating overhead.
Revise your database configuration, maybe you can squeeze some performance of it - normally default configurations are targeted to easy the life of first-time users and become short-sighted fastly with large databases.
Maybe even some denormalization can speed up things after you revised your indexing and database configuration - and falls in the situation that you need even more performance, but try it as a last resort.
Oracle supports a concept called Query Rewrite. The idea is this:
When you want a lookup (WHERE ID = val) to go faster, you add an index. You don't have to tell the optimizer to use the index - it just does. You don't have to change the query to read FROM the index... you hit the same table as you always did but now instead of reading every block in the table, it reads a few index blocks and knows where to go in the table.
Imagine if you could add something like that for aggregation. Something that the optimizer would just 'use' without being told to change. Let's say you have a table called DAILY_SALES for the last ten years. Some sales managers want monthly sales, some want quarterly, some want yearly.
You could maintain a bunch of extra tables that hold those aggregations and then you'd tell the users to change their query to use a different table. In Oracle, you'd build those as materialized views. You do no work except defining the MV and an MV Log on the source table. Then if a user queries DAILY_SALES for a sum by month, ORACLE will change your query to use an appropriate level of aggregation. The key is WITHOUT changing the query at all.
Maybe other DB's support that... but this is clearly what you are looking for.

Efficiently storing 7.300.000.000 rows

How would you tackle the following storage and retrieval problem?
Roughly 2.000.000 rows will be added each day (365 days/year) with the following information per row:
id (unique row identifier)
entity_id (takes on values between 1 and 2.000.000 inclusive)
date_id (incremented with one each day - will take on values between 1 and 3.650 (ten years: 1*365*10))
value_1 (takes on values between 1 and 1.000.000 inclusive)
value_2 (takes on values between 1 and 1.000.000 inclusive)
entity_id combined with date_id is unique. Hence, at most one row per entity and date can be added to the table. The database must be able to hold 10 years worth of daily data (7.300.000.000 rows (3.650*2.000.000)).
What is described above is the write patterns. The read pattern is simple: all queries will be made on a specific entity_id. I.e. retrieve all rows describing entity_id = 12345.
Transactional support is not needed, but the storage solution must be open-sourced. Ideally I'd like to use MySQL, but I'm open for suggestions.
Now - how would you tackle the described problem?
Update: I was asked to elaborate regarding the read and write patterns. Writes to the table will be done in one batch per day where the new 2M entries will be added in one go. Reads will be done continuously with one read every second.
"Now - how would you tackle the described problem?"
With simple flat files.
Here's why
"all queries will be made on a
specific entity_id. I.e. retrieve all
rows describing entity_id = 12345."
You have 2.000.000 entities. Partition based on entity number:
level1= entity/10000
level2= (entity/100)%100
level3= entity%100
The each file of data is level1/level2/level3/batch_of_data
You can then read all of the files in a given part of the directory to return samples for processing.
If someone wants a relational database, then load files for a given entity_id into a database for their use.
Edit On day numbers.
The date_id/entity_id uniqueness rule is not something that has to be handled. It's (a) trivially imposed on the file names and (b) irrelevant for querying.
The date_id "rollover" doesn't mean anything -- there's no query, so there's no need to rename anything. The date_id should simply grow without bound from the epoch date. If you want to purge old data, then delete the old files.
Since no query relies on date_id, nothing ever needs to be done with it. It can be the file name for all that it matters.
To include the date_id in the result set, write it in the file with the other four attributes that are in each row of the file.
Edit on open/close
For writing, you have to leave the file(s) open. You do periodic flushes (or close/reopen) to assure that stuff really is going to disk.
You have two choices for the architecture of your writer.
Have a single "writer" process that consolidates the data from the various source(s). This is helpful if queries are relatively frequent. You pay for merging the data at write time.
Have several files open concurrently for writing. When querying, merge these files into a single result. This is helpful is queries are relatively rare. You pay for merging the data at query time.
Use partitioning. With your read pattern you'd want to partition by entity_id hash.
You might want to look at these questions:
Large primary key: 1+ billion rows MySQL + InnoDB?
Large MySQL tables
Personally, I'd also think about calculating your row width to give you an idea of how big your table will be (as per the partitioning note in the first link).
Your application appears to have the same characteristics as mine. I wrote a MySQL custom storage engine to efficiently solve the problem. It is described here
Imagine your data is laid out on disk as an array of 2M fixed length entries (one per entity) each containing 3650 rows (one per day) of 20 bytes (the row for one entity per day).
Your read pattern reads one entity. It is contiguous on disk so it takes 1 seek (about 8mllisecs) and read 3650x20 = about 80K at maybe 100MB/sec ... so it is done in a fraction of a second, easily meeting your 1-query-per-second read pattern.
The update has to write 20 bytes in 2M different places on disk. IN simplest case this would take 2M seeks each of which takes about 8millisecs, so it would take 2M*8ms = 4.5 hours. If you spread the data across 4 “raid0” disks it could take 1.125 hours.
However the places are only 80K apart. In the which means there are 200 such places within a 16MB block (typical disk cache size) so it could operate at anything up to 200 times faster. (1 minute) Reality is somewhere between the two.
My storage engine operates on that kind of philosophy, although it is a little more general purpose than a fixed length array.
You could code exactly what I have described. Putting the code into a MySQL pluggable storage engine means that you can use MySQL to query the data with various report generators etc.
By the way, you could eliminate the date and entity id from the stored row (because they are the array indexes) and may be the unique id – if you don't really need it since (entity id, date) is unique, and store the 2 values as 3-byte int. Then your stored row is 6 bytes, and you have 700 updates per 16M and therefore a faster inserts and a smaller file.
Edit Compare to Flat Files
I notice that comments general favor flat files. Don't forget that directories are just indexes implemented by the file system and they are generally optimized for relatively small numbers of relatively large items. Access to files is generally optimized so that it expects a relatively small number of files to be open, and has a relatively high overhead for open and close, and for each file that is open. All of those "relatively" are relative to the typical use of a database.
Using file system names as an index for a entity-Id which I take to be a non-sparse integer 1 to 2Million is counter-intuitive. In a programming you would use an array, not a hash-table, for example, and you are inevitably going to incur a great deal of overhead for an expensive access path that could simply be an array indeing operation.
Therefore if you use flat files, why not use just one flat file and index it?
Edit on performance
The performance of this application is going to be dominated by disk seek times. The calculations I did above determine the best you can do (although you can make INSERT quicker by slowing down SELECT - you can't make them both better). It doesn't matter whether you use a database, flat-files, or one flat-file, except that you can add more seeks that you don't really need and slow it down further. For example, indexing (whether its the file system index or a database index) causes extra I/Os compared to "an array look up", and these will slow you down.
Edit on benchmark measurements
I have a table that looks very much like yours (or almost exactly like one of your partitions). It was 64K entities not 2M (1/32 of yours), and 2788 'days'. The table was created in the same INSERT order that yours will be, and has the same index (entity_id,day). A SELECT on one entity takes 20.3 seconds to inspect the 2788 days, which is about 130 seeks per second as expected (on 8 millisec average seek time disks). The SELECT time is going to be proportional to the number of days, and not much dependent on the number of entities. (It will be faster on disks with faster seek times. I'm using a pair of SATA2s in RAID0 but that isn't making much difference).
If you re-order the table into entity order
Then the same SELECT takes 198 millisecs (because it is reading the order entity in a single disk access).
However the ALTER TABLE operation took 13.98 DAYS to complete (for 182M rows).
There's a few other things the measurements tell you
1. Your index file is going to be as big as your data file. It is 3GB for this sample table. That means (on my system) all the index at disk speeds not memory speeds.
2.Your INSERT rate will decline logarithmically. The INSERT into the data file is linear but the insert of the key into the index is log. At 180M records I was getting 153 INSERTs per second, which is also very close to the seek rate. It shows that MySQL is updating a leaf index block for almost every INSERT (as you would expect because it is indexed on entity but inserted in day order.). So you are looking at 2M/153 secs= 3.6hrs to do your daily insert of 2M rows. (Divided by whatever effect you can get by partition across systems or disks).
I had similar problem (although with much bigger scale - about your yearly usage every day)
Using one big table got me screeching to a halt - you can pull a few months but I guess you'll eventually partition it.
Don't forget to index the table, or else you'll be messing with tiny trickle of data every query; oh, and if you want to do mass queries, use flat files
Your description of the read patterns is not sufficient. You'll need to describe what amounts of data will be retrieved, how often and how much deviation there will be in the queries.
This will allow you to consider doing compression on some of the columns.
Also consider archiving and partitioning.
If you want to handle huge data with millions of rows it can be considered similar to time series database which logs the time and saves the data to the database. Some of the ways to store the data is using InfluxDB and MongoDB.