How to Disable Apache Haus IT WORKS page in Windows Server 2012 - apache

All I can find on internet is how to remove in linux using /etc/httpd/conf.d/welcome.conf. I am using apache on windows and I can't find any way to remove it on windows.

Remove index.html from htdocs directory. If you installed apache on C:\Apache then index.html location will be c:\Apache\htdocs\index.html


How do I make the Apache Server point to the /var/www/html directory

In a new RHEL 7.5 server, I have created a var directory and within that the /www/html directory in which my website resides. When I try to access the website, I get the Apache Server Test page and mentions that the Apache server is running and I need to point to the /var/www/html directory.
How do I point the Apache Server to the /var/www/html directory?
You need to configure the available-sites and enabled-sites and remember to restart apache after changes in the config files.
Have a look at this guide:

Where to put website files in Bitnami LAMP Ubuntu server

Wheres the default folder in Bitnami LAMP? The server is running but I dont know where to put my html files? I mean in comparison with XAMPP and WAMP, the default is you put it on xampp/htdocs/ or wamp/www/.
I've tried using the /opt/bitnami/apache2/htdocs/ and it works but I don't know if thats the default folder to put my website files in LAMP.
Yes, that is the default folder for your HTML or PHP files. You can also add applications on top of Bitnami LAMP and they will be installed at /opt/bitnami/apps/ folder.
HTML and php files, Bitnami on Google Cloud Platform server are in
Config file httpd.conf in
HTML and program files on my AWS Bitnami server are in:
Config file httpd.conf it's in:

Bitnami redmine change port on Windows

I have an Bitnami Redmine installation on my windows. I access my redmine at this works well.
Now I want to change the port so that I can access
But when I change my httpd.conf file from my Apache I can't find the redmine homepage.
Did I miss something or does somebody has a solution for this issue?
Are you running under bitnami? if so, there's an extra step of updating this file:
maybe this will help you (see item 8)
8. Assuming that we will be hosting Redmine under http://localhost/redmine
Edit C:\webserver\Redmine\config\environment.rb file to configure Redmine to work as a sub-URI (Apache configuration is also required and is listed later on in this document).
add the following line at the bottom of the file:
Redmine::Utils::relative_url_root = "/redmine"

wamp webserver access the root directory

I was using xampp 2.4 webserver on my windows vista. I installed wamp 2.0 recently
the problem is : when I type http://localhost or I get the root directory for xampp not for the wamp
any idea about how to reach the wamp root folder from the browser ??
thank you for your help
I guess xampp is probably running on port 80 which is the default.
You need to edit your Apache config for WAMP and set the port to something like 8080
This link might help:
Oh and make sure you also start WAMP.

xampp - linking to directory not in root

I have just installed xampp and would like to link to some dev websites on a separate(not c) drive.
Previously in IIS, I would add a virtual directory in the default website. How do I do the equivalent in xampp. Any pointers appreciated.
Have a look at VHosts, or mod_alias.